Why y=e^mx is taken as trial soln ?

  • Thread starter ironcross77
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In summary, taking ce^{mx} as a trial solution is a common method used to solve homogeneous linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients. This is because the fundamental theorem of algebra guarantees n solutions to an nth degree polynomial, and assuming a trial solution of ce^{mx} results in an nth degree polynomial. This method does not work for all differential equations, but it does for homogeneous linear ones.
  • #1
why y=e^mx is alwayas taken as trial soln in solving 2nd order diff equations. please explain in details.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
You would not always take [itex]ce^{mx}[/itex] as a trial solution to any second order differential equation, only homogenius linear ones with constant coefficients. In fact you should take [itex]ce^{mx}[/itex] as a trial solution to any homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients. Here is why: The fundamental theorem of algebra says that any nth degree polynomial has exactly n complex roots (including multilicity). When you assume a trial solution of [itex]ce^{mx}[/itex] to one of these equations what happens? The equation is of the form:
[tex]a_0y +a_1y' +...+ a_ny^{(n)}=0[/tex]
Assuming the trial solution:
[tex]a_0ce^{mx} + a_1mce^{mx} +...+ a_nm^{n}ce^{mx}=0[/tex]
Canceling [itex]ce^{mx}[/itex] gives:
[tex]a_0+ a_1m + a_2m^2 +...+a_nm^n=0[/tex]
Which is an nth degree polynomial. We are guaranteed n solutions to this polynomial, and we know that an nth degree linear differential equation has n linearly independent solutions. So, as long as all the roots are distinct, we have solved the problem since [itex]e^{mx}[/itex] and [itex]e^{lx}[/itex] are linearly independent when [itex]m \neq l[/itex]. Otherwise we need to try other solutions as well. The other solutions that work in this case are of the form [itex]x^{\alpha}e^{mx}[/itex].
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  • #3
You don't do that for *all* DE's, only linear ones, and only to get the homogeneous solutions. It will not work in general. But we can prove that in this particular case that these are the only solutions, though this proof is somewhat difficult and of no interest here.

Some clever person noted that this method always gives (when done properly) in this case the two things that we know exist.

So the simple answer is: because it works.
  • #4
In addition to what Leonhard and Matt said, you can always do a power series solution (Frobenius). That can be rather tedious but for the types of equations noted the power series method always gives the equivalent of exponential (possibly complex) functions.
  • #5
ironcross77 said:
why y=e^mx is alwayas taken as trial soln in solving 2nd order diff equations. please explain in details.

Just as an addendum. Exponentials are very easy to work with. I mean, they are easy to integrate, derivate, multiply, devide, ...

For example, in computational physics, one will always try to express the wavefunction of a many body problem in terms of the product of many single body wave functions. Such wavefunctions are expressed in terms of Gaussians (ie exponentials), like the SZ and DZP basis sets, for the above calculatory advantages. So exponentials not only rule math, they also rule QM, QFT, ...err, in short : PHYSICS :wink:

  • #6
matt grime said:
You don't do that for *all* DE's, only linear ones, and only to get the homogeneous solutions.
Actually only for linear equations with constant coefficients.

The point is that if we are to cancel different derivatives, multiplying only by constants, the derivatives must be the same "kind" of function. Since the derivative of ekx is kekx, that works nicely. Of course, the derivative of sin(x) is cos(x) and the derivative of cos(x) is -sin(x) so sine and cosine would also work nicely. The derivative of any polynomial is also a polynomial so polynomials would work. It happens that ekx is simpler to use than those.
  • #7
The fundamental theorem of algebra says that any nth degree polynomial has exactly n complex roots (including multilicity).

What do u exactly mean by the above? Say a third degree polynomial does not have exactly 3 complex roots. Complex roots always occur in conjugate pairs ie. in any polynomial complex roots must occur in even nos.
  • #8
ironcross77 said:
The fundamental theorem of algebra says that any nth degree polynomial has exactly n complex roots (including multilicity).
What do u exactly mean by the above? Say a third degree polynomial does not have exactly 3 complex roots. Complex roots always occur in conjugate pairs ie. in any polynomial complex roots must occur in even nos.

What do YOU mean? It's a statement of the fundamental theorem of algebra. It's not his statement. And remember that the real numbers are a subset of the complex numbers, all real numbers are complex numbers of the form a + bi, only that b = 0.
  • #9
ironcross77 said:
The fundamental theorem of algebra says that any nth degree polynomial has exactly n complex roots (including multilicity).
What do u exactly mean by the above? Say a third degree polynomial does not have exactly 3 complex roots. Complex roots always occur in conjugate pairs ie. in any polynomial complex roots must occur in even nos.
What d_leet said pretty much answers the question, but I also just wanted to point out that complex roots do not always come in conjugate pairs. This is the case for polynomials with real coefficients, but not true when complex coefficients are allowed. For example the polynomial you get by expanding (x-(1+i))(x-1)2 would clearly have 1+i as a root but not 1-i. That said, I agree with you that my wording was somewhat misleading. A better way to phrase it would be "has exactly n roots in the field of complex numbers".
  • #10
L. Euler:
Perhaps using a polynomial like x-i gets the message across better than the one you chose..
Not that there was anything wrong in your answer, though..

FAQ: Why y=e^mx is taken as trial soln ?

1. Why is y=e^mx commonly used as a trial solution in scientific experiments?

There are a few reasons why y=e^mx is a popular choice as a trial solution in scientific experiments. Firstly, it is a simple and well-known function that is easy to work with mathematically. Additionally, it has important properties such as being differentiable and having a constant non-zero derivative, making it versatile for a wide range of applications. Finally, it is a good approximation for many real-world phenomena, making it a practical choice for modeling data.

2. Can't other functions be used as trial solutions instead of y=e^mx?

Yes, other functions can be used as trial solutions, depending on the specific experiment and the problem at hand. However, y=e^mx is often the preferred choice due to its simplicity and the reasons mentioned in the previous answer. Other functions may also be used when they are more suitable for the particular experiment, such as trigonometric functions for modeling periodic data.

3. How is y=e^mx used in solving differential equations?

In solving differential equations, y=e^mx is used as a trial solution to substitute into the equation and find a particular solution. This is known as the method of undetermined coefficients. By plugging in the trial solution and its derivatives, the coefficients can be determined and a particular solution can be found. This method is commonly used in differential equations involving exponential growth or decay.

4. What are the limitations of using y=e^mx as a trial solution?

While y=e^mx is a useful and versatile function, it does have some limitations when used as a trial solution. Firstly, it can only approximate certain types of functions, so it may not be suitable for all types of data. Additionally, it may not be the best choice for problems involving non-linear relationships. Other functions, such as polynomials, may be better suited for these types of problems.

5. How can I determine if y=e^mx is a good fit for my data?

The best way to determine if y=e^mx is a good fit for your data is to plot the function and compare it to your data points. If the curve of the function closely follows the trend of your data, then it is likely a good fit. Additionally, you can use statistical methods such as regression analysis to evaluate the fit of the function to your data. It is also important to consider the limitations of using y=e^mx as mentioned in the previous answer when determining its suitability for your data.
