Why does the definition of cosh and sinh contain division by 2?

In summary, the definition of cosh = (ex + e-x)/2 includes a division by 2 in order to relate it to its circular counterpart, cos. It also allows for the even and odd parts of ex to be cosh(x) and sinh(x), respectively, and serves as the fundamental solution to the differential equation d^2y/dt^2 = y. The value of 1/2 ensures the correct coefficients for the derivative of sinh(x) at 0.
  • #1
[tex]cosh = \frac{e^x + e^{-x}}{2}[/tex]

In the above definition, why there is division by 2? Is it there so that when x=0, y could be 1?
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  • #2
The 1/2 comes from the related function <cos>. The definition of <cos> in terms of exponentials has a 1/2. To relate the hyperbolic functions in the simplest way to their circular counterparts, the 1/2 must be in the definition of <cosh/ch>.
  • #3
There is a thread under "General Math" about even and odd functions in which I addressed exactly this point!

For any function f(x), we define its "even part" to be (f(x)+ f(-x))/2 and its "odd part" to be (f(x)- f(-x))/2. They are, of course, even and odd functions. The "2" in the denominator is so that their sum is (f(x)+ f(-x))/2+ (f(x)- f(-x))/2= (f(x)+ f(-x)+ f(x)- f(-x))/2= 2f(x)/2= f(x).

Cosh(x) and sinh(x) are the even and odd parts of ex: with the "2" in the denominator, cosh(x)+ sinh(x)= ex.

They are also, by the way, the "fundamental solutions" to the differential equation [itex]d^2y/dt^2= y[/itex]. That is, cosh(x) is the solution to that equation such that y(0)= 1 and y'(0)= 0 and sinh(x) is the solution such that y(0)= 0, y'(1)= 0. If y is a solution to that differential equation with y(0)= A, y'(0)= B, then y(x)= A cosh(x)+ B sinh(x)- the coefficients are just the value of y and its derivative at 0.

Of course, you need the "2" in the denominator to make d sinh/dx(0)= cosh(0)= (e0+ e-0)/2= (1+ 1)/2= 1.
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FAQ: Why does the definition of cosh and sinh contain division by 2?

1. Why is division by 2 included in the definition of cosh and sinh?

The division by 2 in the definition of cosh and sinh is a result of the hyperbolic functions being defined in terms of the exponential function. The exponential function is defined as e^x = 1 + x + (x^2)/2! + (x^3)/3! + ... Therefore, when we substitute x = -x in this definition, we get e^-x = 1 - x + (x^2)/2! - (x^3)/3! + ... The cosh and sinh functions are then defined as the sums and differences of these two expressions, leading to the division by 2.

2. What is the significance of the division by 2 in the definition of cosh and sinh?

The division by 2 in the definition of cosh and sinh allows for a simpler and more elegant representation of the hyperbolic functions, making them easier to work with in mathematical calculations. Additionally, the division by 2 helps to maintain symmetry between the definitions of cosh and sinh, as well as their properties and identities.

3. Can the division by 2 be omitted from the definition of cosh and sinh?

Technically, the division by 2 can be omitted from the definition of cosh and sinh, but this would result in a different set of hyperbolic functions known as the "half-argument" hyperbolic functions. These functions do not have the same properties and identities as the traditional cosh and sinh functions, making them less commonly used in mathematics.

4. How does the division by 2 affect the graph of cosh and sinh?

The division by 2 in the definition of cosh and sinh does not have a significant impact on the shape of their graphs. However, it does affect the coordinates of the points on the graph, making them half of what they would be without the division by 2. This is due to the fact that the division by 2 is essentially a scaling factor in the definition of the hyperbolic functions.

5. Is there a specific reason why the division by 2 is included in the definition of cosh and sinh?

The inclusion of division by 2 in the definition of cosh and sinh is a convention that has been adopted in mathematics for the sake of simplicity and consistency. It allows for a more concise and uniform representation of the hyperbolic functions, making them easier to work with and understand. Additionally, it maintains a connection to the definitions of the exponential and trigonometric functions, as well as their respective identities and properties.

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