- #1
- 15
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Homework Statement
A shell is fired from a cliff that is 36m above a horizontal plane. the muzzle speed of the shell is 80.0m/s and it is fired at an elevation of 25 degrees above the horizontal. a) show that thetime of flight is 7.84 seconds.
Homework Equations
dy = viy(t) + 0.5(a)(t2)
The Attempt at a Solution
i got yp to
0 = 0.5(-9.8)(t2) + (80sin25)(t) - (36)
now, i know that i msut use the quadratic eq. but why is that -36m wrong in the equation, in my corrections it says it should be a positive 36 and be a -36 when it is on the left side of the equation. How do i know when to make the vertical displacement negative?