Who Said With Malice Toward None?

  • Thread starter marcus
  • Start date
In summary: You are consistently dismissing and insulting the work of others without providing any evidence or logical arguments to back up your claims. Instead of engaging in productive discussions, you resort to name-calling and personal attacks. This behavior is not conducive to advancing physics and finding a complete theory of quantum gravity.
  • #1
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a little history quiz, who said this?

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in...


I think now is a bad time to be making a stink about how much research money has been (possibly mis-)spent on string.

Rather than getting distracted we would do better to concentrate attention on where QG progress is being made.

for example, check out this video + dynamite 5-page paper by Krasnov

Renormalizable Non-Metric Quantum Gravity?

to get video, type in the PIRSA number: 06110041

Krasnov (orig. from Kiev, Ukraine; PhD 1999 Penn State adv. Ashtekar) is one of the new generation QG.

Lee Smolin and Laurent Freidel were all over this video with questions, rarely heard the two of them so stirred up in a seminar talk.

When ice is breaking on the river, a churl complains how long winter lasted. It's poor timing.
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  • #2
The secret is in "the work we are in" - the Civil War.
  • #3
In his wonderful book Not Even Wrong, Peter Woit quotes Nobel Prize winner David Gross,

"Scientists have yet to develop more than fragments of what they presume will ultimately be a complete theory. . . Nevertheless, sring theorists are already collecting the spoils that ordinarily go to the experimental victors, including federal grants, prestigous awards and tenured faculty positions. Less than a decade ago, there were hardly any jobs for string theorists. . .Nowadays, if you're a hotshot young theorist you've got it made."

So it is that physics has been separated from reality. ST & LQG have been promising Quantum Gravity for years upon years, and it seem strange that Marcus is so intent on hyping the latest hype.

Note that Marcus provides no postulates, nor equations, nor physics, but only hype about hype.

At some point, in order to advance physics, this board should consider opeing up to logic and reason, instead of hype and ad-hominen attacks.

I look forward to that day.
  • #4
autumnwests, I do not see where anyone has attacked you, other than to disagree - and politely so for the most part. I do see how your posts might be considered inflammatory. I assume it's a journalism thing to expose the dark side of your target groups belief system. So, I reject your baseless accusations, unfounded assumptions and will not dignify them by feeding this obvious troll.
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  • #5
autumnwests said:
At some point, in order to advance physics, this board should consider opeing up to logic and reason, instead of hype and ad-hominen attacks.

As on outsider, but a particle physicist who is not working on String theory or LQG, it seems to me that you are the one instigating the hype and the ad-hominem attacks.

FAQ: Who Said With Malice Toward None?

1. What does the phrase "With malice toward none" mean?

The phrase "With malice toward none" is a famous quote from Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address. It means to have no ill will or hatred towards anyone, even those who may have wronged you.

2. Why did Abraham Lincoln use the phrase "With malice toward none" in his second inaugural address?

Abraham Lincoln used the phrase "With malice toward none" in his second inaugural address as a way to promote unity and forgiveness between the North and South after the Civil War. He wanted to emphasize the importance of moving forward and rebuilding the country together.

3. What is the historical significance of the phrase "With malice toward none"?

The phrase "With malice toward none" is historically significant as it reflects Lincoln's compassionate and forgiving nature. It also serves as a reminder of the challenges and divisions faced by the country during the Civil War and the importance of unity and reconciliation.

4. How does the phrase "With malice toward none" relate to modern society?

In modern society, the phrase "With malice toward none" can serve as a reminder to practice forgiveness and understanding towards others, even in times of conflict and division. It also highlights the importance of promoting unity and working towards common goals for the betterment of society.

5. What is the overall message of "With malice toward none"?

The overall message of "With malice toward none" is to promote unity, forgiveness, and compassion towards others, even in the face of adversity. It serves as a reminder to strive towards a more peaceful and harmonious society, despite any differences or conflicts that may arise.
