Can Missing a Single Exam Destroy My Academic Future?

  • Thread starter Entropy
  • Start date
In summary, Just missed my Calc exam because I got the wrong date. Instead of going by the university block schedule for exams my teacher set her own time, which isn't illegal. But since I didn't go to class for the last week (which was just review) I was unaware of this. Now unless my teacher is willing to overlook my stupidity I will fail the class. Right now I'm waiting for her to email be back. I really want to kill myself right now, because if I don't I know my parents will when they find out.
  • #1
Just missed my Calc exam because I got the wrong date. Instead of going by the university block schedule for exams my teacher set her own time, which isn't illegal. But since I didn't go to class for the last week (which was just review) I was unaware of this. Now unless my teacher is willing to overlook my stupidity I will fail the class. Right now I'm waiting for her to email be back. I really want to kill myself right now, because if I don't I know my parents will when they find out.
Physics news on
  • #2
Killing oneself is a bit extreme given the circumstance. If you get to do the exam, then do well. If not, learn and move on.

I missed a lab final one time for the same reason - I didn't go to the one class when the date was announced - and I bombed. Thirty years later, I have a very interesting, fun and fulfulling job - not to mention the fact that I get to hang out at PF.

Never let failure stop you - just keep moving forward!
  • #3
Astronuc said:
I missed a lab final one time for the same reason - I didn't go to the one class when the date was announced - and I bombed. Thirty years later, <snip>I get to hang out at PF.
Just a bit of creative editing. :biggrin:

Entropy, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  • #4
It isn't the end, Entropy!

look at me:
I never missed an exam in my life, and now I'm hanging about at PF, just like Astronuc and Evo
  • #5
Look into your options:

First and formost, as you're probably already doing, talk with your professor and be as honest as possible. Professors can be surprisingly reasonable when they are dealing with a single (concerned) student rather than a huge room of uninterested bumpkins. After all, they were college students once and more likely than not, they'll be able to at least sympathize with your situation.

If your professor refuses to give you the exam, go to your registrar and see if it's possible that you retake the course next semester to replace your grade. Since you'll already know the material, it won't be too much of a burden outside of going to class and exams.The bottom line is that no matter what grade you get or GPA you end up with, don't dwell on your "failings". Being a college student isn't easy and not all college students are equally stressed. Remember- you're studying something that you hopefully enjoy and desire learning. And despite everything that your grades can't say about you, you're able to accomplish your GPA and eventually, your degree. You'll see - just wait a few semesters and you'll realize that there are so many meaningful ways to measure your experience in college, and GPA is the worst.
  • #6
Same thing happened to me with a lab final this year, and believe me I freaked! Luckily for me it worked out and I got to write a deferred exam, I hope it ends up ok for you to.
  • #7
I hope all turns out well for you.:smile:

*Has no advice*:smile:
  • #8
Entropy said:
Just missed my Calc exam because I got the wrong date. Instead of going by the university block schedule for exams my teacher set her own time, which isn't illegal. But since I didn't go to class for the last week (which was just review) I was unaware of this. Now unless my teacher is willing to overlook my stupidity I will fail the class. Right now I'm waiting for her to email be back. I really want to kill myself right now, because if I don't I know my parents will when they find out.
First, calm down. You already know the worst case scenario, and it's certainly survivable (you'll probably be able to retake the class at the worst). More likely, your instructor will be more understanding, especially if the time for the exam wasn't announced until the very last week of classes. Just be prepared to be flexible about the time you are willing to take a make-up exam. If she says to show up at 7:30 AM tomorrow morning and take it as an oral exam, do it. This will show her it was an honest mistake and you're willing to do whatever works best to make up for it, and that it's not that you just wanted more time to study, or whatever other weasely reasons some students come up with to try to get a later exam time. If you haven't heard a response yet, try calling her office and leaving a voice message too (if she isn't there to answer in person). It's a lot harder to be unsympathetic to the sound of a voice cracking on the phone with fear and panic compared to the unemotional email messages.

Winter finals hit right during cold and flu season too, so she may already need to offer a few make-up exams to students who were sick the day of the final, so you may be able to just take the exam with them.

And, no, your parents won't kill you either. They've put too much effort into raising you as old as you are, they aren't going to get rid of you now. :smile: Don't wait for the report card to come out though. Call them tonight and let them know what's going on. You might find they're more sympathetic than you expect and it might help you relax to talk to them and at least get that part of your worries off your chest. Parents can tell when their kid is really upset over something, and every kid screws up big time at least once in their life, so they're probably going to figure that as long as you're not calling for bail money, they're still ahead of the game, and lend a sympathetic ear.
  • #9
arildno said:
It isn't the end, Entropy!
look at me:
I never missed an exam in my life, and now I'm hanging about at PF, just like Astronuc and Evo
It isn't the end, Entropy!
look at me:
I never taken an exam in my life, and now I'm hanging about at PF, just like Astronuc and Evo :biggrin:
  • #10
As a former college student, I completely understand your situation.

As a parent, I can assure you that if my child explained the situation I would be completely fine with it and supportive.

If my kid killed themself on the other hand, I would be pretty pissed off. For a long time.

Tell your folks, maybe even right away, and they may even be able/willing to help you convince the prof. to give you another exam. I bet your parents even skipped a few classes when they were in school. (I mean, I'm sure mine never did, but I'm sure they never kissed or had sex, either. They were saints.)
  • #11
I overslept a final exam once, everything worked out. Talk to the professor.
  • #12
rachmaninoff said:
I overslept a final exam once, everything worked out. Talk to the professor.
I once overslept an exam, but then I slept over with the professor. Everything worked out fine. :wink:
  • #13
Still no reply from my teacher, this really sucks because I'm supposed to leave town tommarrow. Hopefully, she isn't leaving town either like a lot of my other professors are doing.
  • #14
Your second mistake was using email instead of going directly to her office or dialing her up on the phone. (Your first was missing classes during the week leading to the final.)

Don't make a third one by hiding it from your parents - they could be big supporters if you open up to them.
  • #15
Her office hours are over for the day (they were over before I realized the exam date was wrong) and she has no listed phone number that I can find.

My mom already knows, but not my dad.
  • #16
Is there any sort of general services in you faculty that you could go to and get advice on what to do? You might even be able to get a contact number for your prof from them.
  • #17
do not expect your teacher to email you. go see the teacher. you are still goffing off by just emailing her.
but face it, you didn't really put any effort into the course. next time be more responsible. if you want better results that is. but do not end yourself, you might have some fun this weekend anyway, and that would be a shame to miss out on.
or your granchildren would miss you a lot. (and your folks), and so would we.
merry xmas. lighten up.
  • #18
Don't give up hope that your teacher won't let you make it up. She may just be taking some time off for the holiday. I know that doesn't lower your stress level.

I know your dad takes things a bit too seriously. Do you have to go home for the holidays? Will you be able to keep this from him until you know if you can make it up?
  • #19
i guess you're joking just like me when i had an en exam. i don't think your cal. exam is the most important thing in your life. later you'll laugh at what you're saying.
  • #20
Entropy said:
Her office hours are over for the day (they were over before I realized the exam date was wrong) and she has no listed phone number that I can find.

My mom already knows, but not my dad.

Office hours aren't the only time profs are in their offices, but she might not be checking email regularly if she's sitting there grading exams. If you can't reach your prof directly, call the department office. The secretary there will know how to reach her or pass along the message.

In the future, if something is important enough to handle very quickly, call or stop by in person rather than use email.

I'm glad you've at least told your mom.
  • #21
My first response to too brief.

I agree with Moonbear and others, with regards to contacting the professor, preferably in person, or otherwise by phone, to explain the situation. On Monday, I would suggest getting on the phone, and if you can't reach her, call the department to say you are trying to get in touch with her, and when she might be available. Maybe you can reach a colleague.

It is also good that you let your mother know. As a parent, I want to know when my children have problems or when they make a mistake. Of course, I will be disappointed, but I've been through it myself. And only if I know, can I help.

You might as well tell your dad, but let your mom know first that you will tell, so perhaps she can help. But then tell him you are dealing with it.

Take care, keep hoping for the best!

With warmest regards,

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  • #22
I gave an exam yesterday and 3 out of 16 students failed to show up. I waited in my office 4 more hours hoping some would contact me. Finally one guy showed up who had "been held up at his girl friend's house." I gave him the exam and stayed at my office 3 more hours, an hour and a half after my wife had called and expected me home for dinner with friends.
The other two never called. During my wait, another prof came in who was also worried about one of the students who also had skipped his class, wanting to know if I had heard word.
I am getting older and gentler, and care less about rules, as years ago I would have perhaps reacted differently. But a physics teacher also once gave me an exam late after I slept through it.
Still there are many ramifications and lessons from such situations. As a promising but irresponsible student I often comitted lapses in responsibility and was forgiven, sometimes after begging, sometimes spontaneously.
But looking back, I never made any progress at growing up until a few crusty souls began to say "enough is enough", and stopped cutting me slack for my laziness. I eventually realized the overly forgiving ones had only helped prolong my period of irresponsibility by not making me face the fruits of my misbehavior, and actually contributed to my losing a lot of valuable time.
Eventually life stopped cutting me extra slack, and I began to realize it helped me to be treated like an adult and begin to act like one. At some point you too will realize this, stop fearing punishment from others, and begin to set your own goals and live up to them.
Good luck. We've all, most of us anyway, been right there.
What others have done, you can too.
best wishes,
PS: I am not a professional, and these statements are just well meant opinions from another person, and a stranger who does not know you well enough to judge you. So please take them with several grains of salt.
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  • #23
Just told my dad and he went berserk. Holy ****, I've never seen him so mad. But he has a short memory and he'll get over it. Right now I'm still calling people and emailing trying to get in touch with my teacher, no luck yet.
  • #24
Entropy said:
Just told my dad and he went berserk. Holy ****, I've never seen him so mad. But he has a short memory and he'll get over it. Right now I'm still calling people and emailing trying to get in touch with my teacher, no luck yet.
That must have been hard. But you did the right thing. He'll cool off. I'm hoping your teacher will have a big heart like Mathwonk, and consider giving you another chance. I think if a student missed my class and was truly, truly sorry, I would have a hard time saying no to giving a makeup exam.
  • #25
A friend of mine once overslept a final exam, then he talked to the prof who agreed to let him take it. Fearful he'd miss the exam again, he didn't sleep at all the night before and ended up sleeping during the exam. (Maybe not the whole exam, but he really got a crappy grade.) He still hangs out at the PF, though :smile:
  • #26
I'd call her in the office and leave her a voice message, just in case.
  • #27
Even if she has left town and you will too, you still might be able to negotiate an incomplete grade.
  • #28
I hope you get lucky, and can retake the exam. I know for my part, my college is rather draconian and won't let me retake exams without a valid excuse (sickness, death of a family member, etc...). Basicly, they taught me to always be sure about the exams dates, so far, I've never missed one.
  • #29
Entropy, I am extremely proud of you. Telling your dad was very courageous, and was probably the main fear you had to face, because fathers are our main source of approval in life. Good work! I think it will all be ok now, whatever happens. If you could face your dad, you can face anyone and anything. You are now becoming your own man. Congratulations and Merry Xmas.

And I'll bet your dad is proud of you too - I know I was proud of my son when he faced up to me.
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  • #30
yeah, your dad is probably proud of you. He's still going to kick your butt, but proudly.
  • #31
The very same thing nearly happened to me two weeks ago in my "Numerical methods in Scientific Computation" class during finals. I don't go to class very often, i find that when i don't go to class i get guilty and end up reading the book and studying a lot harder because i always think i don't know enough (it works, i get good grades).
Anyway, i thought the exam was from 5:30-7:30. It was around 4:45 and i was at home doing the practice exam and suddenly for some reason i decided to double check when and where the exam was. I found out it was actually from 3:30-5:30, so i go out the door and drive to campus as fast as i can, i had to park in the parking lot, which is a little way off, and run to the correct building. As i was running i dropped all of my new 5 pencils that i had just recently bought, when i realized this i went back to find one, which i did, and continued on my way. I made it to class at exactly 5:00, i could barely breathe (running like that in that cold air), but at least i had 30 minutes left. I cruised through the exam at remarkable speed, finished all the questions in time and left the room quite confident that i had gotten A, which i did. :smile:
  • #32
I had to run to a history exam not to be late in the cold,man that cold air makes your lungs burn like their on fire. I was gasping for breath as I sat there before the exam. It really hurt. :-( (run= a longgggggggggggggggggg distance...enigma knows about running from lot 9 all the way to Key)
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  • #33
I was late for one of my physics finals, so I parked my car right in front of the doors to my class. I got a ticket, but finished the test before they could get a tow truck to tow it.
  • #34
Am I the only one who's still waiting patiently to find out what happened? C'mon, Entropy, I want to hear the rest of this. Did you finally get in touch with your prof?
  • #35
I think you should carry out the plan so that your parents don't get mad at you. It seems like a good option for a slacker