Why Are Solar Panels 21-22% efficient? How can efficiency improved?

  • #1
Spammer banned
How efficient are solar panels? How can their efficiency improve? Besides their benefits, what are the ecological impacts of solar energy?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What have you found so far by googling?
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Likes berkeman and Bystander
  • #3
Bobriakov said:
How efficient are solar panels? How can their efficiency improve? Besides their benefits, what are the ecological impacts of solar energy?
That's kind of a strange question coming from the Content Editor of a technical website where solar panels are discussed...

From you New Member Introduction thread:
Bobriakov said:
I'm Bobriakov and I will keep it precise and relevant. I am content editor on [website name redacted by the Mentors], a site all about a wide range of science topics, such as solar energy and it’s place for modern life.
  • #4
Thread is closed for now.