Aeronautical Engineering Summer Project

In summary, this student wants to work on a project this summer that will teach him more about aircraft engineering. He has a few ideas for what he wants to do, and will be looking for help from others to find the best resources and books to help him.
  • #1
Fantastic Fox
I'm a mechanical engineering student who loves aircraft. I want to work on a project this summer so I'll learn more about aircraft/aeronautical engineering.

I have a few ideas so far. Here's just a few off the top of my head for now;
Design, build, and test a jet engine
Study aircraft icing, maybe perform some wind tunnel tests
Examine the design of an aircraft wing, and look at designing an improvement.
Design an aircraft and build and test it in X-Plane

I know some of those ideas will cost a bit, but if I think it's worth it, I'm willing to spend a little bit. I might be able to get my college to pay for things too, if I can convince them it's worth it.

I haven't yet covered fluid dynamics in college, but I'll learn as I go along. Something involving aerodynamics definitely appeals to me.

I'd like to hear your ideas and suggestions.
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  • #2
Hi, designing and building model jet turbines can be hellishly complicated, and expensive. I'd say you definitely need an advanced knowledge of solid and fluid mechanics/dynamics to build one. I've looked into it before myself, and found these things out.
  • #3
How about design, build, and fly your own custom R/C plane? maybe look into more "exotic" designs like v-tails, delta wings, or even flying wings... There are many interesting things that can be done with propulsion without getting into jet engines also, like pusher fans or ducted fans.

Could be a good experience in design of aerodynamic surfaces, power/weight ratios, COG, and control systems. You could probably complete the entire thing for $500-1000, including controller and electrical components on the plane itself.
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  • #4
Mech_Engineer said:
How about design, build, and fly your own custom R/C plane? maybe look into more "exotic" designs like v-tails, delta wings, or even flying wings... There are many interesting things that can be done with propulsion without getting into jet engines also, like pusher fans or ducted fans.

Could be a good experience in design of aerodynamic surfaces, power/weight ratios, COG, and control systems. You could probably complete the entire thing for $500-1000, including controller and electrical components on the plane itself.

This sounds like a winner. I won't be able to look seriously into it for another two weeks.

I'd really appreciate if someone could recommend good resources and books on aircraft design.

  • #5
Sorry about the double post, I can't edit my previous one.

I've just had a quick look for books that could help. I'll be able to start the project properly after next week. I couldn't find any specifically for RC aircraft, but I didn't really expect to. I found a few reputable books;
Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach - Dan Raymer
Synthesis of Subsonic Airplane Design - Torenbeek
Series of books on aircraft design by Roskam

Has anybody used any of these books, and what your opinions on them. I'm looking to buy one of them, so I want to make sure it's worth it.

Please recommend any other resources/books which you think will be useful.
  • #6
Would be also interisting to use some computer´s help. Something like SolidWorks or ansys. Booth can be really helpful.
  • #7
Fantastic Fox said:
I'm a mechanical engineering student who loves aircraft. I want to work on a project this summer so I'll learn more about aircraft/aeronautical engineering.

I have a few ideas so far. Here's just a few off the top of my head for now;
Design, build, and test a jet engine
Study aircraft icing, maybe perform some wind tunnel tests
Examine the design of an aircraft wing, and look at designing an improvement.
Design an aircraft and build and test it in X-Plane

I know some of those ideas will cost a bit, but if I think it's worth it, I'm willing to spend a little bit. I might be able to get my college to pay for things too, if I can convince them it's worth it.

I haven't yet covered fluid dynamics in college, but I'll learn as I go along. Something involving aerodynamics definitely appeals to me.

I'd like to hear your ideas and suggestions.

There are some good books, and some build log sites on the net that cover the making of a small jet turbine for R/C aircraft, if you have access to some machine tools.

One idea that i have never tried, but you might look into, stems from an older encyclopedia with a picture diagram of airflow over a stationary tube, the air breaks even as it flows past the tube, but if the tube is set in motion in a turning action, the air, due to friction will divide with the greater amount of flow moving over the tube in the direction of rotation. If the leading edge of a wing had an active turning surface it might produce a benefit to the airfoil design. (just a thought) maybe it has been tried already.:wink:
  • #8
Crawl, walk, then then run. You need to study the fundamentals of fluid dynamics first. I'd say save your time and your money on these projects. You're not going to get anything technical out of it.
  • #9
your ideas are the basic thoughts that crosses every aeronautics student,but its implementation needs more than just basic knowledge on subject.

but i can help u in designing a wing.If u know software such as catia ,ansys then u won't be needing a wind tunnel and with the idea of cfd u can design almost anything and stimulate everything.I am not familiar with catiaV5 so if u know ay of the cfd stimulating softwares please do mail me.Presently i am working in synthesing a different kind wind energy, a design similar to Savonius and Darrieus vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) to increase it efficiency
,can u help me with gearing ,bearing attachments with its shaft to generate power
  • #10
Cyrus said:
Crawl, walk, then then run. You need to study the fundamentals of fluid dynamics first. I'd say save your time and your money on these projects. You're not going to get anything technical out of it.
hi are u an aeronautical student?
  • #11
sumantra said:
your ideas are the basic thoughts that crosses every aeronautics student,but its implementation needs more than just basic knowledge on subject.

but i can help u in designing a wing.If u know software such as catia ,ansys then u won't be needing a wind tunnel and with the idea of cfd u can design almost anything and stimulate everything.I am not familiar with catiaV5 so if u know ay of the cfd stimulating softwares please do mail me.Presently i am working in synthesing a different kind wind energy, a design similar to Savonius and Darrieus vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs) to increase it efficiency
,can u help me with gearing ,bearing attachments with its shaft to generate power

You still need a wind tunnel to validate any CFD code. Garbage in = Garbage out. I would recommend you buy a book on fluid mechanics and/or CFD.
  • #12
not good answered
  • #13
Cyrus said:
Crawl, walk, then then run. You need to study the fundamentals of fluid dynamics first. I'd say save your time and your money on these projects. You're not going to get anything technical out of it.

I respectfully disagree. if you learn how r/c aircraft is built, how the control systems function, learn how to fly an r/c those skills apply to many other things. simple experiments in changes of design of the model teach significant things if you look, pay attention, and keep good notes. and watching for used r/c stuff is a great way to make your $$$$ go far. just bought one 2 months ago, 6 (or 8 can't remember right now) channel controls, 0.50 engine in a prebuilt kit, with starting stuff, box, and a box of extra goodies, $100

that would give you all the stuff you need to get started, with a proven fly-able plane, then you can experiment with design changes, or build a new airframe, with the experience of how to fly it already under your belt

good luck

  • #14
dr dodge said:
I respectfully disagree. if you learn how r/c aircraft is built, how the control systems function, learn how to fly an r/c those skills apply to many other things. simple experiments in changes of design of the model teach significant things if you look, pay attention, and keep good notes. and watching for used r/c stuff is a great way to make your $$$$ go far. just bought one 2 months ago, 6 (or 8 can't remember right now) channel controls, 0.50 engine in a prebuilt kit, with starting stuff, box, and a box of extra goodies, $100

that would give you all the stuff you need to get started, with a proven fly-able plane, then you can experiment with design changes, or build a new airframe, with the experience of how to fly it already under your belt

good luck


I'm not disagreeing with anything you said above, but the OPs list is not what you just wrote - it is far, far more ambitious. I would put what you just said in the "walk" category (and I think is a good starting point).
  • #15
Cyrus said:
You need to study the fundamentals of fluid dynamics first..

Mechanical engineers are quite substantially introduced to fluid mechanics through their coursework. If anything, MEs don't cover gas dynamics as extensively as aeros, but they have a very solid knowledge of fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
  • #16
What's the status? Were you able to make the project work? :)

FAQ: Aeronautical Engineering Summer Project

1. What is an aeronautical engineering summer project?

An aeronautical engineering summer project is an opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience and practical knowledge in the field of aeronautical engineering. It typically involves working on a project related to the design, development, or testing of aircraft or spacecraft under the guidance of experienced engineers.

2. Who can participate in an aeronautical engineering summer project?

Aeronautical engineering summer projects are usually open to undergraduate and graduate students majoring in engineering, particularly in the fields of aerospace or aeronautical engineering. Some programs may also consider high school students with a strong interest in the subject and relevant coursework.

3. What skills and knowledge can I expect to gain from an aeronautical engineering summer project?

Participating in an aeronautical engineering summer project can enhance your technical skills, such as computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided engineering (CAE), and programming. You will also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills, as well as gain a deeper understanding of aircraft and spacecraft design principles and processes.

4. How long do aeronautical engineering summer projects typically last?

The duration of aeronautical engineering summer projects may vary depending on the program or institution. Some projects may last for a few weeks, while others may run for the entire summer. It is important to carefully review the program details and requirements before applying.

5. Are aeronautical engineering summer projects paid?

Some aeronautical engineering summer projects may provide a stipend or salary to participants, while others may be unpaid. It is important to check with the program or institution beforehand to determine if there is any compensation for participation. Additionally, some programs may offer academic credit for completing the project.
