How to detect coloured strips digitall?

  • Thread starter ther3x
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In summary, to detect the colored (red) strip on a flywheel and count its rotations digitally, a sensor can be placed on the same circumference as the strip or a laser pointer and photodiode can be used to detect the reflection of light from a piece of shiny aluminum foil. To ensure accurate detection, a dark fabric tape or matte black paint can be used to create a contrast with the reflective surface of the flywheel. Additional resources and information can be found at the Society of Robotics.
  • #1
how to detect coloured strips digitall?

hi, how can i detect colored(red) strip of tape. This is required so that I can digitally count the no of rotations of a flywheell.

the thing is, the flywheel attached to the wall has a small red strip on its wheel. i need a sensor to detect that red strip as the flywheel rotates so that it can input data to the digital counter which counts those rotations.

so how can i use to detect red colored strip ..
please thanx
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  • #2

Welcome to PhysicsForums!

If there's a little red dot somewhere near the outside edge of this flywheel, you might be able to detect it using a sensor placed on the same circumference which utilizes some of the ideas here at the Society of Robotics:

Now, if you can replace that red piece of tape with a piece of shiny aluminum foil (and assuming the room's dark) you can use a laser pointer (or laser diode) and photodiode to detect the reflected light (once per revolution). If the whole flywheel happens to be quite reflective, placing some dark fabric tape (or some matte black paint, or something similar) would allow you to detect the absence of reflected laser light whenever the patch crosses the sensor and absorbs the laser light.
  • #3

Thanks :d

FAQ: How to detect coloured strips digitall?

1. How does digital detection of coloured strips work?

Digital detection of coloured strips involves using a digital imaging system, such as a camera or scanner, to capture an image of the coloured strip. The image is then processed using software algorithms to analyze the colours present and determine their position and intensity.

2. What equipment is needed for digital detection of coloured strips?

The equipment needed for digital detection of coloured strips includes a digital imaging system, such as a camera or scanner, and software for analyzing the images. Additional equipment, such as lighting and filters, may also be necessary for accurate detection.

3. What are the benefits of using digital detection for coloured strips?

Digital detection offers several benefits over traditional methods, including increased accuracy and efficiency. It also allows for easier analysis and storage of data, as well as the ability to detect a wider range of colours and patterns.

4. How can I ensure accurate results when using digital detection for coloured strips?

To ensure accurate results, it is important to calibrate the equipment and software properly. This involves taking reference images of known colours and adjusting the settings to match. It is also important to minimize any external factors that could affect the results, such as lighting or dust.

5. Can digital detection be used for all types of coloured strips?

While digital detection can be used for many types of coloured strips, it may not be suitable for all. Some factors that can affect the accuracy of detection include the type of material the strips are made of, the thickness of the strips, and the intensity of the colours. It is important to test and calibrate the equipment for each specific type of coloured strip being detected.
