Poor Student Struggles in Online Shopping

  • Thread starter En_lizard
  • Start date
In summary, the author is angry because they are too poor to afford expensive items and contributions to the forum are not free for everyone. They suggest that people should save their money to make more contributions.
  • #1
poor people must die!

:cry: so i thought the only place that there's no difference between poor and rich is internet. but now i noticed that only people who pay some money can have avatar and signature!:cry: :cry: i'd pay if i could, but i couldn't pay any money for online shoppings. i know you even don't bother to reply to me,since I'm not so rich. this website is for scientists and students, how come do you expect a poor student to pay money? :cry:
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
En_lizard said:
but now i noticed that only people who pay some money can have avatar and signature!:cry: :cry:

If you feel that it's necessary to have an avatar and signature to make a meaningful contribution, you're probably missing the point of the forum.
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  • #3
En_lizard said:
:cry: so i thought the only place that there's no difference between poor and rich is internet. but now i noticed that only people who pay some money can have avatar and signature!:cry: :cry: i'd pay if i could, but i couldn't pay any money for online shoppings. i know you even don't bother to reply to me,since I'm not so rich. this website is for scientists and students, how come do you expect a poor student to pay money? :cry:

Contributors get some extra perks but the core of the forum is free for everyone. It takes money and a great deal of effort to make PF possible.
  • #4
I fully echo the OP's sentiments. I too am very angry with society because I'm too poor to afford a Ferrari and a Gulfstream jet. How does society expect me to contribute to my full potential if I'm denied these basic necessities of life ? HOW UNFAIR !

That was sarcasm in case anyone missed it. The board is free for all, there are some window dressings if you contribute a little, a lot of boards are the same way. Deal with it.
  • #5
We don't expect poor students to pay money; that's why all the important functions of the site are free to anyone. Signatures and avatars are frills and do not add to the functionality of the site. They are a small way of saying "thank you" to those who are willing to contribute to keep this site running so that it remains accessible to the poor students who need it. Avatars and signatures are not the reason to contribute, keeping PF available to everyone who needs it is.
  • #6
Go to your options and turn Avatars and Signatures off. That will teach those rich kids! :smile:
  • #7
My financial situation was pretty grim when I first found this site as well. I got so much out of it, and want to help others get what they need out of it, that my first priority when I became full-time employed was to contribute. No one expects a poor person or student to scrape up his last penny. On the other hand, giving up 6 beers or 3 packs of smokes will cover a year's membership. I consider it a privilege to participate here, and well worth paying for.
  • #8
Danger said:
On the other hand, giving up 6 beers or 3 packs of smokes will cover a year's membership. I consider it a privilege to participate here, and well worth paying for.

What the heck kinda beer do you drink that costs so much
  • #9
Pengwuino said:
What the heck kinda beer do you drink that costs so much
Beer at a bar can rack up quickly, and I'm sure he over tipped the waitress. :biggrin:
  • #10
Spending $30 on alcohol on a night out is not a difficult achievement. A beer is usually $5-6, and cocktails are usually $8 or more.

- Warren
  • #11
I thought he was talken about a 6pack , ha!
  • #12
Beer at a bar can rack up quickly


As I tried to stand on my head on a barstool last night, only to have it all come crashing down into a heap of mess on the floor, I found myself thinking that my money would have been better spent on other things. The bartender made that decision for me shortly after. :frown: I wish I had had that thought much earlier, maybe while busting out a karaoke tune for a staff party that we slipped into, or definitely when standing on the bar prepping to show a half cresent moon.

Beer, that was not cool.
  • #13
Homer Simpson said:
Beer, that was not cool.

Strange words coming from Homer Simpson :-p

mattmns said:
Go to your options and turn Avatars and Signatures off. That will teach those rich kids!

I prefer to think of it as doing a favour for the poor kids by shrinking the potential audience they are missing out on.
  • #14
How many threads are there about this? :rolleyes:

Save up your money
  • #15
yomamma said:
How many threads are there about this? :rolleyes:
Save up your money
You're one to talk.:-p
  • #16
$25 isn't a fortune!:wink:

mattmns said:
Go to your options and turn Avatars and Signatures off. That will teach those rich kids! :smile:
  • #17
En_lizard said:
:cry: so i thought the only place that there's no difference between poor and rich is internet.

That was an unreasonable expectation and they usually lead to disappointment. Try to be a little more realistic in your expectations and lighten up a bit. :smile:
  • #18
$25 isn't a fortune!
It is to some people!
  • #19
Sure, it is. But we never say someone with $25 is a rich person!:wink:
  • #20
En_lizard said:
:cry: so i thought the only place that there's no difference between poor and rich is internet. but now i noticed that only people who pay some money can have avatar and signature!:cry: :cry: i'd pay if i could, but i couldn't pay any money for online shoppings. i know you even don't bother to reply to me,since I'm not so rich. this website is for scientists and students, how come do you expect a poor student to pay money? :cry:

You get no sympathy from me.

Rather than say "Thank you, Greg, for putting up the money, effort, and time for giving a website in which I can LEARN FOR FREE", you are whinning about the BELLS AND WHISTLES that do NOTHING as far as what PF is about.

This is one of those cases where even after you give some people something for nothing, they STILL want more! People like this only deserves to have the previleges taken AWAY from them so that they can finally get it through their heads of what they had in the first place.

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  • #21
Just having the opportunity to read threads like this is worth the £15 I payed to be a contributer. I can afford it so why not. Places like this need all the encouragement they can get. I spent £25 on beer on Saturday night I also got an interesting discussion about physics with a maths P.h.D. However if I have to pay £25 every time I want to get some physics knowledge I'll feel a little hard done by. That said, it's funny how your perspective changes when your a little drunk. I was decrying quantum mechanics as being all just not quite right all of the time and pooh pooing some great theories by the end of the evening. The next day I thought well maybe I was a little harsh. All that for £25. I can get that here minus the drunken rambling for just £15 per year, sounds reasonable:wink:

Edit: and thanks for reminding me I can have an avatar, not sure what all the fuss is about but there you go
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  • #22
You're not that poor when you have access to internet. You can start complaining when you are forced to pay money in order to participate :rolleyes: If you think the perks are not worth the money, then don't contribute.
  • #23
Curious3141 said:
I fully echo the OP's sentiments. I too am very angry with society because I'm too poor to afford a Ferrari and a Gulfstream jet. How does society expect me to contribute to my full potential if I'm denied these basic necessities of life ? HOW UNFAIR !

Buddy, I think you may be guilty of copyright infringement.

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV ?
Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me.
I wait for delivery each day until three,
So oh Lord, won’t you buy me a color TV ?

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town ?
I’m counting on you, Lord, please don’t let me down.
Prove that you love me and buy the next round,
Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town ?

Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?
My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends,
Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends,
So oh Lord, won’t you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?

That’s it!

--Janis Joplin

  • #24
Monique said:
You're not that poor when you have access to internet. You can start complaining when you are forced to pay money in order to participate :rolleyes: If you think the perks are not worth the money, then don't contribute.


I like the quote to:

Oh for a muse of fire that would ascend the very heavens of invention: Shakespeare:Henry V

Probably in reference to the ENglish Long bow, not sure

like that one too

I'm fed up of being poor, that's why I'm chosing to do something about it
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  • #25
Tom Mattson said:
Buddy, I think you may be guilty of copyright infringement.

LOL, it's not copyright infringement, because these are universal human sentiments ! :biggrin:

Janis Joplin - wow, there's an artist that came and went before my time. All I know is she rocked in her day.

Now, if you'd made a Led Zep reference even, I could've recognised it instantly. :cool:
  • #26
First, let me you this:

I don't have money, my relatives also don't have money (so dissapointed, right ?). But I never do any x-jobs to earn money.
Also, I do believe I don't dream of or make any 'one-way' journey.

I am still around, alive with my admittance that might seem idiotic to many people, but how odd the title of the thread is , I truly mean it...
  • #27
Lisa! said:
$25 isn't a fortune!:wink:
yet you are still not a premium member
  • #28
yomamma said:
yet you are still not a premium member

I guess I'd never be!:-p
  • #29
NafiBear said:
I am still around, alive with my admittance that might seem idiotic to many people, but how odd the title of the thread is , I truly mean it...
It was an effective title for getting all of the mentors to read it. Some people have nothing better to do than draw attention to their whining about all the things they don't have rather than being thankful for what they do have.
  • #30
Moonbear said:
It was an effective title for getting all of the mentors to read it. Some people have nothing better to do than draw attention to their whining about all the things they don't have rather than being thankful for what they do have.
Moonbear(?), yes you are right, but I think nafi does have something that someone actually doesnot have.
  • #31
The sympathy is just oooozing out of me...

I bet dollars to donuts that the OP is a little pre-teen emo that probably spends more than the cost of the membership in a single weekend going to movies or whatever. You get an allowance? I guess you'll figure that part out eventually.

Maybe they should save their money and try to buy themselves an ounce of self esteem. If having a little picture next to your name is what is required to make you feel good about yourself, then you have bigger problems.
but now i noticed that only people who pay some money can have avatar and signature!
As a mentor of mine used to say about every "problem" I would bring up: "If that's as bad as things get, then I guess you have it pretty damned good."
  • #32
thanks, Greg!

you wouldn't hate a little cute lizard for this thread, would ya!? :shy: :cry::!)

heh guys, i thought since all of you are just such mature and wonderful people who just wanted to help this website financialy to show your gratfulness and to make this site availabe for people like me, you would pay for membership even if you don't get nothing instead. :confused:
as a black sheep here, before reading your posts i thought people pay money to get avatars. but hell, it never occurred to me that you are such great people that even don't give a damn to get avatar and sig !
at first i thought almost none of you are in a place to judge me for this thread since you already have your avatar! but i must be damned for my silly idea, because great people like you are allowed to judge anyone and anything they want!

just some points:
dude, you lost the bet! i even can't remember the last time that i went to cinema since it was long time ago. i just watch some movies at home if my friends lend me so. it might happen once in 2 , 3 or even more month! anyway man, btw, what you mean by allowance? you mean the money students get from their family whenever they want to buy something? yes, i do but only when i need something!
are you kidding man? you mature and adult perosn are asking for enlarging your avatar and that's ok! but i(a littlie lizard or a pre-teen emo according to you )must have been suffering from personality disorders only for speaking my mind to others and ask to be nicer to students if that's possible? very nice of you, man! :cool:

and you miss , just to clear up something: you say I'm not that poor for having access to internet? see I'm in the library. we can only search for articles here and have no right to type since some people might want to chat and whatever like that. that's why i usually don't post here and am too late for replying to this thread. anyway I'm happy to be able to post here when the library is not so crowded! and you're right I'm not that poor. since evrything is relative in this world ,comparing to lots of people i might be even rich!:smile: note that i just said i can't pay online. so you can't say I'm complaining about my poverty!
btw, are you rolling your eyes at what you said or me? (:rolleyes: is a offenensive smiley that some people use it so easily! :frown: )

and i didn't choose this title to make all mentors read this thread. it was just a joke that we usually use with budies when we don't have enough money to do something! :biggrin:

again thank you, Greg! i apologize if i offend any of you wonderful people.
ah who's going to break the ice in this thread? I'm feeling like oliver twist who got punished for requesting an extra bowl of soup. :smile: but hey it's worth to tolerate all these things since i can learn more and more here.

my last word: getting someone's heart is quite difficult but breaking it is very easy!:smile:
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  • #33
En_lizard said:
my last word: getting someone's heart is quite difficult but breaking it is very easy!:smile:

Yes. And you'd do well to remember that when you make a thread next time. The way you phrased your "complaint" was more like a rant based on the assumption that you were somehow entitled to minor perks like av/sigs free of charge.

Don't forget : the people who created the site and maintain it tirelessly, and even contribute in it regularly to help people, these people all have hearts. And they can be broken too. If I had spent lots of time and money setting up a great site like this out of a sincere desire to help students out there, regardless of rich or poor (it's free to post, remember), then I think I'd be offended and saddened if someone comes along and says I haven't given enough because I haven't given them a free avatar or a sig which are strictly just "aesthetic" items serving no real purpose.

What I'm saying is you should've been a bit more sensitive when you made your thread instead of launching into a crying-smilie filled rant like you did. That's why a lot of people gave you a hard time (though not as hard as you'd have got on a thousand other forums, believe me). I guess you've made up for it by being extra sweet to Greg in this post and recognising his efforts, so it's OK now. :smile:
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FAQ: Poor Student Struggles in Online Shopping

1. Why do poor students struggle with online shopping?

Poor students may struggle with online shopping due to financial constraints. They may not have access to a credit card or sufficient funds to make purchases online. Additionally, they may not have reliable internet access or a computer to shop online.

2. What are some common challenges poor students face when shopping online?

Some common challenges poor students face when shopping online include high shipping costs, limited payment options, and difficulty finding affordable products. They may also struggle with navigating online shopping platforms and understanding the terms and conditions.

3. How does online shopping affect poor students' budgets?

Online shopping can have a significant impact on poor students' budgets. It can be tempting to make impulsive purchases or overspend when shopping online. Poor students may also have limited options for budget-friendly products, leading to higher overall expenses.

4. What are some tips for poor students to save money when shopping online?

Some tips for poor students to save money when shopping online include comparing prices across different websites, using discount codes or coupons, and setting a budget before making any purchases. They can also consider purchasing second-hand items or waiting for sales to get better deals.

5. How can online retailers make their platforms more accessible for poor students?

Online retailers can make their platforms more accessible for poor students by offering more affordable products, providing multiple payment options, and reducing shipping costs. They can also improve the user experience by making their websites more user-friendly and transparent about their pricing and policies.
