Z-transform of this Logistic Difference Equation

In summary, the conversation discusses obtaining an expression for a z-transform for a non-linear equation, the logistic map, and its chaotic trajectories. While the z-transform is not applicable in this case, numerical methods can be used to analyze the equation. The purpose of the conversation was to verify the results obtained through numerical simulations and to utilize the knowledge of discrete control systems in solving the problem. It is suggested that further study in chaos theory may be necessary to fully understand the concept.
  • #1
Homework Statement
Find an expression for the Z-transform of the following equation: [tex] x_{n + 1} = r x_{n} \left( 1 - x_{n} \right) [/tex]
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I am trying to work out how I could obtain an expression for a z-transform for the following expression:
[tex] x_{n + 1} = r x_{n} \left( 1 - x_{n} \right) [/tex]

I am hoping to derive X(z) and then use the final value theorem to show agreement with numerically calculated steady state values.

I haven't made it very far because I don't know what to do with a convolution term I have in my z-transform.

Taking the Z-transform of both sides we get: (we will let [itex] \bar{X} = X(z) = Z \{ x_{n} \} [/itex])
[tex] z \bar{X} = r \bar{X} - r \bar{X} * \bar{X} [/tex]
How would I deal with the convolution term here without explicitly knowing an expression for [itex] \bar{X} [/itex]? Is it possible to proceed with this approach?

Thanks in advance for the help.
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  • #2
I think that's a non-linear equation for which the z transform is inapplicable.
  • #3
The equation is also called the Logistic map and is one of the simplest maps that exhibit chaotic trajectories for r = 4 and other interesting behaviors (like bifurcation) at other values.

While some theoretical insight can be gain via the mathematical tools used to analyze chaotic systems, the z-transform is of no use (as already mentioned). The most accessible way to analyze this particular equation is via numerical methods, that is, simply running the sequences for different values of r and initial values and cataloging the long-term behavior of the time series.

I am a bit puzzled that you are given a homework assignment for making a z-transform of this equation. Can you elaborate on where this comes from?
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  • #4
Filip Larsen said:
I am a bit puzzled that you are given a homework assignment for making a z-transform of this equation. Can you elaborate on where this comes from?

Thanks for the replies (both @rude man and @Filip Larsen ). So the original problem was asking us to use numerical simulations and I did those just fine. There was a side question that was asking us to verify that what we saw was what one might expect. The previous topic in this discrete class was on discrete control systems, so I just (naively) tried to apply that material to this content. I haven't studied any chaos theory mathematics yet, so I will just set this to the side for now and re-visit it when I have the required knowledge.

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  • #5
A part of the mathematical tools used for this is stability analysis, which for simple systems and maps can be fairly straight forward. See for instance this page for some examples for the Logistic map (haven't read the page in detail, but the derivations looks similar to what I remember from my old textbooks on non-linear stability analysis).
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FAQ: Z-transform of this Logistic Difference Equation

What is the purpose of using the Z-transform on a logistic difference equation?

The Z-transform is used to convert a discrete-time signal, such as a logistic difference equation, into a function of the complex variable z. This allows for analysis and manipulation of the signal in the z-domain, which can provide useful insights into the behavior of the system described by the difference equation.

How is the Z-transform of a logistic difference equation calculated?

The Z-transform of a logistic difference equation is calculated by taking the discrete-time signal and applying the formula Z{x[n]} = Σx[n]z^(-n), where x[n] is the discrete-time signal and z is the complex variable. This results in a function of z that represents the z-transform of the signal.

What are the advantages of using the Z-transform on a logistic difference equation?

One advantage of using the Z-transform is that it allows for analysis of the signal in the z-domain, which can provide insights into the behavior of the system. Additionally, the Z-transform can be used to solve difference equations and determine the stability of a system.

Can the Z-transform be used on any type of difference equation?

Yes, the Z-transform can be applied to any discrete-time signal, including difference equations. However, the signal must be discrete-time in order for the Z-transform to be applicable.

How is the Z-transform related to the Laplace transform?

The Z-transform is a discrete-time counterpart of the continuous-time Laplace transform. Both transforms are used to convert signals from the time domain to the complex frequency domain. The main difference is that the Z-transform is used for discrete-time signals, while the Laplace transform is used for continuous-time signals.

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