Males vs. Females: What Do Each Do Better?

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, males usually do better than females in various activities, but this isn't always the case.
  • #1
Gold Member
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What do males do better than females, and females do better males?
Excluding giving birth.

The only things i can think of, I do not see many female builders or formula one
racing drivers.
Physics news on
  • #2
The only thing I can think of is the female hip structure is more efficient for running and other physical activities than the male counterpart... Except in general men can still run faster because of testosterone.
  • #3
Are there any female fighter pilots?
  • #4
wolram said:
Are there any female fighter pilots?

yes... many...
  • #5
Men, often make better show-jumpers than women due to the shape of the pelvis, and often have more courage because of testosterone.

Anything involving strength usually falls to men because they have greater muscle density - again down to testosterone.

Women usually have a greater capactiy for multitasking and can generally communicate better across the two halves of the brain than men.
  • #6
My mom is always better than my dad at spending money
  • #7
*Kia* said:
Women usually have a greater capactiy for multitasking and can generally communicate better across the two halves of the brain than men.

Hmm, i er, ouch hot water, is this true?
  • #8
gravenewworld said:
My mom is always better than my dad at spending money
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #9
*Kia* said:
Women usually have a greater capactiy for multitasking and can generally communicate better across the two halves of the brain than men.
I keep hearing that but every girl I've ever dated has been soooo much worse at both those things than me! I'm better than my twin sister too.
  • #10
*Kia* said:
Women usually have a greater capactiy for multitasking and can generally communicate better across the two halves of the brain than men.
Women have a 20% larger corpus callosum than men: 20% more communication fibers connecting the hemispheres.

This allows them, among other things, to be able to read peoples facial expressions more accurately than men can, using less of their brains to do it. Men can do it as well as women, but only if they activate much more brain area for the job than women have to.
  • #11
wolram said:
What do males do better than females, and females do better males?
Excluding giving birth.

The only things i can think of, I do not see many female builders or formula one
racing drivers.

Not seeing many women doing something doesn't mean men are better at it, just that more men than women have an interest in doing it.

For most things, I don't think it's a matter of one sex doing something better than the other sex, but more that some things are accomplished in different ways.

Let's just take the multi-tasking example. I don't know of any real studies that confirm it, but for the sake of argument, let's assume women can keep track of multiple projects simultaneously in their head. But, does that mean they're going to perform better than men who might just switch back and forth between multiple projects, keeping track of them each one at a time, but constantly switching between them, or using notes to keep track of everything going on rather than keeping it all in their head? (I don't honestly think this is a trait that differs between men and women though; I think it's generally rare to find people who can truly multi-task well, regardless of their sex).

Even with lifting, men (who keep themselves in unfit guy can be much weaker than a fit woman) might have stronger arms for lifting, but then women will often compensate for that lack of strength in their arms by using their hips to brace things they're lifting (just watch men vs. women carrying groceries, especially if they're in the paper bags without handles...the men will have two bags in their arms held slightly in front of them, and the women have the bags resting on their hips with their arms more supporting them from slipping rather than bearing the weight).
  • #12
That "Fear Factor" show. It's so biased towards men. Like the time they were up in the air jumping from one car to another car while water was spraying on them. Give me a break. If that was a balance beam up there, I would have said, "just give the money to the women. I ain't even gonna' try!".


Oh yea, one more story about the balance beam: "Survivor". You know it. Well it was the women vs. men. And they were on some obstacle course. Well the men were beating the women badly until . . . you guessed it . . . the dreaded balance beam. And it was only 6" off the ground for heaven sake! I mean they sat there and kept falling off as the women, one by one gradually got up them, overtook them and beat them! :smile:
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  • #13
Though I don't normally like to say that one gender is superior to another at something, women look a hell of a lot better in a skirt than men.
  • #14
*Kia* said:
Women usually have a greater capactiy for multitasking and can generally communicate better across the two halves of the brain than men.

I keep hearing this too, but like Smurf I have yet to see it in the real world. I haven't met very many women who can multitask as well as I do.

I've also heard that women are supposedly more patient then men. Yet I haven't found this in reality either. I find it extremely difficult to find a woman who is as patient as I am.

But then for whatever it's worth, I havent' met very many men who are as patient as I am either, so maybe it's just me. :wink:

There are probably a lot of stereotypical generalizations that can be made about men vs. women. But I've found that I generally don't fit the stereotypes given for men anyhow. So generalizations are pretty meaningless to me.
  • #15
Men can write their name in the snow better than women.
  • #16
Men can write their name in the snow better than women.

LOL, by what methods?
  • #17
:smile: it matters how
  • #18
I suspect that women have an easier time practicing abstinence. And looking at the prison population, women seem to be better at refraining from violence - or at least not getting caught and convicted.
  • #19
i have heard that women have a superior ability to determine different shades of color then men do. also, in my own opinion, i think men make better cooks then women do :smile: then again, maybe it's just that my husband feeds me well :smile:
  • #20
i think men make better cooks then women do

this is true. i can out cook or out bake my own mom any day of the week.
  • #21
Kerrie said:
also, in my own opinion, i think men make better cooks then women do :smile:
:biggrin: I think we need to encourage them to demonstrate this more often!
  • #22
Women can read minds a lot better than men.

How many times has your mom busted you for stuff and she wasn't even in the room? Dad could have sitting right next to you, absolutely oblivious...

There's always the white-haired ancient crone of a schoolteacher who knew when notes were being passed around, even though she was writing on the chalkboard at the time...

Men can park better than women. A woman won't pull into a parking slot if there isn't at least two feet of clearance on either side. Men need only two or three inches, and they won't rub the bumper on anything unless the woman in the passenger seeat starts squealing because she thinks he's going to hit something.
  • #23
I think it is easy to differentiate men and women.

Women produce: o
Men produce: ~o
  • #24
i think men are on average better than women in pretty much everything. But in some areas, including intelligence, looks, virtue, women have a few that really excell, even though the average is still low. i think women can't compete with men only in things like survival in the wilderness or war.
  • #25
wolram said:
What do males do better than females, and females do better males?
Excluding giving birth.

The only things i can think of, I do not see many female builders or formula one
racing drivers.

Women Keep Their Hair !
  • #26
HRWWB women seem to be better at refraining from violence

That is just so not true, they are all ways slapping my face :cry:
  • #27
Kerrie said:
i have heard that women have a superior ability to determine different shades of color then men do.
My personal experience bears this out. Most women seem to have a much larger color vocabulary then men, which means, at least, that they consistently pay more attention to it.

Is that due to how womens' brains are wired for color perception, or is it a spin off of something else exclusive to women?
  • #28
wolram said:
That is just so not true, they are all ways slapping my face :cry:
I guess some men are also better at bringing out our violent sides. :-p ...Or maybe that means they like you. :wink:
  • #29
bor0000 said:
i think men are on average better than women in pretty much everything. But in some areas, including intelligence, looks, virtue, women have a few that really excell, even though the average is still low. i think women can't compete with men only in things like survival in the wilderness or war.
Try saying that to a woman in person and you'll learn quickly just how wrong you are! :mad: :mad:
  • #30
zoobyshoe said:
Is that due to how womens' brains are wired for color perception, or is it a spin off of something else exclusive to women?
Well, women do have more color choices in clothing, accessories, makeup, hair color, and such, and are usually the ones decorating their homes (I think), so it may be that they just develop a better eye for color.
  • #31
bor0000 said:
i think men are on average better than women in pretty much everything. But in some areas, including intelligence, looks, virtue, women have a few that really excell, even though the average is still low.
The average is still low? Where do you get this idea? The only thing I would be certain of saying women are worse then men at, on average, is feats of strength. If you consider almost anything else, men and women are too close together in abilities for generalizations like this to apply.
i think women can't compete with men only in things like survival in the wilderness or war.
You might be surprised. Men are probably somewhat better adapted to living the wild, but women can certainly "compete." As for war: that's really nothing to be proud of.
  • #32
honestrosewater said:
Well, women do have more color choices in clothing, accessories, makeup, hair color, and such, and are usually the ones decorating their homes (I think), so it may be that they just develop a better eye for color.
The question is: does a woman's better sense of color arise from more sophisticated color perception genes, which would lead to them wanting to control the color in their lives more than men, or is their color sense developed as a side-feature of a more developed genetic proclivity to decoration than men have?
  • #33
zoobyshoe said:
The question is: does a woman's better sense of color arise from more sophisticated color perception genes, which would lead to them wanting to control the color in their lives more than men, or is their color sense developed as a side-feature of a more developed genetic proclivity to decoration than men have?

It probabaly goes back to the hunter gatherer days, men hunted women gathered, recognizing certain plant patterns and colours would be an aid
to survival, now their skills are used for decoration, tip do not go with a
woman when she wants a new lipstick.
  • #34
I know that the proportion of well-known male physicists is far more than female's... If you see the Nobel physics prize winners, you will clearly know that... So this makes me doubt that, whether male has higher power.
  • #35
zoobyshoe said:
The question is: does a woman's better sense of color arise from more sophisticated color perception genes, which would lead to them wanting to control the color in their lives more than men, or is their color sense developed as a side-feature of a more developed genetic proclivity to decoration than men have?
I did a little searching earlier and found a few interesting snippets but nothing solid. There was more information on monkeys whose vision is different than ours.
(preschoolers) "No significant difference between visual fields was found for either task."
(80 years olds) "A gender-related difference, in favor of women, occurred in naming five of the mixed colors. Women also used more varied color names than men."
"An intensely debated issue concerning visual-experience-dependent neural plasticity is whether experience is required only to maintain function or whether information from experience is used actively, relieving the necessity to hard-wire all connections and allowing adaptive adjustments. Here, an active role for experience is demonstrated in circuits for color vision."

Okay, I selectively quoted to support my previous post, but at least I'm admitting to it. :biggrin: The first one actually said:
"A two-factor (sex x visual field) analysis of variance with repeated measures on the visual-field factor showed a significant difference between the sexes on the color-naming task only.", but I only scanned through it. I think the gene you want is called the photopigment gene, but my quick searches didn't turn up anything.
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