How tall are you and how much do you weigh?

  • Thread starter gravenewworld
  • Start date
In summary: He... has He got a... nose like that?"In summary, this woman was 5'6", weighed 154 lbs., and had a BMI of 23. Her friend was 6'4", weighed 140 lbs., and had a BMI of 21. This woman's normal weight was always 128 lbs., except for baseball season when she went up to 132 with added muscle mass. Her friend has a "Molson Muscle" (the male equivalent of pregnancy), so he's pretty steady at 135 lbs.
  • #1
Me= 5'6" and 154 lbs.

Yeah, I'm pretty much built like a gymnast.

I know there are a lot of non-Americans on the board so this is for you Americans once there are more posts

1kg=2.2 pounds

1cm=.4 inches.
Physics news on
  • #2
5'10" and I weigh around 200lbs.

You honestly couldn't tell by looking at me. I have trouble believing it. I have even more trouble trying to get rid of it. :frown:
  • #3
4'2" 475 lbs
  • #4
As long as you don't feature on the H-R diagram I wouldn't worry
  • #5
~5' 6" and 100 Lbs.
  • #6
~5'6" ~160lbs
  • #7
5'6" - about 150# though I can vary with the seasons. I tend to trim out in the summers when there are lots of wild berries to pick.
  • #8
5'10" 140lbs.

I would make an awesome projectile :D
  • #9
I knew a guy that was 6'4" and weighed 140 lbs.
  • #10
turbo-1 said:
though I can vary with the seasons.
In height or weight?

I'm about 2 firkins and 0.0084 furlongs
  • #11
Evo said:
I knew a guy that was 6'4" and weighed 140 lbs.

:eek: and I thought I had issues with strong gusts of wind!
  • #12
Evo said:
4'2" 475 lbs

Ha, we've all seen your pics. Maybe 5 or 5' 2" and 130, max.
  • #13
B. Elliott said:
:eek: and I thought I had issues with strong gusts of wind!
And he had the 5th highest recorded IQ in the world and IMHO, is insane (hope he doesn't find this). :rolleyes:
  • #14
Evo said:
I knew a guy that was 6'4" and weighed 140 lbs.
I never weighed more than 125# in HS or in my first couple of years of college. I ran the weight off faster than I could accumulate it. I was not painfully thin, though people could have been critical of my penchant for running...
  • #15
Evo said:
And he had the 5th highest recorded IQ in the world and IMHO, is insane (hope he doesn't find this). :rolleyes:

Sounds like he probably sensed it five minutes before it was typed:smile:

"someone, somewhere, is about to state my prior dimensions"
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  • #16
5'1", 105 lbs, petite frame
  • #17
B. Elliott said:
Sounds like he probably sensed it five minutes before it was typed:smile:

"someone, somewhere, is about to state my prior dimensions"
Dear God I hope not, I will not say his known internet name.
  • #18
binzing said:
Ha, we've all seen your pics. Maybe 5 or 5' 2" and 130, max.
5'3" 92 lbs low weight, 124 high weight.
  • #19
5'8" 140lb winter 115lb summer (sitting in front of a desk staring at a computer makes you fat.. riding 5 horses a day makes you thin...)
  • #20
6" about 185lb (but its mainly just relaxed muscle)
  • #21
6', 170lbs.
  • #22
I used to be 5'10... then a couple of years ago I was down to 5'9"... now I'm 5'8". My normal weight was always a steady 128 lbs., except for baseball season when I went up to 132 with added muscle mass. Now I've got the 'Molson Muscle' (the male equivalent of pregnancy), so I'm pretty steady at 135 lbs.
  • #23
I have a friend who is over 7' tall. I don't know what he weighs but despite the fact that he is very thin he doesn't fit in my car, and his hands are bigger than my head. He is super smart too, he's taking chemical physics. He is so smart that he can't "dumb it down" enough to help me with my homework. Its frustrating because he's so clever but I can't use any of his knowledge. He has long unruly hair and something of a beard. One day on a bus, some kid with his mom pointed at him and said, "mommy is that Jesus" People do things like that to him all the time. We can never go anywhere without being stared at. Great guy though, very good friend.
  • #24
fileen said:
some kid with his mom pointed at him and said, "mommy is that Jesus" People do things like that to him all the time.

That's to be expected of kids. They see something unfamiliar, and ask questions. It's the response of the guardian (parent, babysitter, whatever) that matters. Saying 'hush, don't stare' just aggravates the situation. One has to just explain that people come in all shapes and sizes. If the kid is old enough to understand, then some basic endrocrinology might be in order.
  • #25
Danger said:
That's to be expected of kids. They see something unfamiliar, and ask questions. It's the response of the guardian (parent, babysitter, whatever) that matters. Saying 'hush, don't stare' just aggravates the situation. One has to just explain that people come in all shapes and sizes. If the kid is old enough to understand, then some basic endrocrinology might be in order.

I was very bad about that when I was little. If someone around us had an out of the ordinary feature, I sure enough would ask a question about it... out loud!:shy: The weird part is, I remember a few of those instances like it was yesterday...

*thinking*(that guys nose is big)... "Mom why does that guy have a big nose?!" my mother proceeded to pinch the hell out of my leg lol. It took a while, but I learned.
  • #26
Evo said:
4'2" 475 lbs

Evo said:
5'3" 92 lbs low weight, 124 high weight.


which is the Real you?

or does it fluctuate by page? :biggrin:
  • #27
fileen said:
I have a friend who is over 7' tall. I don't know what he weighs but despite the fact that he is very thin he doesn't fit in my car, and his hands are bigger than my head. He is super smart too, he's taking chemical physics. He is so smart that he can't "dumb it down" enough to help me with my homework. Its frustrating because he's so clever but I can't use any of his knowledge. He has long unruly hair and something of a beard. One day on a bus, some kid with his mom pointed at him and said, "mommy is that Jesus" People do things like that to him all the time. We can never go anywhere without being stared at. Great guy though, very good friend.

quite contrarily that is the measure of someone dumb not smart.
  • #28
Hes not dumb, he just has poor communication skills.
  • #29
Cyrus said:
Hes not dumb, he just has poor communication skills.

Agreed. Transitioning between different levels of understanding is a very difficult skill. Luckily, most PFers seem to be natural at it. One can't expect that of the general population.
  • #30
6' and 148 lbs.
  • #31
Cyrus said:
Hes not dumb, he just has poor communication skills.

nope; if you can't breakdown into layman's terms you don't have a good enough grasp of the material.
  • #32
How tall and how much you way become more and more meaningless beyond a certain standard deviation.

That said though I'm 5'11.5 and about 14.5 stone. That's pretty accurate probably in determining my BMI. Ie I am overweight, if it was all fat I'd be worried, as it is I am large build. So you can add at least 8 lbs to what I should be and then some more for being larger than the average large build. So that puts me at about 1 stone over weight, which is nothing, to be frank, taking into account my build over all. I have a bit of a beer baby forming but I'm not panicking just yet.

Above 7' and below 4' the BMI scale and height/weight charts are wildly inaccurate.
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  • #33
5'8 230lbs.
  • #34
ice109 said:
nope; if you can't breakdown into layman's terms you don't have a good enough grasp of the material.

This guy is crazy clever, between the two of us we managed to prove that the equation in our grade 12 physics textbooks (I can't remember which one but it was in the relativity section) was incorrect. (we were a special kind of trouble maker) We brought the principal other books with the correct equation and he told us that he wouldn't consider it unless we could prove it mathematically. So my friend just sat down with a pen and showed him, it was incredible, he didnt even have to think. As I said he is taking chemical physics, and has 100% in quantum mechanics. I don't care what you say, that stuff it hard! He never studies, he just gets it. Its so annoying.
  • #35
6ft and 14 st.

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