Good and bad design to be an engineer

In summary, the characteristics of a good design include meeting all code requirements, client's requirements, balancing cost considerations, and being easy to install and maintain. The number of design projects completed in a year does not determine one's competence as a design engineer. Becoming a good designer involves addressing relevant issues and continuously improving one's skills. The ability to become a good designer is not limited by one's artistic abilities, as design involves problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Training and practice can help improve one's design abilities.
  • #1
Jin Sen Zhang
What are the characteristics of a good design and a bad design? How can we be a good design engineer? How many design projects do we need to complete in a year to be a good design engineer?
Engineering news on
  • #2
Oh my. Those are incredibly vague questions. Those are opinions and they can not possibly cover every engineer's own situation.
  • #3
I will use mechanical design as my reference, but most of these apply to any design.

A good design addresses all code requirements.

A good design meets as many as possible of the client's requirements.

A good design balances first cost (installation cost) and operating cost (efficiency) as per the client's desires.

A good design is possible to install.

A good design is easy to maintain.

The best designs are often the least complicated solution that meets all the requirements.
  • #4
A good designer will address all relevant issues when overcoming a problem at minimum cost.

Any compromise on his ability to address the issues, overcome the problem, or create extra cost shows a compromise of his engineering ability.

The number of projects an engineer attempts bears absolutely no relation on his competence. A design engineer may take many months to design a bridge abutment, many weeks to design a crankshaft, or a few hours to design a small bracket, but none of these are necessarily done well/poorly, and none of these are indicative of his competence.
  • #5
how to be a good designer

Is it possible for a student who is not good at art to become a good engineering designer? How can we train ourselves to be a good designer?
  • #6
Please don't double post.

FAQ: Good and bad design to be an engineer

1. What makes a design "good" or "bad" for an engineer?

A good design for an engineer is one that effectively and efficiently solves a problem or meets a specific need. This includes factors such as functionality, usability, durability, and cost-effectiveness. A bad design, on the other hand, may have flaws or limitations that hinder its performance or make it difficult to use.

2. How do engineers determine if a design is good or bad?

Engineers use a combination of knowledge, experience, and analysis to evaluate a design. They may also conduct tests and gather feedback from users to determine the effectiveness of a design. Additionally, engineers may refer to established design principles and guidelines to assess the quality of a design.

3. What are some common examples of good and bad design in engineering?

Good design examples in engineering include products that are user-friendly, efficient, and durable. For instance, a well-designed smartphone with a user-friendly interface and long battery life would be considered a good design. On the other hand, a poorly designed car with frequent mechanical issues and a confusing dashboard would be an example of bad design in engineering.

4. How does good design impact the overall success of a project?

Good design is crucial for the success of a project as it can directly affect its functionality, usability, and cost-effectiveness. A well-designed project is more likely to meet the needs and expectations of users, leading to higher satisfaction and potential for future success. In contrast, a project with bad design may result in frequent issues, user frustration, and potential failure.

5. Can a design be both good and bad for different engineers?

Yes, a design can be perceived as both good and bad by different engineers. This can be due to different perspectives, experiences, and priorities. For instance, a design may be considered good by one engineer for its functionality but bad by another engineer for its high cost. Ultimately, the overall effectiveness and success of a design should be evaluated by considering multiple factors and perspectives.

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