What's more important amps,r watts or volts?

In summary, the conversation discusses an experiment with a halogen bulb and different types of batteries. The speaker found that the voltage from small batteries drops when connected to something that requires a lot of current. The voltage on the lamp determines its brightness, and a battery's internal resistance affects its output voltage. The speaker also mentions that a battery's amp-hour rating determines how long it will last. They have two questions about how tiny batteries can power a high-amp bulb and what factor makes the bulb brighter.
  • #1
Last night i did an experiment with a halogen bulb, rated at 12v 100w (8.33amps) dc.
The exact model is this:
I used to turn that bulb on, 3 serial batteries 1.5v "aaa" @ 0.4ah = 4.5 @ 0.4ah (1.8watts), and it turn on a little bit dimmed, then I used the lithium battery from a cellphone rated at: 3.7v @ 1.050ah = (3.89 watts), and it lit slightly stronger.
Then I put the "aaa" batteries in parallel to get: 1.5v @ 1.2ah = 1.8w, but I didnt turn on not even weak (did I do something wrong? or something was loosen in the wires)?

I have 2 questions:

1. How could tiny batteries provide (at least) energy to power such a high amp demanding bulb?

2. In this case, what factor would make the bulb to be much brillant? a higher voltage? or a higher amperage? (or even whatever that puts a highter number or watts)?

This is still a little confusing. :(

Gracias in advance.
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  • #2
When you connect small batteries to something that will need a lot of current, generally you find that the voltage from the battery drops. So even if you thought you had 4.5v applied to the lamp, were you to measure it while it was connected to the lamp you'd find that it was quite a bit lower than 4.5v, maybe just 3v. Different batteries drop by different amounts, depending on their chemistry, how new they are, and what they are designed to power. A good cellphone battery won't drop as much voltage as cheap AA cells.

If the battery voltage didn't drop like this, that is, if all batteries were perfect, then all batteries with the same voltage would cause exactly the same brilliance.
  • #3
All batteries have a voltage (which you can measure when there is no load on the battery) and a series internal resistance.

When a current flows, there is some voltage drop across the internal resistance and this subtracts from the internal voltage and makes the output voltage lower.

So, a battery will give a lower output voltage on load than it does open circuit.

Flashlight batteries have a much higher internal resistance than Lithium or NiCd or NiMH batteries, so the flashlight batteries output voltage drops more for the same current than the other batteries.

It is the voltage on the lamp that determines how bright it is.

Incidentally a battery with a rating of 0.4 amp hours would last 1 hour if there was 0.4 amps flowing.
The product of the time and the current has to be 0.4 amp-hours.
If you had 0.04 amps flowing then the battery would last (0.4 amps hours / 0.04 amps) or 10 hours.

This is because current * time = amp hours, so time = amp hours / current.

This is only a guide and you can't rely on it exactly.

So, a small battery might be able to light a lamp well if it has a low internal resistance, but it may not last very long if it has a small amp-hour rating.

FAQ: What's more important amps,r watts or volts?

What is the difference between amps, watts, and volts?

Amps, watts, and volts are all units of measurement used to describe different aspects of electricity. Amps measure the rate of flow of electric current, watts measure the amount of power consumed, and volts measure the force that drives the current.

Which is more important: amps, watts, or volts?

It is not possible to say that one is more important than the other. Each unit of measurement is essential in understanding and working with electricity. Amps, watts, and volts all play different roles in describing and measuring electricity.

How are amps, watts, and volts related to each other?

Amps, watts, and volts are all interrelated. Watts can be calculated by multiplying volts by amps, and amps can be calculated by dividing watts by volts. In this way, the three units are connected and used together to understand and work with electricity.

Which unit of measurement should I pay the most attention to?

The unit of measurement that you should pay the most attention to depends on what you are trying to achieve. If you are trying to measure the power consumption of a device, watts would be the most important. If you are trying to ensure that a circuit is not overloaded, amps would be the most important. And if you are trying to measure the force of electricity, volts would be the most important.

Do I need to understand all three units to work with electricity?

Yes, it is important to have a basic understanding of all three units to work with electricity safely and effectively. Each unit provides important information about the behavior and characteristics of electricity, and they are all used together to understand and manipulate it.
