What's a device for testing lightwave emission?

In summary, the person is having trouble distinguishing between sources of light and is looking for a way to test how bright each room is. They found a device that they believe will cost less than $30 and it is a light meter.
  • #1
I'm looking forward to doing some photography projects indoors, but I'm having a hard time differing between sources of light around me. I suspect that the lighting system in my basement is not as bright as I suspect it to be. Thus, I came to the conclusion that the upstairs room was a lot brighter, but I don't have anyway to actually test this.

I was wondering if there was any type of device to actually test how the brightness is different in each room.

Incase you would like to know what type of lighting system I am using, I am using a http://home.howstuffworks.com/fluorescent-lamp.htm".

It's very important that I keep the room lit properly because my pictures are darkening where I don't want them to. I was wondering if there were any types of devices that tested the wavelength or brightness of a certain area in a room or the room itself.

Hopefully something affordable.
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  • #2
The device you are looking for is called a light meter

I did a quick qoogle search found http://www.extechproducts.com/" a co worker recently ordered a light meter from them. You should also be able to find light meters at your local photography store. Stand alones meters are not as common as they used to be, today most cameras have them built in.
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  • #3
You can get old Weston analogue light meters for peanuts on eBay. I got given a beautiful old Weston Euro Master a few years ago. They use selenium (I think) and hence don't need batteries. It's absolutely lovely, in a brushed aluminium case with a leather cover. I thought it must be worth a fortune, but it seems that there are so many of them about that they sell really cheaply. This one's currently 15 quid with 45 minutes to go, it must have cost 10 times that much when it was new.


In any case, it'll easily do the job, and it's an excuse to spend a small amount of money on a really nice piece of kit with some soul!
  • #4
i did an experiment with light meters in high school. they're easy to use, and if you want to pay a bit extra it's simple to interface with your computer (the system also allows for countless other addons, budding experiments). unfortunately, I can't remember the name of the software I used... might have it on another computer, i'll check.

bottom line, its simple. buy a standalone and you can walk around your friends houses complaining about the lack of light with backup. or something.

FAQ: What's a device for testing lightwave emission?

1. What is a lightwave emission testing device?

A lightwave emission testing device is a scientific instrument used to measure and analyze the properties of lightwave emissions, such as intensity, wavelength, and polarization. It is used in various fields including optics, telecommunication, and material science to study and improve the performance of lightwave technologies.

2. How does a lightwave emission testing device work?

A lightwave emission testing device typically consists of a light source, a sample chamber, and a detector. The light source emits a beam of light that is directed to the sample chamber, where the sample being tested is placed. The detector then measures the properties of the lightwave emission from the sample and provides data for analysis.

3. What types of lightwave emissions can be tested with this device?

A lightwave emission testing device can be used to test a wide range of lightwave emissions, including visible light, infrared light, ultraviolet light, and even microwaves. It can also measure the properties of different types of light, such as polarized, coherent, and incoherent light.

4. What are the applications of a lightwave emission testing device?

A lightwave emission testing device has diverse applications in various fields. It is commonly used in research and development of light-based technologies, such as lasers, fiber optics, and photonic devices. It is also used in telecommunications to ensure the quality and efficiency of lightwave communication systems.

5. How is a lightwave emission testing device different from a spectrophotometer?

A lightwave emission testing device and a spectrophotometer are both used to measure light properties, but they have different functions. A lightwave emission testing device is used to analyze the properties of lightwave emissions, while a spectrophotometer is used to measure the absorption or transmission of light by a sample. Additionally, a lightwave emission testing device can measure a broader range of light properties compared to a spectrophotometer.
