Why is gravitino a spin 3/2 particle?

In summary, the reason why graviton and gravitino have different superpartner particles is because it is "simpler" to have particles and sparticles that respect this scheme (s-1/2 and not s+1/2). The Chiral supermultiplet is an example of a supermultiplet with particles and sparticles that follow this rule.
  • #1
Graviton is a spin 2 particle. Why is its superpartner gravitino a spin 3/2 (2-1/2) particle and not a spin 5/2 (2+1/2) particle?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
one point is that there is no known way to write down an interacting theory with massless fields of spin higher than 2. you might not be impressed by that argument, but it matters if we want to actually calculate anything!

another (perhaps more robust) point is that the gravitino field plays the role of a "gauge connection" for the "gauged supersymmetry" that is supergravity. That is: the gravitino couples to the supercurrent, which is a vector-spinor, and must therefore be a vector-spinor itself if it's to couple in a Poincare-invariant way. Such an object is a combination of spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 fields, no spin-5/2 (and we project out the spin-1/2 in supergravity for physical reasons).
  • #3
Graviton is a spin 2 particle. Why is its superpartner gravitino a spin 3/2 (2-1/2) particle and not a spin 5/2 (2+1/2) particle?
Well we can ask the same question about fermions (1/2-1/2 and not 1/2+1/2) or electroweak gauge bosons..
the point is that it is "simpler" to construct supermultiplets with particles and sparticles that respect this scheme (s-1/2 and not s+1/2).

Think about the Chiral supermultiplet. we have a fermion with two degrees of freedom, so the simplest bosonic thing to add is a complex scalar field..
  • #4
Atakor said:
Well we can ask the same question about fermions (1/2-1/2 and not 1/2+1/2) or electroweak gauge bosons..
the point is that it is "simpler" to construct supermultiplets with particles and sparticles that respect this scheme (s-1/2 and not s+1/2).

Think about the Chiral supermultiplet. we have a fermion with two degrees of freedom, so the simplest bosonic thing to add is a complex scalar field..

I don't agree with this logic. Nowhere does it say nature has to be "simple"! And what about the Higgs, that goes against this rule?

The reason why we don't have spin-1 partners for the fermions is that spin-1 particles have a gauge symmetry associated with them (they HAVE to if you want to satisfy unitary conditions) and gauge particles must be in the adjoint (real) representation. However, the fermions (like the top quark) are in complex representations, so this is a contradiction. This is why the standard model fermion SUSY partners are scalars and not vectors. It has nothing to do with the "easiness" of the model.

Similarly, the only way to couple spin-3/2 is as the "gauge field of local supersymmetry" which requires a graviton, as hinted to above. that's why the gauginos are not spin-3/2 - such a representation cannot have interactions!

That being said: there are ways to generalize the MSSM to have vector partners for the fermions, but they are quite complicated. For example, take a look at http://arxiv.org/abs/0806.0386

FAQ: Why is gravitino a spin 3/2 particle?

1. Why does the gravitino have a spin of 3/2?

The spin of a particle is a fundamental property that describes its angular momentum. In the case of the gravitino, it has a spin of 3/2 because it is a fermion, which means it follows the fermionic statistics and has a half-integer spin value. This is determined by the spin-statistics theorem, which states that all particles with half-integer spin are fermions.

2. How does the spin of the gravitino affect its interactions?

The spin of a particle plays a crucial role in its interactions with other particles. In the case of the gravitino, its spin of 3/2 makes it a spin-3/2 fermion, which means it interacts through the gravitational force with other particles. This is because the gravitino is the supersymmetric partner of the graviton, the carrier particle of the gravitational force.

3. Can the spin of the gravitino change?

According to the laws of quantum mechanics, the spin of a particle is a conserved quantity and cannot change. Therefore, the gravitino will always have a spin of 3/2 in any interaction or physical process.

4. How was the spin of the gravitino determined?

The spin of the gravitino was first predicted by theoretical models in the 1970s, which proposed the existence of supersymmetry. Later on, experiments at particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider, confirmed the existence of supersymmetric particles, including the gravitino, and their predicted spin values.

5. Are there other particles with a spin of 3/2?

Yes, the gravitino is not the only particle with a spin of 3/2. Other examples include the Delta baryon and the Omega baryon, which are both hadrons made up of three quarks. However, the gravitino is unique in that it is the only spin-3/2 fermion that interacts through the gravitational force.

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