Write an inequality and solve for the maximum possible value of n

  • #1
Mass of a book of type X = 40g;

Mass of a book of type Y=80g;

The total mass of n books of type X and one book of type Y is less than 200g;

i. Write down an inequality containing the variable n only.

ii. Solve the above inequality for n and write down the maximum possible value for n

So how should the inequality be written (Thinking) Help needed (Wink)
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  • #2
Are you asking, in particular, what is the total weight of $n$ books each of which weighs 40g? Perhaps you can consider multiplication...
  • #3
Evgeny.Makarov said:
Are you asking, in particular, what is the total weight of $n$ books each of which weighs 40g? Perhaps you can consider multiplication...

Hello (Wave),

I think you should build and inequality as the problem states; can you help me build one
  • #4
According to education.com, multiplication is covered in third grade. I am willing to give you more explicit help if you confirm that you study in third grade or below.

MHB helpers have to distinguish between people who want others to do work for them and people who have legitimate difficulties because we don't want to encourage the former behavior. Not doing any work for a simple problem is suspicious. Also, it goes against http://mathhelpboards.com/rules/, which requires showing some effort.
  • #5
Evgeny.Makarov said:
According to education.com, multiplication is covered in third grade. I am willing to give you more explicit help if you confirm that you study in third grade or below.

MHB helpers have to distinguish between people who want others to do work for them and people who have legitimate difficulties because we don't want to encourage the former behavior. Not doing any work for a simple problem is suspicious. Also, it goes against http://mathhelpboards.com/rules/, which requires showing some effort.

Hmm.. Apologies It took me some time to figure out the inequality, I'm sorry at the time of posting this I had no working or ideas, I promise that won't happen again,

Sorry MHB! (Wasntme) if I went against rule #11, I think that I belong to the category under "legitimate difficulties".

Back to math :)

Think this should be the inequality in i

Many Thanks :)
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  • #6
mathlearn said:
Think this should be the inequality in i
That's correct! And since the inequality is strict, the maximum possible value for $n$ is 2.