Advanced Linear Algebra Book Recommendation

In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's search for a linear algebra book to work through during winter break as a first year graduate student in math. They have already gone through computational style linear algebra and Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right. They are considering two choices - Halmos' Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces and Steven Roman's Advanced Linear Algebra. The group agrees that Roman's book is more comprehensive and covers more material, but it may be too long for winter break. The speaker's eventual goal in differential geometry is also mentioned and it is suggested that they may be better off familiarizing themselves with the basics of tensor products and moving on to other topics. Other recommended books are Greub's Multilinear Algebra and Hungerford's Algebra.
  • #1
I am currently a first year graduate student in math, and I am trying to pick a linear algebra book to work through during the winter break. I have already gone through the computational style linear algebra, and I have also gone through Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right. I would like to go through a more advanced LA text, and I have been considering two choices: Halmos' Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces and Steven Roman's Advanced Linear Algebra.

Roman's looks like it covers more material, and also covers modules and PIDs which would be a welcome review from my Abstract Algebra class this fall. Halmos is, however, a classic, and I'm not sure which would be more appropriate for my eventual goals in differential geometry - both cover the tensor product, although I think perhaps Roman's book does more with it. There's also Hoffman and Kunze, but I looked over the table of contents and didn't see anything I hadn't already covered. Any suggestions?
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  • #2
I haven't actually read either book, but I checked out their amazon reviews so you can judge my remarks accordingly.

To me Roman's book looks more interesting and a longer lasting reference, but 544 pages is a lot of pages for winter break. Halmos' is a relatively short classic, so it would probably make good reading over the holiday, but would you keep it on your shelf as a reference later on? I am guessing no.

That said, for differential geometry, you really only need to know about tensor products (since you already know the content of Hoffman/Kunze), and that isn't too much to learn. If you understand bilinear products and the determinant, then the toughest algebraic aspect of tensors might just be the notation (Einstein notation took awhile to click for me). You might be better served by simply familiarizing yourself with the basics of tensor products and then moving on to Lie Groups / Lie Algebras. Stillwell's Naive Lie Theory looks interesting (you can read the preface on Amazon).
  • #3
If the choice is between Halmos and Roman, then I would certainly go for Roman. It's truly a gem and it covers a lot of cool stuff. You think you know most of Halmos already, so you're probably wasting your time with that book.
  • #4
I'm a big fan of Roman, and seeing as you know almost everything in Halmos from Axler (if not then the first few chapters of Roman will clear that up), there is pretty much no point to reading it, as Micromass said. Greub's 'Multilinear Algebra' is also a good companion for tensors and whatnot.
  • #5
of course there's greub, and I always liked chap 7, & parts of chap 4 of hungerford's algebra. & roman is good too.
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  • #6
i modestly offer the free notes on my webpage, math 8006a,b,c, which cover up through noetherian modules, jordan forms, and spectral theorems in less than 60 pages,

as well as the 843-part3 notes on tensor and exterior products, also on that page. but i also agree with the classics recommended above.
  • #7
Thanks everyone for the input. I think I will likely go with Roman's text; although it is admittedly too long to finish over the short winter break, I hope to get through most of Part I and then touch on chapters 11 and 14 (at least).

Mathwonk - thanks for the reference to your notes, I will likely use them as a study guide as well.

FAQ: Advanced Linear Algebra Book Recommendation

1. What is the best book for learning advanced linear algebra?

There are several great books for learning advanced linear algebra, but some popular choices include "Advanced Linear Algebra" by Steven Roman, "Linear Algebra Done Right" by Sheldon Axler, and "Advanced Linear Algebra" by Nicholas Loehr. It ultimately depends on your personal learning style and preferences.

2. Is there a specific prerequisite knowledge required for reading an advanced linear algebra book?

Yes, a solid understanding of basic linear algebra is necessary for comprehending advanced linear algebra concepts. It is recommended to have knowledge of vector spaces, matrices, and basic operations such as addition, multiplication, and inversion.

3. Are there any online resources that can supplement an advanced linear algebra book?

Yes, there are many online resources that can supplement an advanced linear algebra book. Some popular ones include Khan Academy, MIT OpenCourseWare, and YouTube channels such as 3Blue1Brown and Professor Leonard.

4. How long does it typically take to finish an advanced linear algebra book?

The time it takes to finish an advanced linear algebra book can vary, depending on the individual's pace and dedication. Some may finish it in a few weeks, while others may take several months. It also depends on the length and complexity of the book.

5. Can an advanced linear algebra book be useful for practical applications?

Yes, advanced linear algebra has many practical applications in fields such as computer science, physics, engineering, and economics. It can help with data analysis, machine learning, optimization problems, and more.

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