Rust Filtration Q: Best Way to Remove Rust?

  • Thread starter RainMan187
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In summary, the conversation is about using a vinegar/bleach solution to make rust and the best method for extracting and drying the rust from the solution. The options discussed are filtering, decanting, and using coffee filters. The speaker shares their personal method of decanting and purifying the solution before drying the rust in the sun. They also caution against bringing the solution inside due to the potential for accidents. The estimated yield of iron oxide is mentioned as 14 grams. The conversation ends with the successful use of decanting and the warning not to use coffee filters.
  • #1
hey, I am new to these forums, i have read a bunch of **** regarding the vinegar/bleach rust-making solution(yes i know about the chlorine) anyways i have a batch going at the moment and i was wondering what would be the best way to get the rust out of the solution?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
To be perfectly technical, the rust isn't in solution, it is a solid by product of the reaction.
You can use this to your advantage when removing the rust from the water.
You could filter it as you have figured out, but as for me, I prefer to decant the water off.

Decanting is a somewhat slower process than filtration. It involves letting the rust settle to the bottom of the container, then pouring (or in my case syphoning [let gravity do the work for me]) off the clear water. Then let the rust settle some more, and decant some more. You will eventually reach a point where you just can't pour any more water off, this is when I move to a smaller container and try again. Eventually, when I get as much water as practical decanted off, I pour the rust into a large Aluminum pan, the cheap-o kind that might be used for baking (I don't know, I don't cook). The I set it in the sun for a few days, or during the winter, in the water heater closet until it is dry.

Before removing the rust from the water, I usually try to remove any remaining impurities (NaOCl, NaCl, vinegar) by first dilluting the rust-water mix, let it settle, the decant the water off, the repeat as much as is necesary until I get clean (non-salty) water comming off from ontop of the rust.
  • #3
thanks for the reply, but would this process be the same for the bleach/vinegar mix? At the moment i have steel wool sitting in that, it is almost completely rusted, what do you think would be the best method to extract and dry the rust here? I don't want to bring it inside because of the chlorine vapors. Is there something i can add after i siphon off some of the mix that will get rid of the chlorine fumes?
  • #4
  • #5
do you think a coffee filter work?
  • #6
The method I described is exactly what I do myself when I make rust, using bleach and steel wool (and vinegar as a catalyst), it works really well for me.

Dont be so worried about the chlorine fumes at this point in the reaction. The reason for the chlorine is because you added an acid (Acedic acid, AKA, vinegar), to bleach, but by now, all the bleach has since been reacted.
I still wouldn't bring it inside, because if there is an accident and something should spill, it makes an aweful mess (believe you me).

A coffee filter would work, in theory, but it would depend on how much rust your making. A single coffee filter probably can't take much, you may have to multi-layer several filters.

I say first purify the mix by diluting and decanting a couple times, then siphon off the water and let it dry in the sun. I think filtering would be tediously time consuming in that it would be slow going with the multiple layers of filters.

What is your estimated yield of Iron Oxide?
  • #7
thanks for all the help, I am first going to try the decanting/diluting method, if this doesn't work i will move on to filtering, my estimated yield is about 14 grams.
  • #8
hey mrjeffy the decanting worked perfectly, I am going to keep diluting and decanting, then ill heat the remainder-good tip not to bring it inside lol.

ps-people DO NOT try coffee filters.

FAQ: Rust Filtration Q: Best Way to Remove Rust?

What is rust filtration?

Rust filtration is the process of removing rust from water or other liquids. Rust is a reddish-brown coating that forms on iron or steel when it is exposed to oxygen and moisture for extended periods of time.

Why is it important to remove rust from water?

Rust can be harmful if ingested, as it may contain bacteria and other contaminants. It can also cause discoloration and an unpleasant taste in the water. Additionally, rust can damage pipes and other equipment in a water system.

What is the best way to remove rust from water?

The best way to remove rust from water is through a process called oxidation filtration. This involves passing the water through a filter media, such as manganese dioxide or catalytic carbon, which oxidizes the iron and removes it from the water.

Are there any natural methods for rust filtration?

Yes, there are natural methods for rust filtration, such as using lemon juice or vinegar. These acidic substances can help dissolve rust and make it easier to remove. However, they may not be as effective as oxidation filtration for larger amounts of rust or in a water system.

Can rust filtration systems be installed at home?

Yes, there are rust filtration systems that can be installed at home. These systems typically use a combination of oxidation filtration and other technologies, such as ion exchange or reverse osmosis, to remove rust and other impurities from water. It is important to research and choose a system that is appropriate for your specific needs.

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