Is World of Warcraft Really as Addictive as People Say?

  • Thread starter franznietzsche
  • Start date
In summary: I've sunk a lot of time into the game, and I'm currently an officer in a guild with about 30 members, so I don't see myself jumping forums.The fact that you can't change realms at will is, I believe, one of the biggest shortcomings of the entire game. What's funny is that all of the people on Blizzard's forums think Blizzard is retarded because they can't figure out how to copy some bits from one server to another. I'm pretty sure the real problem has nothing to do with bits -- they could easily zap a character from one server to another, since it's just a database record. The problem is likely with the game's economics -- if people zap players with
  • #1
I finally got World of Warcraft.

I haven't had that much addictive fun in a straight 12 hour period since i played Solar Eclipse ( a favorite MUD of mine). Absolutely awesome. The game is just a joy to play, and at times, the graphics are gorgeous. Dun Morogh is just awesome looking.
Physics news on
  • #2
So you have left us for this thing you call WoW huh? Pff, well we didn't want you anyway, yeah.

Good to see that you are having fun :smile:
  • #3
What server did you sign on to?

... wait till you get to Ferelas if you want to see awesome.
  • #4
If you dorks ever want to create characters on one server and play together, let the forum know. My girlfriend and I are pretty hooked on WoW, too. We play on the Medivh realm.

- Warren
  • #5
Silvermoon server here.

I currently an officer in a guild with about 30 members, so I don't see myself jumping forums.
  • #6
The fact that you can't change realms at will is, I believe, one of the biggest shortcomings of the entire game. What's funny is that all of the people on Blizzard's forums think Blizzard is retarded because they can't figure out how to copy some bits from one server to another. I'm pretty sure the real problem has nothing to do with bits -- they could easily zap a character from one server to another, since it's just a database record. The problem is likely with the game's economics -- if people zap players with large amounts of money back and forth from one server to another, it's possible that some servers will end up quite wealthy while others become poor in both magic items and in currency. Imagine if people made characters on other realms simply to get magic item drops, and then moved those items onto their preferred server. It would be unfair for everyone. Blizzard has announced plans to allow people to move their characters between realms, but I have no idea how they've decided to solve this problem.

- Warren
  • #7
I'm on Scarlet Crusade (RP) right now, but i'd be happy to make a character on another server to get a PF group going at some point.
  • #8
I think one of us should stake a claim, since it seems no one wants to be the one to suggest a realm. It takes ten people to create a guild, yes?

Let's pick one low-traffic PvE (or RP) server, and we'll all make new characters there. It seems fair that everyone should have to start afresh.

Any thoughts? Scarlet Crusade is one of the few low-pop RP servers, so it actually makes pretty good sense.

- Warren
  • #9
Scarlet crusade is fine by me :biggrin:
  • #10
Well, I for one will not be moving servers. I'm firmly entrenched in my guild on Silvermoon and am extremely hesitant to dump a L52 mage for the heck of it.
  • #11
You don't have to lose your characters -- just start a new one on another realm so we nerds can play together (some of the time).

- Warren
  • #12
enigma said:
Well, I for one will not be moving servers. I'm firmly entrenched in my guild on Silvermoon and am extremely hesitant to dump a L52 mage for the heck of it.

You can have characters on more than one realm
  • #13
I'm intrigued by this game. I'll have to check this one out..
  • #14
enigma said:
Well, I for one will not be moving servers. I'm firmly entrenched in my guild on Silvermoon and am extremely hesitant to dump a L52 mage for the heck of it.

Sounds like it's time to cut you off! Do they have a 12-step program for this addiction? :-p

*ducks and runs* :smile:
  • #15
chroot said:
My girlfriend and I are pretty hooked on WoW, too.

Have you ever heard of a geekier couple? :biggrin:
  • #16
Chrono said:
Have you ever heard of a geekier couple? :biggrin:

:smile: It's good for couples to have common interests.

Although...Chroot, do you and your girlfriend IM each other when sitting in different rooms of the same apt to let each other know when it's time for dinner? How about if you're sitting in the same room? :biggrin: If so, we're going to need a 12-step program for you too. :-p
  • #18
You guys must have a lot of damn free time. Leela and I play a couple nights a week and we're only level 18.

- Warren
  • #19
chroot said:
You guys must have a lot of damn free time. Leela and I play a couple nights a week and we're only level 18.

- Warren

I level really slow now, it takes me a good 8-9 hours to level.
  • #20
chroot said:
You guys must have a lot of damn free time. Leela and I play a couple nights a week and we're only level 18.

- Warren

Well, I have been playing since final stress test. I've done the lowbie quests for humans and dwarves so many times it only takes me 8 hours to get a player to level 10, and about 2-3 hours per level up to the high teens.

I am now drooling for the endgame raiding quests. My guild has already started hunting the globe for dragons to kill. Occulus, Tick, the one in Alterac Highlands, the two in Badlands... all have fallen. We're getting reeeeallly close to being able to take out Erinakus in the sunken temple. Once we get a few more L60 peeps (we've got 2), we'll start hunting the really big ones... the ones guarded by the L60+ dragonkin. Onyxia will be our b****.
  • #21
Chrono said:
Have you ever heard of a geekier couple? :biggrin:

I have a friend who got his gf counterstrike for valentine's. So that's a yes.
  • #22
chroot said:
You guys must have a lot of damn free time. Leela and I play a couple nights a week and we're only level 18.

- Warren

I have a lvl 13 dwarf pally, and a lvl 10 night elf hunter, after two days. Although, it took me all of today to get that dwarf from level 10 to 13. And I've been playing all day.

to Moonbear:

There can be no 12-step program, i don't think its possible to only play small amounts. I start playing and hours just disappear. Completely. I'm not sure where today went...somewhere between Stormwind and Loch Modan most likely...
  • #23
hahaha, me was goin to put a post for this game, but da "nether" wuz fasta

Me be a troll priest lvl 21 "2nd rank in guild monorachity" on silverhand, we rocks, theonly thing is ppl in the guild complain of my low lvl, but yet high organizing for the guild...

Me having couple to play when this amazing server is down on skullcrusher [i can deul you greg a lot, specially u may now that Silver hand is almpost never online :biggrin: ]

Wnna really my advise: Play RP: Cooler ppl, more mature, fighitn ppl who want to fight, and battlegounrd is coming, and u are safe from nasty gankers who kill you without honor "a LOSER are those alliance who are lvl 60's ad kill me on lahguin skull, me lvl 25 priests there...yeah i do love priests class :approve: "
  • #24
Any body here play on lightbringer?
  • #25
I weaned myself. I retired with a 60 mage, 31 rogue, 22 warlock, and 12 shaman. Then I canceled my account. It's boring after 60. Played from final beta.
  • #26
i actually just played for my first time a few days ago. it was kinda like sim city... you know, building things, strengthening the economy, making money having jobs, But then people starting killing my little people and i didn't like it so much anymore... I spose i just can't appreciate it well enough... why can't everyone just be friends?
  • #27
People can't kill you unless you're on a player-versus-player server.

- Warren
  • #28
Since we're on the topic of MMO's: DO NOT PLAY THE MATRIX ONLINE. It is complete and utter intrinsic CRAP.
  • #29
Icebreaker said:
Since we're on the topic of MMO's: DO NOT PLAY THE MATRIX ONLINE. It is complete and utter intrinsic CRAP.

Would you care to elaborate
  • #30
Icebreaker said:
Since we're on the topic of MMO's: DO NOT PLAY THE MATRIX ONLINE. It is complete and utter intrinsic CRAP.

You couldn't guess that from the title?

'Nuff Said
  • #31
WoW? You guys should be playing Final Fantasy 11. That is a much better game.

I recently went up the the heavens to slay mighty demigods, all 40 of us at level 70++ and we still got our @$$e$ handed to us. If you guys need any cool screen shots to prove it, send me an email.
  • #32
When will there ever be a Final Final Grand Finale Totally Final Finally Final Fantasy? It's the friggin never ending story
  • #33
It will be a Final Final Grand Finale Totally Final Finally Final Fantasy when Square Enix decides it's time to do that, unitl then I'm going to enjoy this while i can, oh and Front Mission Online is going to start soon. I'm going to kiss reality goodbye very very soon.

Exit the REAL World, Enter the next.
  • #34
The_Professional said:
When will there ever be a Final Final Grand Finale Totally Final Finally Final Fantasy? It's the friggin never ending story

Not really. The games are hardly connected to each other at all. The connection from one game to the next is less than the connection between frogger games. The only things the final fantasy games have in common with each other are 1) name, 2) genre, 3)certain game play elements (chocobos anyone? combat system, spell system) but even those have changed dramatically over the cours of the series, 4) soundtracks featuring music from previous games. Storylines are completely unconnected (with the exception of X-2, but honestly, who cares about that one?).
  • #35
OMG! WoW is crack! I can't stop playing! I play for like 10 hours straight! Right now I have a level 29 rogue on Bloodhoof.