What is the Calculation for Mean and Standard Deviation with Grouped Data?

In summary, the problem involves finding the mean and standard deviation for a set of data that is divided into ranges. There are options to solve this using a calculator or by hand, but both methods require making assumptions due to the loss of data from grouping the numbers.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For this set of data find the mean and standard deviation

Temp...# of days

2. The attempt at a solution

I don't know how to find the mean or standard deviation when the data is divided into ranges like this.
Can this be solved on the calculator?
Any help is appreciated.
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  • #2
That depends on what you mean by "solved on the calculator". Many calculators now have built in functions to find means and standard deviations of lists of numbers, but I don't know any that have functions for means and standard deviations of grouped data.

One problem is that "70- 74... 7" could mean all 7 numbers are 70 or all 74 or spread between 70 and 74. You've lost data by grouping like that so can't get an exact value. One thing you could do is take a midpoint: assume all data in "70- 74" is actually 72. Do that for each group and enter all 30 numbers as a list. Then use the calculator function on that list.

Here's how you would do it "by hand". To find the mean enter the mid-number times the number of data points in that group: 92(1)+ 87(3)+82(6)+ 77(12)+ 72(7)+67(1) and divide that sum by 30. To find the standard deviation, multiply the square of each mid-number by the number of data points.
  • #3

FAQ: What is the Calculation for Mean and Standard Deviation with Grouped Data?

What is the difference between mean and standard deviation?

The mean is a measure of central tendency that represents the average of a set of data. It is calculated by adding all the values in the data set and dividing by the number of values. Standard deviation, on the other hand, is a measure of variability that indicates how spread out the data is from the mean. It is calculated by finding the difference between each data point and the mean, squaring those differences, adding them together, dividing by the number of values, and taking the square root of the result.

How do you calculate the mean and standard deviation?

To calculate the mean, add all the values in the data set and divide by the number of values. To calculate the standard deviation, first find the mean, then subtract the mean from each data point, square those differences, add them together, divide by the number of values, and take the square root of the result.

Why are mean and standard deviation important in statistics?

Mean and standard deviation are important in statistics because they help us understand the central tendency and variability of a data set. The mean gives us a single number to represent the typical value in the data, while the standard deviation gives us an idea of how much the data varies from the mean. These measures are commonly used in hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and other statistical analyses.

What does a high or low standard deviation indicate?

A high standard deviation indicates that the data is spread out over a wide range of values, while a low standard deviation indicates that the data is clustered closely around the mean. In other words, a high standard deviation means there is a lot of variability in the data, while a low standard deviation means there is little variability.

How can I interpret the standard deviation?

The standard deviation can be interpreted as a measure of the average distance of data points from the mean. A smaller standard deviation means that the data points are closer to the mean, while a larger standard deviation means that the data points are more spread out. It can also be used to identify outliers in a data set, as data points that are significantly higher or lower than the mean will have a larger impact on the standard deviation.
