HCl molecule, rotational and vibrational energy question

In summary, the HCl molecule has a non vanishing dipole moment, which allows it to have a pure rotational spectrum. However, hyperphysics states that the molecule must have either a 1 or -1 delta v for transitions to occur. This excludes any pure rotational spectrum.
  • #1
Gold Member
Since the HCl molecule has a non vanishing dipole moment, it is allowed to have pure rotational spectrum. If I understand this correctly then it's possible to excite the molecule in such a way that its vibrational energy stays the same while its rotational energy increases by some amount. This can basically be found there: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/molecule/rotrig.html#c4.

However in http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/molecule/vibrot.html#c2, one reads that the quantum number v must change in a transition according to [itex]\Delta v =\pm 1[/itex] (and [itex]\Delta j = \pm 1[/itex]). So that it seems that the molecule cannot (due to the [itex]\Delta v =\pm 1[/itex] rule) have a purely rotational spectrum. To me this contradicts the first assertion but obviously I'm missing something.
What is going on?
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  • #2
There's no problem with the rotational spectrum. This is an issue of allowed transitions, which have to obey conservation laws. The transitions in question involve emission or absorption of one or more photons, which have angular momentum (magnetic quantum number) [itex]\pm 1[/itex]. Since angular momentum must be conserved, the angular momentum of the molecule must change by [itex]\Delta j= \pm 1[/itex] for each photon involved in a transition.

A transition like [itex] j=0, \upsilon =0[/itex] to [itex] j=0, \upsilon =1[/itex] can't occur due to single photon absorption. It can however proceed by absorption of two photons (with opposite angular momentum). Such a 2nd order process is suppressed relative to the 1st order processes, so it's much less visible in data.
  • #3
Ok thanks fzero. I'm still confused, I think I understand all what you mean.
My understanding is that for any molecule (no need to have a non zero dipole moment), transitions like j=1 v=0 to j=0 v=1 are allowed and transitions like j=0 v=0 to j=1 v=0 are allowed only for non vanishing dipole moment molecules.
However hyperphysics states that [itex]\Delta v[/itex] must either be 1 or -1 for the HCl molecule. To my understanding this excludes any pure rotational spectrum.
In other words hyperphysics says that j=0 v=0 to j=1 v=0 transition is not allowed for the HCl. Why not? It looks like a pure rotational transition and should be allowed according to hyperphysics (other link).
  • #4
fluidistic said:
Ok thanks fzero. I'm still confused, I think I understand all what you mean.
My understanding is that for any molecule (no need to have a non zero dipole moment), transitions like j=1 v=0 to j=0 v=1 are allowed and transitions like j=0 v=0 to j=1 v=0 are allowed only for non vanishing dipole moment molecules.
However hyperphysics states that [itex]\Delta v[/itex] must either be 1 or -1 for the HCl molecule. To my understanding this excludes any pure rotational spectrum.
In other words hyperphysics says that j=0 v=0 to j=1 v=0 transition is not allowed for the HCl. Why not? It looks like a pure rotational transition and should be allowed according to hyperphysics (other link).

I don't think that they're saying that [itex]\Delta v = 0[/itex] pure rotational transitions don't occur. They just occur at lower frequencies than the vibrational transitions. Look at the figure on http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/molecule/vibrot.html#c2 where the level spacings are (roughly) compared. j=0 to j=1 with [itex]\Delta v = 0[/itex] corresponds to a different part of the EM spectrum compared to, for example, j=0, v=0 to j=1,v=1.

The HCl vib-rot spectrum occurs around [itex]8.6\cdot 10^{13} ~\mathrm{Hz}[/itex]. I estimated from the rotational wavelengths on http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/molecule/rotrig.html#c4 that the pure rotational transitions are around [itex]3\cdot 10^{12} ~\mathrm{Hz}[/itex]. So if you zoom into the vibrational spectrum, you won't see the pure rotational spectrum.
  • #5
Thank you very much. By the way now I cannot find where they say that delta v must obbey [itex]\Delta v =\pm 1[/itex]. I must be crazy... :smile: I think I misread and was misleaded by the figures.
Problem solved.

FAQ: HCl molecule, rotational and vibrational energy question

1. What is the structure of the HCl molecule?

The HCl molecule consists of one hydrogen atom bonded to one chlorine atom, with a single covalent bond between them.

2. How does rotational energy affect the behavior of the HCl molecule?

Rotational energy refers to the kinetic energy of the molecule as it rotates around its own axis. In the case of HCl, rotational energy plays a role in determining the molecule's shape and how it interacts with other molecules.

3. What is vibrational energy in relation to the HCl molecule?

Vibrational energy refers to the kinetic energy of the molecule as it vibrates back and forth along its bond. In HCl, this energy is important for determining the molecule's reactivity and how it absorbs or emits energy.

4. How is rotational energy related to vibrational energy in the HCl molecule?

Rotational energy and vibrational energy are both forms of molecular motion and are closely related. Changes in rotational energy can lead to changes in vibrational energy, and vice versa.

5. How do changes in temperature affect the rotational and vibrational energy of the HCl molecule?

As temperature increases, the rotational and vibrational energy of the HCl molecule also increase. This leads to greater molecular motion and can affect the molecule's behavior and reactivity.

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