30+ on the ACT and 1500 on SAT what to do?

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  • Thread starter quantumdoodle
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    Act Sat
In summary, the student is an IB junior at a not-so-great high school who has a passion for physics and math. They are seeking advice on whether to focus on their love for these subjects or spend more time studying for the SAT, which they struggle with due to reading and writing skills. Their parents are putting pressure on them to attend an Ivy League school, but the student is considering attending a local college instead. They are worried about their chances of getting into a top college and their dream of becoming a great physicist or mathematician. Ultimately, the student should not put too much pressure on themselves and prioritize their own goals and passions.
  • #1
Hi. I'm currently a IB junior at one of these Not-so-great high schools. And I've been Physics+Math freak ever since I discovered how the world really works from my friend's physics book last year(may be a bit late). Studying IB physics and Calculus right now, hopefully will be able to pass both with 5s by the time of the year, may be even the first 7 ever come out of my school's IB physics class.

I'm seeking advise because the problem is that, although I'm the top of science and mathematic class, I have trouble with reading and writing, which means I'm not a fan of standardized tests. And with my 3.7 Gpa, 1500+100 SAT and 30+2 ACT I'm not going to be able to get accepted into any good colleges like MIT or Cal Tech. So what should I do? keep on studying the physics and calculus that I loved or spend more time on the SAT which I hated to the guts?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
First of all, there's no such thing as "being too late" to learn something. You're still a high school student, so a year or two won't really make any difference in the long run.

If you really love math and physics, not being able to get into "MIT or Cal Tech" shouldn't stop you from fulfilling your dream. Many of the great mathematicians and physicists came from undergraduate schools you probably haven't even heard about.

That being said, being a junior, you still have time to prep yourself for a couple more retakes of the SAT (not sure if ACT is retake-able) to get a higher score and make yourself more competitive.

I am in the same situation as you right now; having been a consistent B student in English, IDK if I still have a shot at the big name colleges. But I don't think about the past, what I try to do is think how I can improve my chances by working hard on what's to come, not dwindling on the past.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply...
I have so much to worry about this year, my parents are putting too much pressure on me(I'm asian btw) they think the only way I can be successful is by attending one of the Ivy League Colleges, I don't agree with their way of thinking but I can't argue against them. I especially felt useless when my cousin, who is don't have the slightest interest in math and science, got accepted into the Illinois Math and Science Academy. a lot of people can do good in class and they have passion for something, they just aren't good test takers...
  • #4
quantumdoodle said:
Thanks for the reply...
I have so much to worry about this year, my parents are putting too much pressure on me(I'm asian btw) they think the only way I can be successful is by attending one of the Ivy League Colleges, I don't agree with their way of thinking but I can't argue against them. I especially felt useless when my cousin, who is don't have the slightest interest in math and science, got accepted into the Illinois Math and Science Academy. a lot of people can do good in class and they have passion for something, they just aren't good test takers...

Hey guess what...I'm asian too, and I totally get how you feel. My parents (and my other relatives too) are expecting me to "go to Harvard or Stanford or Puurinsuuton, if not then just to go MIT" like making it into any of those schools is a piece of cake. They feel like if I decide to go to some non-Ivy that I'm a failure.

But hey, that's the least of my concerns right now. I feel like hopefully I can explain it to them when the time comes, but what I can do right now is to do my best.
  • #5
But should I continue the persuit of my dream of becoming a great physicist or a mathematician (aka getting 5 on AP calc and AP physics), or sacrifice some more time to ensure a better SAT?
My parent's been on my back ever since the kid of one of their friend got 2375 on the SAT and accepted into Princeton. I don't know what to say to them, I can't just admit the fact I don't care the slightest bit if someone else get accepted to w/e bigshot college, I mean thay want me to get at least 35 on ACT or 2300 on SAT which is impossible because I came to this country 3 years ago. May be I will just go for a local College like UIUC.
  • #6
quantumdoodle said:
But should I continue the persuit of my dream of becoming a great physicist or a mathematician (aka getting 5 on AP calc and AP physics), or sacrifice some more time to ensure a better SAT?
My parent's been on my back ever since the kid of one of their friend got 2375 on the SAT and accepted into Princeton. I don't know what to say to them, I can't just admit the fact I don't care the slightest bit if someone else get accepted to w/e bigshot college, I mean thay want me to get at least 35 on ACT or 2300 on SAT which is impossible because I came to this country 3 years ago. May be I will just go for a local College like UIUC.

I don't think getting below a 5 would hamper your dreams of being a mathematician; or that getting a 5 will ensure that you will become one. For one thing, I wouldn't mind it if I had to retake calculus in college, it's certainly better than the watered-down "calculus" taught in high schools. And a 5 I believe is somewhere in the 60 percent range, so it's not a hard task. It totally depends on your schedule, and what you want to prioritize.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself. UIUC is a great school. If you want to go there, then go there. Do well in your undergrad. Then get accepted into Harvard or Princeton for your graduate studies, especially that you want to continue into getting a Ph.D. Once you get that piece of paper, it wouldn't matter where you went for your undergrad, whether it's some flagship state school, or to MIT.
  • #7
yeah.. thanks
i feel a lot more confident now... that Ph.D seems a lot closer now
  • #8
thrill3rnit3 said:
I don't think getting below a 5 would hamper your dreams of being a mathematician; or that getting a 5 will ensure that you will become one. For one thing, I wouldn't mind it if I had to retake calculus in college, it's certainly better than the watered-down "calculus" taught in high schools. And a 5 I believe is somewhere in the 60 percent range, so it's not a hard task. It totally depends on your schedule, and what you want to prioritize.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself. UIUC is a great school. If you want to go there, then go there. Do well in your undergrad. Then get accepted into Harvard or Princeton for your graduate studies, especially that you want to continue into getting a Ph.D. Once you get that piece of paper, it wouldn't matter where you went for your undergrad, whether it's some flagship state school, or to MIT.

i don't think princeton accepts transfers.
  • #9
sportsstar469 said:
i don't think princeton accepts transfers.

No one said anything about transfers. 'Going to graduate school' [itex]\ne[/itex] 'transferring schools.'

FAQ: 30+ on the ACT and 1500 on SAT what to do?

What is considered a "good" score for the ACT and SAT?

A score of 30+ on the ACT and 1500+ on the SAT is generally considered a good score. These scores are in the top 5% of all test takers and can greatly increase your chances of getting into a highly selective college.

What are some tips for achieving a 30+ on the ACT and 1500+ on the SAT?

Some tips for achieving high scores on these exams include studying well in advance, practicing with official practice tests, utilizing test-taking strategies, and seeking help from tutors or prep courses if needed.

Do colleges prefer one test score over the other?

No, colleges do not have a preference for one test score over the other. They are both widely accepted and considered equally by admissions committees. It is recommended to take both exams and submit the higher score.

What if I don't get a 30+ on the ACT or 1500+ on the SAT?

If you do not achieve these scores, it is not the end of the world. Many factors are considered in the college admissions process, such as grades, extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation. Focus on improving in these areas and retake the exams if you feel you can do better.

Can I submit both my ACT and SAT scores to colleges?

Yes, you can submit both scores to colleges. Most colleges allow you to submit either exam, or even both, and will consider your highest score. This can be beneficial if you perform significantly better on one exam over the other.

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