Why ##\omega=0## for a matter dominated universe?

In summary: For relativistic particles P=β2/(3+3β2/2)ε , isn't it?? where β=v/c and for non relativistic it is only (β2/3)ε?
  • #1
From the energy equation E=m0c2/√(1-v2/c2) for non-relativistic gas molecules (v<<c) ,E reduces to m0c2...(1)
From ideal gas law PV=nRT
(If n moles of a gas is taken in volume V at temp T and volume V,m0 being the mass of each molecule at equipibrium)
From equipartition theorem

3/2kBT=m0c2(total energy of each molecule)
Putting this in P becomes
P=2/3ε(energy density)
Therefore (P=ωε) ω=2/3 (Nonrelativistic gas)
But for matter dominated universe we take ω=0
Why is it so??
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
Apashanka said:
3/2kBT=m0c2(total energy of each molecule)
This is wrong. The kinetic energy of each particle is ##k_BT/2## per spatial dimension. For a gas to be non-relativistic, you need ##T \ll m_0## and so very little of the energy density is due to the kinetic energy due to thermal motion. In fact, it is exactly the reason why ##P \ll \rho## and therefore ##w \simeq 0##.
  • #3
Orodruin said:
This is wrong. The kinetic energy of each particle is ##k_BT/2## per spatial dimension. For a gas to be non-relativistic, you need ##T \ll m_0## and so very little of the energy density is due to the kinetic energy due to thermal motion. In fact, it is exactly the reason why ##P \ll \rho## and therefore ##w \simeq 0##.
Ok it will be then P=εv2/3c2 and for NR v<<c and therefore P~0.
Thanks I got it now.
  • #4
Apashanka said:
Ok it will be then P=εv2/3c2 and for NR v<<c and therefore P~0.
Thanks I got it now.
Yup! Which means that in the very early universe, matter behaved like radiation. This fact complicates the expansion history early-on, as matter became non-relativistic over time.
  • #5
kimbyd said:
Yup! Which means that in the very early universe, matter behaved like radiation. This fact complicates the expansion history early-on, as matter became non-relativistic over time.
For relativistic particles P=β2/(3+3β2/2)ε , isn't it?? where β=v/c and for non relativistic it is only (β2/3)ε
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FAQ: Why ##\omega=0## for a matter dominated universe?

1. Why is ##\omega=0## for a matter dominated universe?

In cosmology, the parameter ##\omega## represents the equation of state, which describes the relationship between the pressure and density of the universe. For a matter dominated universe, the equation of state is ##\omega=0## because matter has a low pressure compared to its density. This means that the expansion of the universe is primarily driven by the gravitational pull of matter, rather than the pressure of other forms of energy like radiation or dark energy.

2. How does a matter dominated universe affect the expansion of the universe?

A matter dominated universe leads to a slower expansion compared to a universe dominated by other forms of energy. This is because matter has a lower pressure, which means it does not resist the gravitational pull as much. As a result, the expansion of the universe is primarily driven by the gravitational pull of matter, leading to a slower expansion rate.

3. Can a matter dominated universe explain the current state of the universe?

Yes, a matter dominated universe can explain the current state of the universe. In the early stages of the universe, matter dominated the energy density, leading to a slower expansion rate. As the universe expanded and cooled, matter clumped together to form galaxies and other structures. This process of structure formation is consistent with observations of the universe today.

4. How does the equation of state affect the evolution of the universe?

The equation of state plays a crucial role in determining the evolution of the universe. It determines the balance between the expansion of the universe and the gravitational pull of matter and other forms of energy. A matter dominated universe with ##\omega=0## leads to a slower expansion, while a universe dominated by dark energy with ##\omega=-1## leads to an accelerated expansion.

5. Is a matter dominated universe the only possible scenario?

No, a matter dominated universe is not the only possible scenario. In fact, the universe has gone through different phases of domination by different forms of energy. In the early stages, radiation was the dominant form of energy, followed by matter domination, and currently, dark energy is thought to be the dominant form of energy. The equation of state can change over time, leading to different phases of the universe's evolution.
