When matter and anti-matter = explosion or not

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of matter and anti-matter colliding and the resulting energy burst. While there is a belief that this collision would produce an unimaginably large amount of energy, it is actually incorrect. Energy is not a separate entity, but rather a property of matter, and when matter and anti-matter collide, other particles are created and the energy produced is the kinetic energy of these particles. The idea of anti-matter being a source of endless energy is based on the assumption that we can easily generate large amounts of it, which is not yet possible. Additionally, the term "anti" in anti-matter refers to more than just electric charge, and while there are neutral particles with anti-particles, there are
  • #1
Gold Member
I have been told, and it has been written that matter and anti-matter destroys each other if they happen to bump into each other. The destruction is told to generate an energy burst beyond imaginary scales.
What I have a doubt about is this: If energy that is dense enough can produce elementary particles that later can create atoms such as hydrogen - as the big bang theory, how can it be possible for colliding matter and anti-matter to create an energyburst? It would be more logical that matter turns into energy, and anti-matter turns into anti-energy. Combind, those two matters cancel each other perfectly out with no boom, no trace at all - just turns silently into nothing.

What is your thought about this?


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  • #2
There is no such thing as anti-energy.
  • #3
Low-Q said:
... The destruction is told to generate an energy burst beyond imaginary scales.

It is not clear what you mean by this but you SEEM to mean that the meeting of one particle with its anti-particle would produce an unimaginably large amount of energy. That is completely wrong.
  • #4
phinds said:
It is not clear what you mean by this but you SEEM to mean that the meeting of one particle with its anti-particle would produce an unimaginably large amount of energy. That is completely wrong.
Sorry for not being clear - English is not my native language + I am not a scientist ;-))

So why do scientists say that anti-matter is a source of "endless energy"?
When a H-bomb blows up, a tiny fraction of the matter is converted to energy due to the fusion of hydrogen atoms that turns into helium.
However, when matter and anti-matter bumps into each other, 100% of that total matter turns into energy, scientists says. One particle at the time might not produce much energy, but what about a few solar masses that collides with a few anti-solar masses? I have calculated that the energy of the mass in one grape, if its mass is converted 100% into useful energy, it should be enough to power 1500 average houesholds for one year (E=MC^2).

I am confused - maybe because of the word "anti" that I thought should also be applied to the energy that anti-matter is converted into when colliding with matter. A sort of negative energy that consumes the positive energy, and vica versa. Energy cannot occour from the nothing that has been left from the collision...

I am however quite sure that science does not have all the answers. Many assumtions, and calculations that are based on them...

  • #5
Another assumption I think you're making... Energy is not a separate thing, it's a property of matter. When a particle and antiparticle annihilate, other particles are always created.. maybe photons, maybe something else. The energy that's produced is the kinetic energy of these particles.
  • #6
Low-Q said:
... So why do scientists say that anti-matter is a source of "endless energy"?

This is an exaggeration, based on the assumption that we could easily generate large amounts of anti-matter, which at present we cannot.
  • #7
Low-Q said:
So why do scientists say that anti-matter is a source of "endless energy"?
Who exactly said that?
  • #8
The "anti" in anti-matter refers to electric charge.

Ordinary matter is mostly made of positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and uncharged neutrons.

Anti-matter is mostly made of negatively charged anti-protons, positively charged anti-electrons (positrons), and uncharged neutrons (there are no "anti-neutrons").

Energy isn't charged so there's no "anti-energy".
  • #9
DrGreg said:
The "anti" in anti-matter refers to electric charge.
No, it does not. There are neutral particles that have a distinc anti-particle, and there are other charges besides electric charge that must be opposite for an anti-particle.

Low-Q said:
However, when matter and anti-matter bumps into each other, 100% of that total matter turns into energy, scientists says. One particle at the time might not produce much energy, but what about a few solar masses that collides with a few anti-solar masses? I have calculated that the energy of the mass in one grape, if its mass is converted 100% into useful energy, it should be enough to power 1500 average houesholds for one year (E=MC^2).
Yes, the amount of energy released for any sizable amount of mass is quite significant. It's not "unlimited", however. Nor "unimaginable". We, physicists, tend to be picky about the words being used. (For good reasons.) So try to be a little more careful.

And yes, in matter-anti-matter reaction all this energy gets released. Both matter and anti-matter carry positive quantities of energy. They don't cancel each other out. They add up.
  • #10
DrGreg said:
(there are no "anti-neutrons")
There are. And there are anti-neutrinos and antiparticles for other charged and uncharged particles, too.
Exceptions: The neutral pion, the Z boson, the photon and the Higgs boson are their own antiparticle (or do not have one, depending on the interpretation). Gluons are a bit special in that respect, too.

The "anti" in anti-matter refers to electric charge.
No. In addition to charge, many other quantum numbers are inversed, too.
  • #11
Oh, I didn't even catch that. But neutrons are composite particles, so they don't really make a good example. Neutrino is basically the only interesting case.
  • #12
Oops. I'll get my coat. :blushing:

FAQ: When matter and anti-matter = explosion or not

1. What is matter and anti-matter?

Matter and anti-matter are two types of particles that make up the universe. Matter is composed of atoms that have a positive charge, while anti-matter is composed of anti-atoms that have a negative charge.

2. How do matter and anti-matter interact?

When matter and anti-matter come into contact, they annihilate each other, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of gamma rays. This process is called annihilation.

3. Why does matter and anti-matter annihilation result in an explosion?

According to the laws of physics, matter and anti-matter have opposite charges. When they come into contact, they cancel each other out, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the form of radiation and heat. This energy release is what causes an explosion.

4. Can matter and anti-matter exist together?

In theory, matter and anti-matter can exist together, but they would quickly annihilate each other. In our universe, matter is more abundant than anti-matter, which is why we do not observe large-scale annihilation events.

5. How is matter and anti-matter studied in the scientific community?

Scientists use particle accelerators and other high-energy experiments to study the properties of matter and anti-matter and understand the processes that occur when they come into contact. These experiments also help us understand why there is more matter than anti-matter in our universe.
