BCC Metals: An Anomaly in Atomic Packing Factor?

  • Thread starter Raziel2701
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In summary: This extra space might increase the strength of the material.According to conventional wisdom, BCC crystal structure in these elements is due to directed covalent bonds involving the d-orbitals.Ferromagnetism is not a property of the elements. It's a molecular property.Even in a metal, the bonds depend on the underlying electronic shells. That's why diamond, silicon and germanium, which have as many valence electrons and the same crystal structure, have different conduction band structure. Not magnetic characteristics, but probably electron configuration.
  • #1
If FCC and HCP are the ones with the highest atomic packing factor, why would there be metals with BCC structures?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Why does nature want a high packing factor?
  • #3
It seems that all the metals that have a bcc structure are transition metals. I list them here, together with their electron configuration, and their magnetic ordering:

  1. 26Fe [Ar] 3d6 4s2, ferromagnetic
  2. 24Cr [Ar] 4s1 3d5, antiferromagnetic (SDW)
  3. 74W [Xe] 4f14 5d4 6s2, paramagnetic
  4. 41Nb [Kr] 4d4 5s1, paramagnetic

I mention magnetic ordering, because I saw iron among them, and whenever I see iron, I think of ferromagnetism. Also, notice that the magnetic transition temperature (1043 K) is very close to a structural phase transition (fcc -> bcc, bcc existing at lower temperatures) temperature 1185 K.

I would speculate that the exchange interaction, usually responsible for magnetic ordering, plays a significant role in these metals, and lowers the energy in a bcc structure, than an fcc structure.
  • #4
So the reason for the existence of BCC metals has to do with magnetic characteristics? Ok that is definitely a good thing to think about. Unfortunately I don't know much about those. In any case, thanks for showing me this.
  • #5
Raziel2701 said:
So the reason for the existence of BCC metals has to do with magnetic characteristics? Ok that is definitely a good thing to think about. Unfortunately I don't know much about those. In any case, thanks for showing me this.
Not magnetic characteristics, but probably electron configuration.


The bcc atoms tend to have higher strength and higher melting temperatures than others in their respective periods.
  • #6
It seems that all the metals that have a bcc structure are transition metals.

Actually the alkali metals (group1) and barium and radium(group2) also have a BCC structure.

I echo Vanadium's comment and further ask is the packing difference (68 as opposed to 74%) so very large?
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  • #7
According to conventional wisdom, BCC crystal structure in these elements is due to directed covalent bonds involving the d-orbitals.
  • #8
Ferromagnetism is not a property of the elements. It's a molecular property.

Even in a metal, the bonds depend on the underlying electronic shells. That's why diamond, silicon and germanium, which have as many valence electrons and the same crystal structure, have different conduction band structure.

So a reason can be: because the preferred bonds of the element influence the crystal structure. In other words, metallic bonds are not just a matter of packing spheres in a sea of electrons.

You spoke about pure metals, didn't you? Because in alloys, different atom diameters can favour varied crystals.
  • #9
Studiot said:
Actually the alkali metals (group1) and barium and radium(group2) also have a BCC structure.

I echo Vanadium's comment and further ask is the packing difference (68 as opposed to 74%) so very large?
The alkali metals are discussed in many texts on solid state theory like Ashcroft and Mermin.
You also have to take in mind that in BCC, an atom has 8+6 nearest neighbours while in the closest packed structure only 12.

FAQ: BCC Metals: An Anomaly in Atomic Packing Factor?

1. Why do some metals have a body-centered cubic (BCC) crystal structure?

Some metals have a BCC crystal structure because their atoms are arranged in a way that minimizes the overall energy of the solid. In a BCC structure, each atom is surrounded by 8 neighboring atoms, which allows for strong bonds between them and creates a stable lattice.

2. What makes BCC metals different from other types of crystal structures?

BCC metals have a unique arrangement of atoms that differs from other types of crystal structures, such as face-centered cubic (FCC) or hexagonal close-packed (HCP). In a BCC structure, the atoms are arranged in a cube with one atom at each corner and one in the center of the cube, whereas in an FCC structure, there are atoms at each corner and one in the center of each face of the cube.

3. Are there any advantages to having a BCC crystal structure in metals?

Yes, there are several advantages to having a BCC crystal structure in metals. For example, BCC metals tend to have higher melting points and are more resistant to deformation, making them useful for applications where strength and durability are important.

4. Can metals have a mixture of BCC and other crystal structures?

Yes, it is possible for metals to have a mixture of BCC and other crystal structures. This can occur due to changes in temperature or pressure, which can cause the atoms to rearrange themselves into different crystal structures. However, the majority of metals tend to have a dominant crystal structure that is stable under normal conditions.

5. How does the BCC crystal structure affect the properties of metals?

The BCC crystal structure can have a significant impact on the properties of metals. For example, BCC metals tend to be more ductile and have higher tensile strength compared to metals with other crystal structures. BCC metals also have lower electrical and thermal conductivity, which can be advantageous in certain applications.

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