Rap Music Fans: Share Your Fave Artists Here

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  • Thread starter gravenewworld
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In summary, people who like rap probably enjoy listening to more complex music. It seems like a lot of people on the board do not like rap, but they do like other types of music.
  • #1
Seems like a lot of death and heavy metal fans on the board. Anyone listen to any rap? I listen to a little bit. I listen to all stuff from hardcore punk, to rap, to oldies.
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  • #2
Yes. I like Rap. Id recommend common to get into rap. (I Listen to anything though).

...great song.
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  • #3
EMINEM all the way
  • #4
smart mouth+drum machine does not equal music. sorry.
  • #5
Says the guy who can't rap. :biggrin:

I believe it was people your age saying the same thing about that rock and roll when you were my age...
  • #6
The only time I listen to rap is when it's forced upon me by one of those cars driving down the road with the thumping stereo.

I used to like a little bit of the very old school rap, back before it was all dominated by the gangsta crap of today.
  • #7
Moonbear said:
The only time I listen to rap is when it's forced upon me by one of those cars driving down the road with the thumping stereo.

I used to like a little bit of the very old school rap, back before it was all dominated by the gangsta crap of today.

Not really, rap today isn't ganster. Sorry. You're off by a few years.

Modern rap

Gangster? Far from it.
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  • #8
turbo-1 said:
smart mouth+drum machine does not equal music. sorry.

Obviously you have never listened a group like The Roots.
  • #9
Cyrus said:
Not really, rap today isn't ganster. Sorry. You're off by a few years.

Well, the gangsta crap turned me off from it so entirely that I haven't listened to any in a few years. If the style has changed again, maybe I'll give it a new chance. Like I said, I liked some of it in the old school days, when it first came out on mainstream radio.
  • #10
Moonbear said:
Well, the gangsta crap turned me off from it so entirely that I haven't listened to any in a few years. If the style has changed again, maybe I'll give it a new chance. Like I said, I liked some of it in the old school days, when it first came out on mainstream radio.

The problem with rap is that there is a lot of bad rap out there. You have to really dig to find some good stuff, but its really good.
  • #11
Cyrus said:
Modern rap

Okay, it's improved since the gangsta crap...thank goodness! Though, that lead rapper is pretty lame sounding in that one (he's just talking like he's a stoned poet more than rapping/singing)...the chorus/background rappers are pleasant though. Though, I'm not even sure if I'd call that rap anymore...it's pretty different. I can't remember the artist now (dang), but there was one that one of my college friends listened to that sounded a lot like that...not really rap, but more rhythmic talking. At the time, the first time you listened to it, the reaction was "That's really weird, what the heck are you listening to?" but then it was sort of infectious after you heard it a couple times...pretty edgy for the time. This reminds me of that artist.
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  • #12
Cy, I watched both clips and couldn't stand either.

Almost the only piece of rap that I've ever liked is from the 90s - Coolio, Gangsta's Paradise!

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  • #13
Gokul43201 said:
Cy, I watched both clips and couldn't stand either.

Almost the only piece of rap that I've ever liked is from the 90s - Coolio, Gangsta's Paradise!

I like that one!
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  • #16
Gokul43201 said:
Cy, I watched both clips and couldn't stand either.

Almost the only piece of rap that I've ever liked is from the 90s - Coolio, Gangsta's Paradise!

Are you serious. He was a one hit wonder, and it stunk the first time.
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  • #17
THIS is good rap. :biggrin:
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  • #18
Cyrus said:
Says the guy who can't rap. :biggrin:

I believe it was people your age saying the same thing about that rock and roll when you were my age...
Cyrus, when I was in my teens I was playing guitar, trumpet, bass guitar, harp and other instruments and singing to make money. This was in the 1960's, and I got paid to play. Rap is crap.
  • #19
turbo-1 said:
Cyrus, when I was in my teens I was playing guitar, trumpet, bass guitar, harp and other instruments and singing to make money. This was in the 1960's, and I got paid to play. Rap is crap.

Thats your opinion, and you're entitled to it.

Moonbear, you'd like this.

  • #20
Moonbear said:
THIS is good rap. :biggrin:

YES RUN DMC!, I can sing along to a few of their songs.

Down with the king for years, about ten of them. Recruiting suckers mac mike and making men of them! Tears and fears for my peers they rippin it, you think that it is, it is, if not it isnt.
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  • #22
This is typically about as much rap as I can handle:
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  • #23
turbo-1 said:
Cyrus, when I was in my teens I was playing guitar, trumpet, bass guitar, harp and other instruments and singing to make money. This was in the 1960's, and I got paid to play. Rap is crap.

What do you think of Sun Ra?

Personally I'll take rap over Sun Ra. And yes, I play guitar and bass myself, so I can appreciate people who do the same. But the fact is that fancy rhyming and getting people interested despite having a repetitive beat is a skill. Look at techno. It's extremely simple, but gets people dancing more than Mozart, therefore it is used for things like raves instead of Mozart.
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  • #24
Gokul43201 said:
This is typically about as much rap as I can handle:

:smile: Yep, a classic. :biggrin:

I like that last one Cyrus linked to. I STILL don't understand how they can blast rap in clubs and people dance to it though (well, I guess that's more the crap rap I don't like). All these ones I like are more something to just chill out to, sit back in the chair and nod your head to it, not dance to it.
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  • #25
Poop-Loops said:
What do you think of Sun Ra?

Personally I'll take rap over Sun Ra. And yes, I play guitar and bass myself, so I can appreciate people who do the same. But the fact is that fancy rhyming and getting people interested despite having a repetitive beat is a skill. Look at techno. It's extremely simple, but gets people dancing more than Mozart, therefore it is used for things like raves instead of Mozart.

What the heck was that? I had no idea that I could have been a famous musician at the age of 5 when I played like that already! (Actually, I tended toward fugue-like sounds on my toy organ...I think any combination of keys you press on an organ can sound like a fugue.)
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  • #26
Moonbear said:
What the heck was that? I had no idea that I could have been a famous musician at the age of 5 when I played like that already! (Actually, I tended toward fugue-like sounds on my toy organ...I think any combination of keys you press on an organ can sound like a fugue.)

  • #28
Not a fan of lupe.
  • #29
Poop-Loops said:

He eschewed the topic of racism, and insisted his musicians avoid drug abuse,
Must be one of those "do as I say, not as I do" types. :bugeye:
  • #30
moose said:

That's an odd one. I don't like the rap part, but I like the chorus, which I guess is more hip-hop or pop...but I'm not really sure what category that falls into...it's definitely not rap because it's singing.
  • #31
I've always loved Digital Underground.

Wonder what happened to those guys.
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  • #32
I grew up with a group of friends that was heavy on rap, so rap is by far my favorite music genre (the influence is innevitable). Nearly 2/3 of my Ipod consist of rap songs, as a matter of fact. I mostly dislike modern rappers, though. Some of my favorite songs:




A classic:


And how can we forget:


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  • #33
Math Is Hard said:
I've always loved Digital Underground.

Wonder what happened to those guys.

Maybe that video killed them. I never heard that one before, and don't care much for it. Though, the lyrics are fun...I could envision them being reworked in the style of Will Smith's "Get Jiggy Wit' It" and being much better.
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  • #34
Is K-Os rap? I like K-Os. I also like Lupe Fiasco, Common, Immortal Technique, and Fort Minor. That's about as much rap as I listen to though. I used to listen to a lot of rap, but I fell out like three years ago because I got tired of all the mainstream stuff. I now mostly listen to music without words, trance and psytrance.
  • #35
Werg22 said:
I grew up with a group of friends that was heavy on rap, so rap is by far my favorite music genre (the influence is innevitable). Nearly 2/3 of my Ipod consist of rap songs, as a matter of fact. I mostly dislike modern rappers, though. Some of my favorite songs:




A classic:

That's all the crap I don't like. For some of them, you can barely even understand the lyrics, their diction is so bad.

I like Will Smith. Even if you don't care for the genre of music, you have to have respect for a guy who really kept his music clean in a time when everyone was getting more and more explicit with their lyrics for shock value. I really think he's a great role model too...partly because the reason he kept his lyrics clean was because of his grandmother's influence. I saw an interview with him once where he talked about that. He had been writing down some lyrics in a journal that were full of cuss words, and opened it up to write more one day to find a note from his grandmother telling him something along the lines that he was such a smart young man, surely he could find better words to express himself than those vulgar ones. He was partly embarrassed his grandmother saw what he had been writing and partly encouraged by her words about his intelligence, and was inspired by that to keep his lyrics clean for her (and you could tell by the way he talked about her in the interview that he really loved his grandma).
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