How to maintain CPT invariance in Kaon oscillations

In summary, without CP violation, the mass eigenstates would be identical, but with CP violation they are weak eigenstates with different lifetimes.
  • #1

I'm trying to get my head around neutral Kaon oscillations. As far as I understand it neutral Kaons can change between [itex]K^0[/itex] and [itex]\overline{K^0}[/itex] as they propagate. Going through the quantum mechanics of this implies that this oscillation must be facilitated by a mass difference between the [itex]K^0[/itex] and [itex]\overline{K^0}[/itex] in a [itex]\cos(\Delta m t)[/itex] term.

But I thought a mass difference between any particle and its antiparticle implies CPT violation.

As far as I know CPT is not known to be violated so my question is: How do Kaon Oscillations maintain CPT invariance?

Thanks in advance for any help :D
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  • #2
The K0 and K0bar are not mass eigenstates.
  • #3
Consider the Hamiltonian across the K0 and K0-bar states. CPT says the masses of these states are equal:
But the weak interaction adds a perturbation that turns K0 into K0-bar:
As V50 says, K0 and K0-bar are no longer the eigenstates, and the originally degenerate mass eigenvalues have been split into two unequal eigenvalues.
  • #4
Thanks! That makes sense.

So I guess the [itex]\Delta m[/itex] refers to the difference in mass of the modified states coupling to the weak interaction (a superposition of K0 and K0-bar)?
  • #5
No, those "particles" are the weak eigenstates. The mass eigenstates are called K1 and K2. Neglecting CP violation, K1 is the short-living KS and K2 is the "long"-living KL.
CP violation introduces another, but small mixing in this system - KS has some small component of K2 and KL has a small component of K1.
  • #6
Thanks. I think I understand that. Am I right in thinking that if there was no CP violation the mass eigenstates would have the same mass and therefore there would be no kaon oscillations?
  • #7
Without CP violation, the mass eigenstates would be identical to K_S and K_L, but those would remain a mixture of the weak eigenstates.
  • #8
The mass eigenstates are called K1 and K2. Neglecting CP violation, K1 is the short-living KS and K2 is the "long"-living KL. CP violation introduces another, but small mixing in this system - KS has some small component of K2 and KL has a small component of K1.
:confused: Isn't it true that, regardless of CP violation, eigenstates have definite mass values and lifetimes. So KS and KL must be by definition the eigenstates, even though they won't be exact eigenstates of CP.
  • #9
Wait, I messed it up.
##K^0 = d\bar{s}## (and its antiparticle) is a strong eigenstate.
Without CP violation, ##K_1 = K_S = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (d\bar{s} + \bar{d}s## and ##K_2 = K_L = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (d\bar{s} - \bar{d}s## are weak and mass eigenstates. The first one has CP=+1, the latter one has CP=-1. This explains their lifetime difference, ##K_L## has to decay to three pions while ##K_S## can decay to two.

With CP violation, but conserved CPT,
##K_S = \frac{1}{1+\epsilon^2}(K_1 + \epsilon K_2)## and ##K_L = \frac{1}{1+\epsilon^2}(K_2 + \epsilon K_1)##
##K_S## and ##K_L## are weak (and mass?) eigenstates, giving them their different lifetime. The small CP violation allows (rare) decays of a ##K_L## to two pions and decays of a ##K_S## to three pions.
The real part of ϵ is about 1.6 permille.

FAQ: How to maintain CPT invariance in Kaon oscillations

1. What is CPT invariance and why is it important in Kaon oscillations?

CPT (Charge-Parity-Time) invariance is a fundamental symmetry in physics that states that the laws of physics should remain the same under the combined operations of charge conjugation (C), parity transformation (P), and time reversal (T). It is important in Kaon oscillations because any violation of CPT invariance would suggest a fundamental flaw in our understanding of the universe.

2. How is CPT invariance maintained in Kaon oscillations?

CPT invariance is maintained in Kaon oscillations through the use of quantum mechanics and the concept of superposition. In quantum mechanics, particles can exist in multiple states at the same time, and Kaons are able to oscillate between their matter and antimatter states without violating CPT invariance.

3. Can CPT invariance be violated in Kaon oscillations?

While there is currently no evidence of CPT violation in Kaon oscillations, it is still an area of active research in particle physics. Some theories, such as string theory, suggest that there may be violations of CPT invariance at very high energies or in certain extreme situations.

4. How do scientists test for CPT invariance in Kaon oscillations?

Scientists test for CPT invariance in Kaon oscillations by looking for differences in the oscillation rates between Kaons and their antiparticles, antikaons. Any differences would suggest a violation of CPT invariance. These tests are conducted at particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider.

5. What are the implications if CPT invariance is found to be violated in Kaon oscillations?

If CPT invariance is found to be violated in Kaon oscillations, it would call into question our current understanding of particle physics and the fundamental laws of the universe. It could also have implications for other areas of physics, such as cosmology, and may lead to the development of new theories to explain these violations.
