What is the second fundamental form?

In summary, the conversation discusses the notation used for the metric and second fundamental form of a smooth manifold embedded in Euclidean space. The notation involves pairings between elements of different spaces and is used to calculate the coefficients of the second fundamental form. The conversation also mentions extending this notation to higher dimensions and references a paper that utilizes this notation.
  • #1
OK, this is more of a spot for an elaboration on a question I just posted in another thread. Not quite duplicating threads, I hope, I just wanted to have this not buried in another spot...

So, the question is this:

Let's say that we have a smooth manifold [tex]\mathcal{M}[/tex]that may be viewed as a surface in [tex]\mathbb{R}^3[/tex] given by an embedding [tex]x[/tex]. Denote by [tex]n[/tex] the outward-pointing unit normal to [tex]\mathcal{M}[/tex] (yes, we are assuming that [tex]\mathcal{M}[/tex] is orientable), and by [tex]g[/tex] and [tex]h[/tex] the metric and second fundamental form, resp., defined by

[tex]g_{ij}=\left<\dfrac{\partial x}{\partial u^i},\dfrac{\partial x}{\partial u^j}\right>[/tex]

[tex]h_{ij}=-\left<\dfrac{\partial^2x}{\partial u^i\partial u^j},n\right>[/tex]

with respect to some local coordinates [tex]\left\lbrace u^1,u^2\right\rbrace[/tex] for some (open) region of [tex]\mathcal{M}[/tex].

What I need to understand, basically, is how this notation works. I can easily see how one would obtain

[tex]g_{ij}=\dfrac{\partial y^k}{\partial u^i}\dfrac{\partial y^k}{\partial u^j};\hspace{0.75cm}k\text{ summed}[/tex]

from the definiton that [tex]g=g_{ij}du^i\otimes du^j[/tex], [tex]y^k=y^k\left(u^1,u^2\right)[/tex], but I don't see how to go from here to the pairing above, and am even more confused about the pairing used to define [tex]h_{ij}[/tex] above.

Any thoughts?
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  • #2
the.bone said:
So, the question is this:
[tex]g_{ij}=\left<\dfrac{\partial x}{\partial u^i},\dfrac{\partial x}{\partial u^j}\right>[/tex]
[tex]h_{ij}=-\left<\dfrac{\partial^2x}{\partial u^i\partial u^j},n\right>[/tex]
What I need to understand, basically, is how this notation works.
I am only confused with the sign "-" in the definition for second fundamental form. From my prospective there should be "+",
but it does not effect the results. By the way, what kind of book do you use?
The most important thing is that the second fundamental form envolves the second derivitives of coordinate transformation!
Let suppose, you have a smooth manifold [tex]\mathcal{M}[/tex] that may be viewed as a 2D (!) surface in 3D space with coordinates
[tex]x=(x^1,x^2,x^3)[/tex] given by the equation [tex]x^3=f(x^1,x^2)[/tex]. Then two coordinates [tex](u^1,u^2)[/tex] on the surface can
be [tex]u^1=x^1, u^2=x^2[/tex]. For simplicity I'll use the notion [tex]u=u^1, v=u^2[/tex] and parametric equations of the smooth
manifold [tex]\mathcal{M}[/tex] are [tex]x^1=u, x^2=v, x^3=f(u,v)[/tex]
[tex]x_{u}=(1,0, \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial u})[/tex],
[tex]x_{v}=(0,1, \dfrac{\partial f}{\partial v})[/tex].
The second derivitives:
[tex]x_{u,u}=(0,0, \dfrac{\partial^2 f}{\partial u \partial u})[/tex],
[tex]x_{u,v}=x_{v,u} =(0,0, \dfrac{\partial^2 f}{\partial u \partial v})[/tex],
[tex]x_{v,v}=(0,0, \dfrac{\partial^2 f}{\partial v \partial v})[/tex].
From here you can easily calculate [tex]g_{ij}[/tex] and [tex]h_{ij}[/tex].
  • #3
Thanks! I think...

If I understand you correctly, the above notation, then, is somwhat abusive in that typically, a pairing is usually between an element of one space, and something that is dual to it, like

[tex]\left<\dfrac{\partial}{\partial x},dx\right>[/tex]

Not an iron fisted rule, mind you, but you see what I'm getting at--something like stating [tex]g_{ij}[/tex] as above is... not quite in line with the usual methods, in particular because it requires something like the "k summed" note above to fix the fact that summation convention is, technically, violated. Moreover, as per your example above, a note like this would also be required to calculate [tex]h_{ij}[/tex], right?

Assuming then that I have this right, the next question would be how to extend this notation? That is, if [tex]\mathcal{M}[/tex] is an [tex]m[/tex]-dimensional manifold, and [tex]x:\mathcal{M}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{m+1}[/tex], then we may choose a Darboux frame [tex]\left(x;e_1,\ldots,e_m,e_{m+1}\right)[/tex] on [tex]\mathcal{M}[/tex]. But, in doing this, would this allow us to construct [tex]e_{m+1}[/tex] as a "normal" vector to the "surface", as would be the case if [tex]m=\left\lbrace 1,2\right\rbrace[/tex]?

Looking forward to all of your input!

Also, I'm not working with anyone book in particular, rather quite a conglomarate, as well as a stack of papers. However, the notation quoted above is explicitly used in http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/research.reports/mrr/98/031/MRR98-031.pdf , which is pretty goovy read!
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  • #4
the.bone said:
Thanks! I think...
If I understand you correctly, the above notation, then, is somwhat abusive in that typically, a pairing is usually between an element of one space, and something that is dual to it, like
[tex]\left<\dfrac{\partial}{\partial x},dx\right>[/tex]
No, it's not abusive. It's just simple scalar product. Of course you can do it if your space has a metric.
Assuming then that I have this right, the next question would be how to extend this notation? That is, if [tex]\mathcal{M}[/tex] is an [tex]m[/tex]-dimensional manifold, and [tex]x:\mathcal{M}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{m+1}[/tex],...
Consider a smooth hypersurface in Euclidean [tex]\mathbb{R}^{m+1}[/tex] with Euclidean coordinates [tex]x^1, ..., x^{m+1}[/tex], which we shall assume to be given in the graphical form [tex]x^{m+1} = f(x^1, ..., x^m)[/tex]. Then the normal vector to the hypersurface is is given by
[tex]n= \dfrac{(-f_{x^1},...,-f_{x^{m}},1)}{\sqrt{1+(f_{x^1})^2+...+(f_{x^m})^2}}[/tex]
Also, I'm not working with anyone book in particular, rather quite a conglomarate, as well as a stack of papers. However, the notation quoted above is explicitly used in http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/research.reports/mrr/98/031/MRR98-031.pdf , which is pretty goovy read!
It's interested. Why are you doing this?
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  • #5
Recall that the coefficients of the II fundamental form are

[tex]L{i,j}= -\partial_i (r)\cdot\partial_j (n) = {\partial_{i,j}}^2(r)\cdot (n)[/tex]

where I have used "[tex]\codt [/tex]" instead of pairing.
  • #6
So, how could we generalize and make definitions in higher dimension?

FAQ: What is the second fundamental form?

1. What is the second fundamental form?

The second fundamental form is a mathematical concept used in differential geometry to describe the curvature of a surface in three-dimensional space. It is a quadratic form that measures the change in the normal vector as you move along the surface.

2. How is the second fundamental form calculated?

The second fundamental form is calculated using the partial derivatives of the surface's first fundamental form, also known as the metric tensor. It is a matrix that contains information about the surface's curvature at each point.

3. What does the second fundamental form tell us about a surface?

The second fundamental form provides information about the shape and curvature of a surface. It helps to determine if the surface is convex or concave and can also be used to calculate the mean and Gaussian curvatures.

4. What are some real-world applications of the second fundamental form?

The second fundamental form has many applications in physics and engineering, particularly in fields such as computer graphics, robotics, and computer-aided design. It is also used in calculating stress and strain on surfaces in structural engineering and in the study of fluid dynamics.

5. Are there any limitations to using the second fundamental form?

While the second fundamental form is a useful tool for understanding the curvature of a surface, it does have some limitations. It may not accurately describe highly irregular surfaces, and it cannot be used to analyze surfaces with changing topology, such as a Möbius strip.

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