Frightening Double Slit Experiment Interpretation

In summary, the conversation discusses a YouTube video featuring Thomas Warren Campbell, a physicist and author, who makes assertions about the double slit experiment. He claims that reality is not objective, a measuring device does not disturb the measurement of photons, and a conscious observer can change the distribution of particles on a wall. However, this is contradicted by the Steinberg Double Slit Experiment from Science June 2011. The conversation also questions why a physicist working for NASA would make such claims and suggests that Campbell may be considered a "crackpot." The conversation concludes by discussing the possibility that sensational claims may sell more books than factual ones.
  • #1
I noticed a youtube video, where Thomas Warren Campbell, a physicist and author of the book trilogy My big TOE the last standing for Theory of Everything and apparently he also works for NASA, deducts some very disturbing things from a certain double slit experiment.

Here it is, I marked the beginning where the big words start rolling, just put it behind the youtube url ...


To summarize he makes the following assertions:

1. Reality is not objective

2. When used, a measuring device will not disturb the measurement of photons in the Double Slit Experiment. Something else does it.

3. A conscious observer by observing the particle [retroactively] changes it's distribution on the "wall". If a conscious observer, knows, just knows where the particle went, by looking at the measurement data (I remind you in his model the measurement does not interfere with the photons) he will alter what he is about to see when he checks the "wall" data.​

I have read the Steinberg Double Slit Experiment from Science june 2011 and it seems very clear from that paper that one can measure the photon and get a diffraction pattern. So that seems to demonstrate that Thomas' whole premise is wrong, that the measurement truly was disturbing that which was being measured, until the Steinberg team found a way.

Well, is this guy Tom Campbell just full of it or ... I don't know why a physicist that works for NASA would jump to such wild conclusions. I don't feel good dismissing any idea without further review... Maybe I just don't get it?

Please help me get my head around this!
Physics news on
  • #2
I doubt there was any universal agreeement over the experiment claiming knowing the trajectories of photons, and still produce interference. And from the top of my head, they only knew about the average trajectory all up, not for each individual photon. I think also from memory they did not claim the photon went through either slit.
  • #3
Aweffewa said:
Well, is this guy Tom Campbell just full of it or ... I don't know why a physicist that works for NASA would jump to such wild conclusions. I don't feel good dismissing any idea without further review... Maybe I just don't get it?

Campbell is on the 'crackpot index', so to speak. I would not waste my time with that stuff.

Just two comments and ideas on why a physicist working for NASA might jump to such wild conclusions:

1) Being a good scientist in one field does not stop one from being a crackpot in a different discipline. There have even been Nobel prize winners who went astray.

2) Books containing wild sensational claims typically sell much better than well written books only containing facts and reasonable assumptions.

FAQ: Frightening Double Slit Experiment Interpretation

What is the "Frightening Double Slit Experiment Interpretation"?

The Frightening Double Slit Experiment Interpretation is a thought experiment in quantum mechanics that explores the concept of wave-particle duality. It involves firing particles, such as electrons, through two slits and observing the resulting interference pattern, which challenges traditional ideas about the nature of reality.

What is wave-particle duality?

Wave-particle duality is the concept that particles can exhibit characteristics of both waves and particles. This means that they can have both a definite position and a spread-out wave-like behavior, depending on how they are observed or measured.

What is the significance of the double slit experiment?

The double slit experiment is significant because it demonstrates the strange behavior of particles at the quantum level, challenging the classical understanding of the physical world. It also provides evidence for the concept of wave-particle duality and the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.

What is the interpretation of the double slit experiment results?

The interpretation of the double slit experiment results is a subject of debate among scientists and philosophers. Some interpret the results as evidence of the existence of parallel universes, while others believe it simply reflects the limitations of our understanding and measurement tools at the quantum level.

How does the "Frightening Double Slit Experiment Interpretation" differ from other interpretations of the double slit experiment?

The "Frightening Double Slit Experiment Interpretation" is unique in its emphasis on the unsettling implications of the experiment, particularly regarding the nature of reality and the role of the observer in shaping it. Other interpretations may focus on the technical aspects of the experiment or offer different explanations for the results.
