Why is plasma frequency in ev and not hz

In summary, eV is used to express the plasma frequency and relaxation frequency because it is a convenient unit for working with electromagnetic properties of materials. The Debye length is a characteristic length scale for how charge carriers in a material screen electric fields. This information is relevant for understanding the behavior of light in materials and can be useful in studying electronic effects.
  • #1
Why is the plasma frequency and the relaxation frequency expressed in eV instead of Hz? eV is a measurement of energy, not frequency.

What is the plasma frequency, relaxation requency and Debe length, and how are they all related?


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  • #2
eV can also be used as a unit of electromagnetic frequency. Remember the photoelectric effect result:


Thus, a E/M wave of frequency [itex]\omega[/itex] can just as easily be labeled by it's photon energy. In some cases this is preferred, just because the numbers are easier to work with. For example,

A light wave of frequency, 4X10^14Hz has a photon energy of ~1.65eV. I think most people would agree that the second number is less cumbersome to work with.

Experimentally, it's also useful to express frequency in eV, especially if you are studying electromagnetic properties of materials. Many electronic effects in materials (usually labeled by energy differences between bands, etc.) cause noticeable effects in the frequency spectrum of the materials dielectric constant or index of refraction. Thus, it makes sense to leave frequency in units of eV, if you are looking for such effects.

When given a frequency of light in eV, you can convert back to Hz by dividing by Planck's constant.

The Plasma frequency is a characteristic frequency for plasma systems or a system, like metals, where the charge carriers can be treated as a plasma. Basically, if you treat the electrons in a metal as being SHO oscillators, with the Coulomb force as the restoring force, and drive the electrons with an external E-Field, the resonance frequency you will obtain will be the plasma frequency.

For a metal, light with frequency less than the plasma frequency is mostly reflected. The transmitted light is screened and drops exponentially in strength inside the material. For light above the plasma frequency, the charge carriers cannot respond quickly enough to screen the field, and the light is mostly transmitted.

The Debye length is the characteristic length scale over which charge carriers in a material screen the electric field to 1/e of it's initial value.
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  • #3
that was a great answer.

see if you can answer my question farther down the 'quantum physics' thread list, which involves more of the core of what I'm trying to do.

the thread is:
"using the drude equation to find the dielectric function"

Thanks for the response,

  • #4
also, nice avatar.

FAQ: Why is plasma frequency in ev and not hz

1. Why is plasma frequency measured in electron volts (eV) instead of hertz (Hz)?

The plasma frequency is a characteristic frequency at which a plasma (ionized gas) oscillates. It is measured in electron volts because it is related to the energy of the electrons in the plasma, which is typically in the range of electron volts. On the other hand, hertz is a unit of frequency, which is a measure of the number of cycles per second. Plasma frequency is not measured in hertz because it does not represent a periodic motion.

2. How is plasma frequency related to energy and frequency?

Plasma frequency is directly related to the energy and frequency of the electrons in the plasma. The higher the energy of the electrons, the higher the plasma frequency. Similarly, the higher the frequency of the oscillations in the plasma, the higher the plasma frequency. This relationship is described by the equation: Plasma Frequency = √(n * e^2 / ε0 * m)

3. Why is plasma frequency important in plasma physics?

The plasma frequency is an essential parameter in plasma physics because it determines the behavior and properties of plasmas. It is used to study the collective motion of electrons in a plasma and to understand the behavior of electromagnetic waves in a plasma. It is also crucial in the design and operation of plasma-based technologies, such as plasma TVs, fusion reactors, and plasma thrusters.

4. Does plasma frequency vary in different types of plasmas?

Yes, the plasma frequency can vary in different types of plasmas. It depends on the density of the plasma, the type and concentration of ions and electrons present, and the temperature of the plasma. For example, the plasma frequency in a hot, dense plasma like the one found in the sun will be much higher than in a low-temperature, low-density plasma used in plasma TVs.

5. Can plasma frequency be manipulated or controlled?

Yes, plasma frequency can be manipulated and controlled to some extent. By changing the density, temperature, and composition of the plasma, the plasma frequency can be altered. It is also possible to externally apply electric or magnetic fields to a plasma to modify its plasma frequency. These techniques are used in various plasma technologies to control the behavior of plasmas and the properties of electromagnetic waves within them.
