Calculating Head Loss in a Mitre Bend Air Passage for Beginners

In summary, the wheel-end knuckle has an air passage with two 90 degree bends and an exit. The head loss of this passage can not be calculated without knowing the specific mitered bend size and the initial air velocity entering the bend.
  • #1
I am trying to find the total head loss of an air passageway system but I have not taken a fluids class. I have been trying to teach myself the equations and principles but it tends to be very confusing without guidance. So here is my question:

I have a wheel-end knuckle with an air passage put through it. The passage is not a pipe but a diameter cut into the actual material (ductile iron). The passage takes two 90 degree sharp bends and then exits the knuckle. Now i am fairly certain that I understand how to calculate a straight line head drop with no bends. My confusion is coming from finding specific k-values for these pipe bends and also completely turbulent friction factors.

If someone could show me a calculation and also explain what they are doing for one bend, I think that I could solve the rest of the problem.

Here are some details of my passage:
Diameter before bend - 10 mm
Diameter after bend - 9.5 mm
Degree of bend - 90
Material Type - Ductile Iron
Initial air flow rate- 0.3 cfs

P.S. I believe this would be considered a Mitre Bend because it as a sharp angle (not sure though)
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  • #2
Dear Trigger32 the best way to learn is to teach yourself through Easy-learning documents and it is for your best if you print the documents and not read them online, I will give you this link that will help you in fluid mechanics and solving your problem.
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  • #3
I appreciate your sharing this knowledge site with me, but I do not think this is helping me. I've already read through many of these short guides and for some reason I can't find what I am looking for. My problem stems from the fact that none of the charts that I can find have the specific materials and geometries of my passageways. I would like to make as little assumption as possible because this is for a real application.

My specific problem I think (unless I'm going about this the wrong way) is I can not find values for my mitered bend size. Here are the dimensions again and some added data, if anyone can just walk me through an example or post a chart, I would really appreciate it.

Dia. before bend = 10 mm
Dia. after bend = 9.5 mm
Geometry - Circular cross section
Matl. = Ductile Iron
Initial air velocity entering bend = 361.63 ft/s

Head loss per this fitting = ?
  • #4
can you please give a drawing?

FAQ: Calculating Head Loss in a Mitre Bend Air Passage for Beginners

1. What is fluid dynamics confusion?

Fluid dynamics confusion is a phenomenon where individuals struggle to understand the behavior and properties of fluids in motion. It is a branch of physics that studies the movement of liquids and gases and their interactions with forces such as gravity, pressure, and viscosity.

2. What are some common examples of fluid dynamics confusion?

Some common examples of fluid dynamics confusion include understanding how air flows over an airplane wing to create lift, determining the flow rate of water through a pipe, and predicting how weather patterns will affect ocean currents.

3. What are the key principles of fluid dynamics?

The key principles of fluid dynamics include conservation of mass, conservation of momentum, and conservation of energy. These principles help to explain how fluids move and interact with their surroundings.

4. How is fluid dynamics used in real-world applications?

Fluid dynamics has many practical applications, including designing efficient transportation vehicles, predicting weather patterns, and understanding the effects of pollution on natural bodies of water. It is also used in industries such as aerospace, marine engineering, and environmental science.

5. What are some common misconceptions about fluid dynamics?

One common misconception about fluid dynamics is that fluids always flow in a straight line. In reality, fluids can change direction and velocity due to various forces. Another misconception is that fluids only flow in one direction, when in fact, they can flow in multiple directions simultaneously.
