Why isn't the constant force problem in QM classes?

In summary: Zz.Yes, but it is STILL a linear potential barrier.The WKB approximation simply allows one to already "pre-determine" the wavefunction, rather than solving for one explicitly. In many cases, this is a detail that isn't necessary since all one cares about is the transmission probability that determine the current density. Thus, the WKB wavefunction is good... good enough for what is needed.In summary, there is no concept of force in quantum mechanics. Instead, one deals with observables which are mathematical objects. The linear potential, which can be treated as a constant force, has been investigated and its solution is given by Airy functions. This potential is commonly used in tunneling barrier models
  • #1
I have not been able to find the quantum constant force problem in the various QM texts that I have checked. I am certain it was not covered in any of the classes I took. Why is that? I would think it would be next thing covered after free particles.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
There's no such thing as "force" in QM.


P.S. A linearly coordinate depending potential energy operator (in the Schrödinger picture, Dirac fomulation) (let's say coming from a constant and homogenous gravitational field of a massive pointlike particle) has a discrete spectrum of eigenvalues and the Airy functions as eigenfunctions.
  • #3
You mean solving of Schrodinger equation with a constant force?
  • #4
There's no force in the SE, get over it.

  • #5
Physically, u just need to have a position dependent potential.
  • #6
Have you never come across a triangular well ? I think that's what you are looking for.
  • #7
QMrocks said:
Physically, u just need to have a position dependent potential.

Not necessarily. Think of a free particle acted upon by a time dependent perturbation to the Hamiltonian.

  • #8
There's no force in the SE, get over it.

But [itex]F = -\nabla U[/itex]

and I believe U appears in the Schrodinger equation.
  • #9
This is true; however as you know the non-relativistic Schrodinger equation is a scalar-valued equation. To be analogous to Newton's laws directly, you would have to have a vector-valued function in a differential equation that becomes the Schrodinger equation with some mathematical trickery. If you want to follow the classical prescription.
  • #10
pellman said:
I have not been able to find the quantum constant force problem in the various QM texts that I have checked. I am certain it was not covered in any of the classes I took. Why is that? I would think it would be next thing covered after free particles.

It is the triangular potential, and it is used, because the Earth gravity field (near its surface) does this. I have a colleague here at the ILL which plays with bouncing cold neutrons in the gravity field and he studies their quantum properties, V. Nesvizhevsky. Do a search on his name, you'll find some papers about it.

  • #11
My lecturer worked out the problem of Schrodinger equation with constant force term (i.e FX, where F is a the constant value of the force and X is the postition operator) in his notes, just by using the Heisenberg equation of motion.

Also in electron transport problems in devices, one have to deal with electron transport with a triagular potential, but with open boundary.
  • #12
dextercioby said:
There's no such thing as "force" in QM.


P.S. A linearly coordinate depending potential energy operator (in the Schrödinger picture, Dirac fomulation) (let's say coming from a constant and homogenous gravitational field of a massive pointlike particle) has a discrete spectrum of eigenvalues and the Airy functions as eigenfunctions.

Sorry, i do not understand this concept. Does using the concept of 'force' (as in the gradient of potential V) in QM leads to serious contradictions in theory? Maybe when one try to deal with vector potential A in EM?
  • #13
There is no force, there are only observables which are mathematical objects (1). "Force" is the key concept in the Newtonian formulation of classical mechanics. However, to apply the quantization scheme proposed by Dirac (2), on has to use the Hamiltonian formulation of classical dynamics. J.Schwinger (3) proposed a construction which starts from the Lagangian action. However, classically, before quantization, such concepts as "momentum, force, acceleration, velocity" are basically useless when applying the quantization postulate.


(1) densly defined selfadjoint linear operators acting on the (rigged, if unbounded) separable Hilbert space of states.
(2) Graded Dirac bracket on the reduced phase space goes to [tex] \frac{1}{i\hbar} [/tex] times graded Lie gracket.
(3) See R. Newton "Quantum Physics for Graduate Students", Springer Verlag.
  • #14
convert it into potential

Constant force can be treated as linear potential. Then you can solve it sectionally. A similar problem has been investigated: V(x)=ABS(x). The solution to this potential is just Airy functions. But it doesn't have as much practical value as the ones show up in QM books(like oscillator potential and coulomb potential) and usully linear effect could be easily dealt with perturbation theory.You can check it in some mathematical handbook for Airy functions.
  • #15
Observable said:
Constant force can be treated as linear potential. Then you can solve it sectionally. A similar problem has been investigated: V(x)=ABS(x). The solution to this potential is just Airy functions. But it doesn't have as much practical value as the ones show up in QM books(like oscillator potential and coulomb potential) and usully linear effect could be easily dealt with perturbation theory.You can check it in some mathematical handbook for Airy functions.

Surprisingly enough, the linear potential IS quite widely used, especially in many tunneling barrier model. One of the most common application is in the Fowler-Nordheim model of field emission (see, for example, http://ece-www.colorado.edu/~bart/book/msfield.htm). The simplest approximation to such a phenomenon is a triangular barrier. This is the model most people use to describe field emission, and if you know what that is, you'll know that your plasma screen and many other devices make use of this effect.

  • #16
ZapperZ said:
Surprisingly enough, the linear potential IS quite widely used, especially in many tunneling barrier model. One of the most common application is in the Fowler-Nordheim model of field emission (see, for example, http://ece-www.colorado.edu/~bart/book/msfield.htm). The simplest approximation to such a phenomenon is a triangular barrier. This is the model most people use to describe field emission, and if you know what that is, you'll know that your plasma screen and many other devices make use of this effect.

I think those applications are actually treated by WKB approximation, so comes the linear potential
  • #17
Observable said:
I think those applications are actually treated by WKB approximation, so comes the linear potential

Yes, but it is STILL a linear potential barrier.

The WKB approximation simply allows one to already "pre-determine" the wavefunction, rather than solving for one explicitly. In many cases, this is a detail that isn't necessary since all one cares about is the transmission probability that determine the current density. Thus, the WKB wavefunction is good enough.

  • #18
Besides FETs, there's a whole host of other places where you see approximations to triangular wells or linear potentials - in modulation doped heterostructures, metal-semiconductor interfaces, biased junctions, etc.

And in most of these places, the linearity of the potential does not come out of the approximation used to model the system (in any case, such an approximation is chosen for a reason) but is the expected/designed profile.
  • #19
pellman said:
I have not been able to find the quantum constant force problem in the various QM texts that I have checked.

See J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, revised ed. Problem 24, Chapter 2. :smile:
  • #20
aav said:
See J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, revised ed. Problem 24, Chapter 2. :smile:
And the bit about gravity-induced interference between neutron beams (also in Ch. 2) :bugeye:
  • #21
Observable said:
I think those applications are actually treated by WKB approximation, so comes the linear potential

I should point out here that although almost everyone does use the WKB approximation in these cases, there has been a bit of a move in recent times to be more cautious in the application of the FN equation to arrays of emitters. Look at K Jensen's papers on FE - see especially his chapter in Vacuum Microelectronics.
  • #22
Kane O'Donnell said:
I should point out here that although almost everyone does use the WKB approximation in these cases, there has been a bit of a move in recent times to be more cautious in the application of the FN equation to arrays of emitters. Look at K Jensen's papers on FE - see especially his chapter in Vacuum Microelectronics.

Yes, I'm aware of that, since I've talked to him a few times and have been looking into why people are using the FN model BEYOND the region of applicability, such as in a high-gradient photoinjector.

I think Kevin and I share a common "bond" - we're both refugees from condensed matter working in accelerator physics. :)

  • #23
Regardig what most of you have said:

is acceleration and mass observables? If so, why force is not an observable ?
Even in Heisenberg picture, equations with operators like force never show up?

FAQ: Why isn't the constant force problem in QM classes?

1. Why is the constant force problem not discussed in QM classes?

The constant force problem is not discussed in QM (quantum mechanics) classes because it does not have as much practical significance as other problems in QM. In most cases, the forces acting on particles in quantum systems are not constant, making the constant force problem less relevant to real-world applications. Therefore, it is not a priority for QM courses to cover this problem.

2. Is the constant force problem not important in understanding quantum mechanics?

The constant force problem is still important in understanding QM, but it is not a fundamental concept and can be easily derived from other principles. QM classes typically focus on the fundamental principles and concepts that are necessary for understanding the behavior of quantum systems, and the constant force problem is not considered as one of them.

3. Are there any real-world applications of the constant force problem in quantum mechanics?

While the constant force problem may not be as relevant to real-world applications as other problems in QM, it still has some practical applications. For example, it can be used to study the behavior of particles in a uniform magnetic field or to analyze the motion of charged particles in a constant electric field. However, these applications are usually covered in more advanced QM courses rather than in introductory classes.

4. Will not learning about the constant force problem hinder my understanding of quantum mechanics?

No, not learning about the constant force problem will not hinder your understanding of QM. As mentioned earlier, the constant force problem can be easily derived from other principles and is not considered a fundamental concept in QM. Therefore, not learning about it will not affect your overall understanding of quantum mechanics.

5. Do other physics courses cover the constant force problem?

In most cases, the constant force problem is covered in classical mechanics courses rather than in QM classes. This is because the problem is more relevant to classical mechanics, where forces are often assumed to be constant. However, some advanced QM courses may touch on this problem to provide a deeper understanding of certain concepts or to bridge the gap between classical and quantum mechanics.

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