Radial Probability Distribution Curve for Hydrogen Atom

In summary, the radial probability function for a hydrogen atom is determined by the normalization condition \int dr 4 \pi r^2 |\psi(r)|^2 = 1. This means that the y-values on the plot will depend on the units chosen for the x-axis. It is possible to manipulate the radial distribution function Rho(r) in a similar way to classical statistical distributions, such as multiplying it by an arbitrary function and integrating to obtain the average or deriving a cumulative probability. Additionally, a coordinate transformation can be applied to obtain a new probability density in a different variable.
  • #1
I'm trying to plot the radial probability function for a hydrogen atom.

I have the function itself (Psi2*4*pi*r2) my problem is that when I plot the function with angstroms on the x-axis, the y-values are larger than they should be (they look about right if I divide them by the bohr radius in angstroms).

Here's what it should look like when plotted:

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here!
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  • #2
Your link doesn't work, but I suspect that your problem is units. The normalization of the radial wave function is determined by

[tex]\int dr 4 \pi r^2 |\psi(r)|^2 = 1[/tex]

As a consequence (4 pi r^2 psi(r)) has units of 1/(length) so that the whole expression comes out unitless. So the scale of your y-axis depends on the units you choose for it.
  • #3
Can the normalized radial distribution function Rho(r) be applied, as if it were a classical statistical distribution?

For example:
1. Multiply Rho(r) by an arbitrary function of r, say f(r), and integrate from 0 to inf to obtain the average < f >.
2. Derive a cumulative probability P(t) by integrating Rho(r) from 0 to t.
3. Make a coordinate transformation r -> y, in order to obtain a new probability density Rho(y) in the variable y.

FAQ: Radial Probability Distribution Curve for Hydrogen Atom

1. What is the purpose of a Radial Probability Distribution Curve for a Hydrogen Atom?

A Radial Probability Distribution Curve for a Hydrogen Atom is a graphical representation of the probability of finding an electron within a certain distance from the nucleus of a hydrogen atom. It helps to visualize the distribution of electron density in different energy levels and orbitals of the hydrogen atom.

2. How is a Radial Probability Distribution Curve for a Hydrogen Atom calculated?

The Radial Probability Distribution Curve is calculated using the wave function of the hydrogen atom, which is derived from the Schrödinger equation. The equation takes into account the principal quantum number (n) and the probability of finding the electron at a particular distance (r) from the nucleus.

3. What does the shape of the Radial Probability Distribution Curve indicate?

The shape of the Radial Probability Distribution Curve indicates the probability of finding the electron at various distances from the nucleus. The higher the peak of the curve, the higher the probability of finding the electron at that distance. The curve also shows the regions of high and low electron density, which correspond to different energy levels and orbitals.

4. How does the Radial Probability Distribution Curve change with increasing principal quantum number?

As the principal quantum number (n) increases, the number of nodes in the Radial Probability Distribution Curve also increases. This means that the electron is more likely to be found at a greater distance from the nucleus, and the overall shape of the curve becomes more spread out. This corresponds to the increasing energy levels of the hydrogen atom.

5. Is the Radial Probability Distribution Curve the same for all atoms?

No, the Radial Probability Distribution Curve is specific to the hydrogen atom and cannot be used to represent other atoms. Each atom has its own unique wave function and electron distribution, which results in different curves. However, the concept of the curve and its interpretation remains the same for all atoms.

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