Form of Lorentz Transformation Using West-Coast Metric

In summary, the form of the Lorentz transformation matrix does not depend on the convention for the metric. The two transformation matrices presented are simply inverses of each other and correspond to boosts in opposite directions. The lorentz transformations are defined as a group and the metric should not affect the transform as it can be adjusted by multiplying both sides of the equation. There is no distinction between the East-coast and West-coast metric in this context.
  • #1
This is a fairly trivial question I think. I'm only asking it here because after some googling I was unable to find its answer. I was at one point led to believe that the form of the Lorentz-transformation matrix is dependent on the convention used for the Minkowski metric. Specifically it was my understanding that

[γ, βγ, 0, 0]
[βγ, γ, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 1]

was the transformation matrix when the West-coast metric, diag(1, -1, -1, -1), is used. This is the inverse of the more commonly encountered

[γ, -βγ, 0, 0]
[-βγ, γ, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 1]

which I know is correct at least for the East-coast metric, diag(-1, 1, 1, 1). I was working a problem recently and got a result using the former of these transformation matrices that was clearly incorrect. Does the Lorentz transformation's form actually depend on the convention for the metric, or did I concoct this entire distinction? Perhaps I misunderstood one of my professors.
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  • #2
The form of the Lorentz transform does not depend on whether you use +t metric or -t metric. The two transform matrices you give are simply inverses of each other corresponding to boosts in opposite directions.
  • #3
As a group the lorentz transformations, [itex]\Lambda^{\mu}_{\nu}[/itex] are defined by:

\Lambda^{\mu}_{\nu} \eta_{\mu \rho} \Lambda^{\rho}_{\sigma} = \eta_{\nu \sigma}

Thus, the metric should not affect the transform because you can multiply both sides of the equation to switch metric convention.
  • #4
Haha, I feel silly now--thanks, guys.

FAQ: Form of Lorentz Transformation Using West-Coast Metric

1. What is the West-Coast metric in the context of Lorentz transformation?

The West-Coast metric is a special case of the metric used in the Lorentz transformation, which is a mathematical framework for describing the effects of space and time on an object's motion. It is also known as the (+,-,-,-) metric or the Minkowski metric, and it is commonly used in special relativity.

2. How is the West-Coast metric different from the standard metric used in Lorentz transformation?

The West-Coast metric differs from the standard metric by using a positive sign for the temporal component and negative signs for the spatial components. This is in contrast to the standard metric, which uses negative signs for all components. This difference in sign convention does not change the underlying principles of the Lorentz transformation, but it can affect the specific equations and calculations used.

3. Why is the West-Coast metric used in special relativity?

The West-Coast metric is used in special relativity because it accurately describes the spacetime geometry of the universe. It allows for the formulation of the Lorentz transformation, which is essential for understanding the effects of time dilation and length contraction in special relativity. The choice of sign convention ultimately depends on the specific application and mathematical convenience.

4. Can the West-Coast metric be applied to all types of transformations?

No, the West-Coast metric is specifically used for Lorentz transformations, which are applicable only in special relativity. It cannot be applied to other types of transformations, such as those used in general relativity or other areas of physics. In these cases, different metrics and mathematical frameworks are used to describe the effects of space and time on objects.

5. Is the West-Coast metric the only metric used in special relativity?

No, there are other metrics that can be used in special relativity, such as the East-Coast metric (-,+,+,+) and the European metric (-,-,-,+). These metrics differ in their sign conventions, but they all describe the same underlying principles of special relativity. The choice of metric depends on the specific application and mathematical convenience.

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