How many papers on arXiv get published

In summary, the number of papers on arXiv that get published each year is approximately 30% according to a study by Cornell University. The time it takes for a paper on arXiv to get published varies and can take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years. It is estimated that around 70% of papers on arXiv are rejected for publication. Papers on arXiv are not considered published in the traditional sense and are instead considered preprints or draft versions of research papers. While papers on arXiv can be cited in academic publications, it is not recommended to rely solely on them as a source for citation due to the lack of peer-review.
  • #1
Do anybody have an idea : out of 100 papers posted on arXiv how many actually get published ?
Astronomy news on
  • #2
The published references are normally added by the author in the "Comments" section, you could look at a sample of arXiv papers a year old and see.

FAQ: How many papers on arXiv get published

1. How many papers on arXiv get published each year?

The number of papers on arXiv that get published each year varies, as not all papers on arXiv are accepted for publication. However, according to a study by Cornell University, approximately 30% of all papers on arXiv eventually get published in a peer-reviewed journal.

2. How long does it take for a paper on arXiv to get published?

The time it takes for a paper on arXiv to get published varies depending on the field of study and the quality of the research. On average, it can take anywhere from a few months to a couple of years for a paper on arXiv to get published in a peer-reviewed journal.

3. What percentage of papers on arXiv are rejected for publication?

It is difficult to determine the exact percentage of papers on arXiv that are rejected for publication, as the rejection rate varies among different fields of study. However, it is estimated that around 70% of papers on arXiv do not get published in a peer-reviewed journal.

4. Are papers on arXiv considered published?

No, papers on arXiv are not considered published in the traditional sense. While they are publicly available, they have not gone through the rigorous peer-review process that is required for most traditional publications. Therefore, papers on arXiv are considered preprints or draft versions of research papers.

5. Can papers on arXiv be cited in academic publications?

Yes, papers on arXiv can be cited in academic publications, but it is typically not recommended to rely solely on arXiv as a source for citation. It is important to note that papers on arXiv have not gone through peer-review, so the information presented in the paper may not be fully verified or accurate.
