Commutator of square angular momentum operator and position operator

In summary, to show that \left[\vec{L}^{2}\left[\vec{L}^{2},\vec{r}\right]\right]=2\hbar^{2}(\vec{r}\vec{L}^{2}+\vec{L}^{2}\vec{r}), you can use the fact that the commutator is linear and its product rule, along with the triple product expansion to simplify the problem.
  • #1
can someone please help me with this. it's killing me.

Homework Statement

to show [tex]\left[\vec{L}^{2}\left[\vec{L}^{2},\vec{r}\right]\right]=2\hbar^{2}(\vec{r}\vec{L}^{2}+\vec{L}^{2}\vec{r})[/tex]

Homework Equations

I have already established a result (from the hint of the question) that

but where to go from that?

The Attempt at a Solution

basically I will need to show either one of (4.55) from, but I am running out of clues.
Physics news on
  • #2
if you know vector component notation (look it up) then this is a pretty simple problem

[tex] \vec{r} \times \vec{L} = \epsilon_{ijk} r_j L_k [/tex] where [tex] \epsilon_{ijk} [/tex] is the levi-civita tensor (look it up)

if you don't you could use the triple product expansion

[tex] \vec{r} \times (\vec {r} \times \vec{p}) = \vec{r} (\vec{r} \cdot \vec{p}) - \vec{p}( r^2) [/tex]

and then apply all the other commutation relations you know, but that is tedious
  • #3
Hm, I'm interested in this now as well, but in the OP's post I don't see how quite to arrive at:

elmp said:

Homework Equations

I have already established a result (from the hint of the question) that

I can find that
[L^2,z]=2i\hbar(xL_y-yL_x-i\hbar z)

and the equivalents for x and y, but how do you relate that to the commutator


  • #4
Nevermind my last post, if you do everything in vector notation (or matrix notation, things work out peachy keen.
  • #5
sgd37 said:
if you know vector component notation (look it up) then this is a pretty simple problem

[tex] \vec{r} \times \vec{L} = \epsilon_{ijk} r_j L_k [/tex] where [tex] \epsilon_{ijk} [/tex] is the levi-civita tensor (look it up)

if you don't you could use the triple product expansion

[tex] \vec{r} \times (\vec {r} \times \vec{p}) = \vec{r} (\vec{r} \cdot \vec{p}) - \vec{p}( r^2) [/tex]

and then apply all the other commutation relations you know, but that is tedious

hmmm, i must be really stupid, but i still don't see how to proceed
  • #6
elmp said:
can someone please help me with this. it's killing me.

Homework Statement

to show [tex]\left[\vec{L}^{2}\left[\vec{L}^{2},\vec{r}\right]\right]=2\hbar^{2}(\vec{r}\vec{L}^{2}+\vec{L}^{2}\vec{r})[/tex]

Homework Equations

I have already established a result (from the hint of the question) that

but where to go from that?

Use that fact that the commutator is linear and its product rule, so you get
[tex]\left[\vec{L}^{2}, \left[\vec{L}^{2},\vec{r}\right]\right] = \left[\vec{L}^{2}, 2\mathrm{i}\hbar\vec{r}\times\vec{L}+2\hbar^{2}\vec{r} \right] = 2\mathrm{i}\hbar \left[\vec{L}^{2}, \vec{r}\times\vec{L} \right] + 2\hbar^{2} \left[\vec{L}^{2}, \vec{r} \right] = 2\mathrm{i}\hbar \vec{r}\times \left[\vec{L}^{2}, \vec{L} \right] + 2\mathrm{i}\hbar \left[\vec{L}^{2}, \vec{r} \right] \times\vec{L} + 2\hbar^{2} \left[\vec{L}^{2}, \vec{r} \right][/tex]

Then you are almost done, to have a nice result you need the triple product expansion given before.

FAQ: Commutator of square angular momentum operator and position operator

1. What is the commutator of the square angular momentum operator and position operator?

The commutator of the square angular momentum operator and position operator is a mathematical operation that represents the difference between applying the square of the angular momentum operator first and then the position operator, versus applying the position operator first and then the square of the angular momentum operator. It is denoted by [L^2, x] and is equal to iħ(y*z - z*y).

2. What is the significance of the commutator of the square angular momentum operator and position operator?

The commutator of the square angular momentum operator and position operator is important in quantum mechanics because it helps determine the uncertainty or incompatibility of these two operators. If the commutator is equal to zero, it means that these two operators can be measured simultaneously with no uncertainty. However, if the commutator is non-zero, it indicates that these two operators cannot be simultaneously measured with certainty.

3. How is the commutator of the square angular momentum operator and position operator related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?

The commutator of the square angular momentum operator and position operator is directly related to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The uncertainty principle states that the product of the uncertainties in measuring the position and momentum of a particle is always greater than or equal to ħ/2. The commutator of these two operators is a mathematical representation of this uncertainty principle, where a non-zero commutator indicates inherent uncertainty in measuring these two quantities simultaneously.

4. How does the commutator of the square angular momentum operator and position operator affect the energy levels of a system?

The commutator of the square angular momentum operator and position operator plays a crucial role in determining the energy levels of a system. In quantum mechanics, energy levels are quantized, meaning they can only take on certain discrete values. The commutator of these two operators helps determine the allowed energy levels of a system by constraining the possible values of angular momentum and position that can be simultaneously measured.

5. Are there any other commutation relations involving the square angular momentum operator and position operator?

Yes, there are other commutation relations involving the square angular momentum operator and position operator. These include [L, x] = iħ, [L^2, p] = 0, and [L, p] = iħ. These relations represent the fundamental uncertainty and incompatibility between angular momentum, position, and momentum measurements in quantum mechanics.
