What is the difference between standing waves and transverse waves?

In summary: Air Columns It has clear animations and shows all four wave patterns which are possible in air columns:* Closed tubes* Open tubes* Closed tubes with one open end* Open tubes with one closed endBut I think you have the basic idea now. Good luck with your studies!In summary, the conversation discusses the differences between transverse and longitudinal waves, and standing and traveling waves. The main difference between standing and traveling waves is that standing waves have fixed nodes and antinodes, while traveling waves do not. The conversation also clarifies that both transverse and longitudinal waves can create standing waves, and gives examples of these types of waves. The conversation ends with a suggestion to consult a textbook for further understanding.
  • #1
I always hear a difference between transverse and longitudinal waves, and, standing and traveling waves, but for me, transverse and standing waves looks very similar; and i can't seem to find out what is the difference.

Both has nodes and antinodes, thus the change in amplitude as you go about the wave, and all the points between 2 nodes are in phase.

Which also leads me to see the similarity between traveling and longitudinal waves.

Could someone explain the difference to me? Thanks in advance.

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  • #2
The nodes and antinodes in a standing wave remain in position; traveling waves do not have nodes and antinodes. Longitudinal or transverse has nothing to do with it.
  • #3
What you mean they have nothing to do with it?
I mean, longitudinal and transverse are words to describe their way of propagation, no?
But the way they propagate has the same properties as traveling and standing waves, respectively.

In other words, any traveling wave should be a longitudinal wave, no? Example: sound waves. I mean, if the crests are propagating in the direction of the medium, then I can logically assume that it won't have a node or antinode.

I can't see how they would not match each other, thus my question on what way would they differ, if they do at all :). Like, could you give me an example on a standing wave that is a longitudinal wave? If I am going all wrong about this, please tell me.

Thanks for the reply.Regards,
  • #4
Zananok said:
What you mean they have nothing to do with it?
Both longitudinal and transverse waves can be standing or traveling.
I mean, longitudinal and transverse are words to describe their way of propagation, no?
For mechanical waves, like sound and waves on a string, those words describe whether the oscillations of the media are along the direction of motion or perpendicular to it.
But the way they propagate has the same properties as traveling and standing waves, respectively.
Don't no what you mean by that.
In other words, any traveling wave should be a longitudinal wave, no?
No. Transverse waves can be traveling waves too. And either can create standing waves.
Example: sound waves. I mean, if the crests are propagating in the direction of the medium, then I can logically assume that it won't have a node or antinode.
Traveling waves do not have nodes or antinodes. But you can certainly have standing waves with sound. (Consider musical instruments.)
I can't see how they would not match each other, thus my question on what way would they differ, if they do at all :). Like, could you give me an example on a standing wave that is a longitudinal wave?
See: Standing waves in air columns
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  • #5
This is not meant rudely, but there's no conspiracy to hide the meanings of these terms. Any decent pre-university Physics textbook will explain them, and give clear diagrams.

Transverse waves are waves in which the particles of the medium oscillate at right angles to the direction in which the wave profile and the energy travel. The waves in a taut horizontal string when you shake one end up and down are transverse.

To my mind 'a standing wave pattern' is a better term than 'a standing wave'. In a standing wave pattern neither the wave profile, nor energy, travel. Instead the medium vibrates in a characteristic way, with an amplitude that varies with distance, dropping to zero at 'nodes', which have fixed positions. The vibrations of the medium can be either transverse or longitudinal.

But may I suggest you find a textbook?
  • #6
Thank you Doc, I understood well now, when I saw your example of standing waves in air columns.

Philip Wood, my textbook had bad visuals for my understanding and had no clear statement showing that transverse and longitudinal waves could both be a standing wave, thank you, but I am fine now.Regards,
  • #7
Zananok said:
Thank you Doc, I understood well now, when I saw your example of standing waves in air columns.
Good. I'm glad we cleared that up.

To really nail it down, you might want to skim through this tutorial: Standing Waves

FAQ: What is the difference between standing waves and transverse waves?

1. What is the definition of a standing wave?

A standing wave is a type of wave that appears to be stationary, with points of no movement called nodes, and points of maximum displacement called antinodes. This is due to the interference of two identical waves traveling in opposite directions.

2. How does a standing wave differ from a transverse wave?

A transverse wave is a type of wave that travels through a medium by vibrating perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. In contrast, a standing wave does not propagate through a medium but rather oscillates within a confined space.

3. Can standing waves and transverse waves exist in the same medium?

Yes, standing waves can exist in the same medium as transverse waves. However, they are two different types of waves and behave differently. Standing waves are formed by the interference of two waves traveling in opposite directions, while transverse waves are formed by a single wave traveling through a medium.

4. What are some examples of standing waves and transverse waves?

Examples of standing waves include musical instruments such as strings, where the vibration of the string creates a standing wave with nodes and antinodes. Examples of transverse waves include light waves and water waves, where the disturbance of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.

5. How do standing waves and transverse waves affect energy transfer?

In standing waves, there is no net transfer of energy as the wave appears to be stationary. In contrast, transverse waves transfer energy as they propagate through a medium. This is because in a standing wave, the energy is constantly being exchanged between potential and kinetic energy at the nodes and antinodes, while in a transverse wave, energy is continuously being transferred through the medium.

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