Black hole in one universe to generate a big bang

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of black holes creating new universes, the potential for universes to come into contact and the concept of infinite universes containing all possible pasts, presents, and futures. While there are theories and hypotheses surrounding these ideas, there is currently no concrete evidence to support them. Some suggest that other universes may exist in different dimensions or time-space continuums, but without observable evidence, these ideas remain untestable.
  • #1
I have a few questions and I was hoping you guys could help

One, would it be theoretically possible for the creation of a black hole in one universe to generate a big bang/white hole creation of another universe, kind of shifting matter and energy from one universe to create another.

Two, if universes are expanding and there are an infinite number of universes, is it possible for universes or dimensions within the universes to come into contact, and what would occur if two universes happened to come into contact.

If there are an infinite number of universes, then isn't it possible, that each universe is one instant in time, and that all moments in time, and all possible moments in time exist at once, basically all possible pasts, presents and futures exist at once.
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  • #2
baxtus said:
I have a few questions and I was hoping you guys could help

Always willing, not always helping though.

One, would it be theoretically possible for the creation of a black hole in one universe to generate a big bang/white hole creation of another universe, kind of shifting matter and energy from one universe to create another.

White-holes are very tricky to achieve in practice, but are a lot like the Big Bang in some ways. Our Universe might have sprung from one. But there's no evidence that black-hole singularities emit matter from them after crushing it to oblivion. Wormholes might be stabilised by the insides of black-holes allowing stuff to pass through, but there's no guarantees it does.

Two, if universes are expanding and there are an infinite number of universes, is it possible for universes or dimensions within the universes to come into contact, and what would occur if two universes happened to come into contact.

It is possible and stuff would spill from one into the other. Such a zone of contact between Universes would probably appear as patch in the Cosmic Microwave Background that's different to the average even temperature.

If there are an infinite number of universes, then isn't it possible, that each universe is one instant in time, and that all moments in time, and all possible moments in time exist at once, basically all possible pasts, presents and futures exist at once.

Yes. If there are an infinite number then some fraction (very small) will all be starting with the same initial conditions and the same physical laws, thus evolving - probably - in parallel, albeit at different starting times (hyper-times?) It's also possible that - if our Universe is infinite - then there are an infinite number of duplicates of our present Earth, all past Earths, all future Earths and all possible Earths. They're also very, very far away. Like double exponential numbers away. Max Tegmark has written extensively on this idea, so look for his papers on the site.
  • #3
thanks, these were some questions I had rolling around in my head, but didn't have the educational background to answer (the social sciences are more my bag)
  • #4
Lee Smolin thinks black holes can form new universes in the manner you suggest. See his cosmic natural selection hypothesis. I doubt this is viable, but, he is the theoretical physicist, not I.

2. I am not sure how bubble universes could come into contact. If they exist in different bubbles, I think the bubbles must exist in different dimensions in some kind of hyperspace. There is no evidence of other universes encroaching into our space in WMAP, as qraal noted.

3. You cannot inject universal time into this equation, they must each 'live' in their own time-space. A universe without an exclusive time-space continuum is unviable, imo.

I think this is a failed hypothesis because there are no apparent observables that allow us to test it. It might be true, but, without observables, it is meaningless in our universe.
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  • #5
Chronos said:
Lee Smolin thinks black holes can form new universes in the manner you suggest. See his cosmic natural selection hypothesis. I doubt this is viable, but, he is the theoretical physicist, not I.

2. I am not sure how bubble universes could come into contact. If they exist in different bubbles, I think the bubbles must exist in different dimensions in some kind of hyperspace. There is no evidence of other universes encroaching into our space in WMAP, as qraal noted.

3. You cannot inject universal time into this equation, they must each 'live' in their own time-space. A universe without an exclusive time-space continuum is unviable, imo.

I think this is a failed hypothesis because there are no apparent observables that allow us to test it. It might be true, but, without observables, it is meaningless in our universe.

Why do you think it is inviable?

Why would they exist within different dimensions, wouldn't all the universes have the same number of dimensions? (what is it now 11, 26?)

But if there are an infinite number of universes, wouldn't each possible state of existence be present at all times in some universe? Therefore wouldn't every possible moment in time also be present, since every moment in time is a possible state?

Isn't all of this stuff untestable anyways? I mean no one has proven that the multiverse exists, as far as I am aware.
  • #6
The unprovable part is my objection. Other universes existing in our spacetime would surely exhibit traces in WMAP, unless they conspire to blend into the CMB of 'our' universe. That seems either highly improbable or irrelevant to me.
  • #7
Well that just may mean we haven't come into contact with another one, not that we cannot
  • #8
baxtus said:
Well that just may mean we haven't come into contact with another one, not that we cannot

Indeed. But it does provide a lower bound of zero for nearby universes. It might remain that way.

FAQ: Black hole in one universe to generate a big bang

1. What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region in space with a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, including light, can escape from it. This is due to the tremendous mass of the black hole being compressed into a very small space.

2. How can a black hole lead to a big bang in a single universe?

According to the theory of general relativity, a black hole can eventually collapse in on itself and create a singularity, a point of infinite density. This singularity could potentially trigger a big bang event, leading to the formation of a new universe.

3. Is there evidence to support this theory?

The theory of a black hole leading to a big bang in a single universe is still largely theoretical and has not been proven. However, there are some observations and mathematical models that suggest this could be a possibility.

4. What are the implications of this theory?

If this theory were to be proven true, it would change our understanding of the origins of the universe and the role of black holes in its creation. It would also have implications for the study of other universes and the possibility of multiple big bang events.

5. Can we test this theory?

Currently, we do not have the technology or means to directly test this theory. However, scientists are continually working to improve our understanding of black holes and the early universe, which may eventually lead to experiments or observations that could support or refute this theory.

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