Bessel function series expansion

In summary, we have discussed Bessel's equation and its solutions, J_{1/2} and J_{-1/2}, for the case p^{2} = \frac{1}{4}. We have also examined the singularity of J_{-1/2} at z = 0 and its relationship to the function J_{1/2}. Furthermore, we have explored the concept of order of growth and used it to prove that J_{1/2}(0) = 0. Finally, we have discussed the continuity of J_{1/2} and the implications of explicitly defining the function at z = 0.
  • #1

Homework Statement

This is the how the question begins.

1. Bessel's equation is [tex]z^{2}\frac{d^{2}y}{dz^{2}} + z\frac{dy}{dz} + \left(z^{2}- p^{2}\right)y = 0[/tex].

For the case [tex]p^{2} = \frac{1}{4}[/tex], the equation has two series solutions which (unusually) may be expressed in terms of elementary functions:

[tex]J_{1/2} = \left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2} sin z[/tex]
[tex]J_{-1/2} = \left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2} cos z[/tex]

[ The factors [tex]\left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2}[/tex] are supefluous, but are included by convention, for reasons that are not relevant to the present purposes.]

Clearly [tex]J_{-1/2}[/tex] is singular at z = 0. Show that [tex]J_{1/2}(0) = 0[/tex].

2......(for later)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am going to assume the solutions [tex]J_{1/2}[/tex] and [tex]J_{-1/2}[/tex] without worrying about why/how they come about.

Obviously, when z = 0, [tex]cos z \neq 0 [/tex]. Therefore, [tex]\left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2}[/tex] blows up and [tex]J_{-1/2}[/tex] is singular at z = 0.

On the other hand, if we draw separately the graphs of [tex]\left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2}[/tex] and [tex] sin z [/tex] and then combine the two in a single graph of [tex]J_{1/2}[/tex], we find that it is sinusoidal with an amplitude given by [tex]\left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2}[/tex]. This means that the curve oscillates as it moves towards z = 0 with an amplitude that tends to infinity as z tends to 0. How do I conclude from this that [tex]J_{1/2}(0) = 0[/tex].
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  • #2
Compare the order to which [tex]\sin z[/tex] vanishes at 0 to the order of growth of [tex]\sqrt{2/(\pi z)}[/tex] at 0. From that you should be able to prove an estimate of the form [tex]J_{1/2}(z) = O(f(z))[/tex] as [tex]z \to 0[/tex] for an appropriately chosen bound [tex]f[/tex].
  • #3
Thanks for your help!

I don't understand what 'order' means in this context.
How do we compare the orders?

"an estimate of the form [tex]J_{1/2}(z) = O(f(z))[/tex] as [tex]z \to 0[/tex] for an appropriately chosen bound [tex]f[/tex].": I don't understand!
  • #4
"Order" is short for "order of growth", which means a simple function (usually a power, log, or exponential function or simple combination of those functions) which you can use to "measure" the speed with which a given function vanishes or grows near a point. These orders are measured up to a constant factor.

For example, [tex]\csc x[/tex] grows like [tex]1/x[/tex] as [tex]x \to 0[/tex], that is, you can choose positive constants [tex]c, C[/tex] so that [tex]c|x^{-1}| < |\csc x| < C|x^{-1}|[/tex] for [tex]x[/tex] close enough to zero. One common way to try to find an order of growth for a function is to expand it in a Taylor or Laurent series.

For the meaning of [tex]O(f(z))[/tex] look here: Wikipedia article on Big-O notation Using this notation you could express the example above as [tex]\csc x = \Theta(1/x)[/tex] as [tex]x \to 0[/tex].

The point of my hint is that, to prove that [tex]J_{1/2}(0) = 0[/tex], you should examine the orders of growth near zero of the functions whose product is [tex]J_{1/2}[/tex], to prove that the product can be estimated by a function you know vanishes at 0.
  • #5
I will have a think about this method while we move on to the next part of the question.

2. By means of the substitution [tex]z = kx[/tex], show that [tex]J_{1/2}(kx)[/tex] and [tex]J_{-1/2}(kx)[/tex] are solutions of the following equations:

[tex]x^{2}\frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}} + x\frac{dy}{dx} + \left(k^{2}x^{2} - p^{2}\right)y = 0[/tex].

3. Show that this equation, subject to boundary conditions [tex]y(0) = 0, y(1) = 0 [/tex], has eigenvalues [tex]k = n\pi, n = 1,2,3...[/tex] and eigenfunctions [tex]y_{n} = J_{1/2}(n\pi x)[/tex].

I am fine with 2, but din't know how to begin 3.
  • #6
Try performing the limit calculation for a nore solid answer: show that [itex]\lim_{z\rightarrow 0} \left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2} \sin z=1[/itex]
  • #7
[tex]\lim_{z\rightarrow 0} \left(\frac{\sin z}{z}\right)=1[/tex], so
[tex]\lim_{z\rightarrow 0} \left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2} (\left \sin z \right)[/tex]
= [tex]\lim_{z\rightarrow 0} \left(\frac{2z}{\pi}\right)^{1/2}\left(\frac{\sin z}{z}\right) [/tex]
= [tex]\lim_{z\rightarrow 0} \left(\frac{2z}{\pi}\right)^{1/2} \lim_{z\rightarrow 0} \left(\frac{\sin z}{z}\right)[/tex]

The first limit is 0 and the second is 1, so the final answer is 0: a contradiction!

  • #8
hasan_researc said:
Show that [tex]J_{1/2}(0) = 0[/tex].

2......(for later)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am going to assume the solutions [tex]J_{1/2}[/tex] and [tex]J_{-1/2}[/tex] without worrying about why/how they come about.

Obviously, when z = 0, [tex]cos z \neq 0 [/tex]. Therefore, [tex]\left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2}[/tex] blows up and [tex]J_{-1/2}[/tex] is singular at z = 0.

On the other hand, if we draw separately the graphs of [tex]\left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2}[/tex] and [tex] sin z [/tex] and then combine the two in a single graph of [tex]J_{1/2}[/tex], we find that it is sinusoidal with an amplitude given by [tex]\left(\frac{2}{\pi z}\right)^{1/2}[/tex]. This means that the curve oscillates as it moves towards z = 0 with an amplitude that tends to infinity as z tends to 0. How do I conclude from this that [tex]J_{1/2}(0) = 0[/tex].

The function:

[tex]J_{1/2}(z)=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi z}}\sin(z)[/tex]

is undefined at z=0. However, it's limit there is zero by L'Hospital's rule so that if we explicitly define:

[tex]J_{1/2}(z)=\begin{cases} \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi z}}\sin(z) & z>0 \\
0 & z=0

then [itex]J_{1/2}(z) [/itex] becomes continuous for real z greater than or equal to zero.

and that thing about drawing separate graphs is not correct. If you plot the function, you should get a sinusoidal wave for positive real z.
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FAQ: Bessel function series expansion

1. What is a Bessel function series expansion?

A Bessel function series expansion is a mathematical representation of a Bessel function as an infinite sum of simpler functions. It is a useful tool for approximating and analyzing Bessel functions in a variety of applications, such as physics and engineering.

2. How is a Bessel function series expansion derived?

A Bessel function series expansion is derived using the Fourier-Bessel series, which expresses a function as a linear combination of Bessel functions. By manipulating this series, it is possible to express a Bessel function as an infinite sum of simpler functions.

3. What is the significance of a Bessel function series expansion?

Bessel function series expansions are essential in solving many physical and engineering problems that involve Bessel functions. They allow for more straightforward calculations and provide valuable insights into the behavior of Bessel functions.

4. Are there any practical applications of Bessel function series expansions?

Yes, Bessel function series expansions have many practical applications. They are commonly used in solving problems related to heat transfer, electromagnetic theory, and signal processing. They also have applications in areas such as acoustics, fluid mechanics, and astronomy.

5. Can Bessel function series expansions be generalized to other types of functions?

Yes, Bessel function series expansions can be generalized to other types of functions, such as spherical Bessel functions and modified Bessel functions. These expansions follow a similar mathematical framework and are widely used in various fields of science and engineering.
