Why Does Email Reply Show Full Name Instead of Address?”

In summary, the sender's mail server can manipulate the "from" field in email messages, while the "Return-Path" field contains the actual sender email. It is possible that the change from email address to full name in the "from" column is due to the email being sent from a non-phone device. Another possibility is that Yahoo's email client automatically adds contacts after multiple exchanges with a specific address.
  • #1
I've sent a few emails to someone, and in their reply in my inbox, the email address would show up in the From column. But in their latest reply, their full name showed up. Why is that? I didn't add them as a contact either.
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  • #2
The sender's mail server can put pretty much anything they want in the "from" field of the mail message, the "Return-Path" field contains the actual sender email
  • #3
NobodySpecial said:
The sender's mail server can put pretty much anything they want in the "from" field of the mail message, the "Return-Path" field contains the actual sender email

We both have yahoo accounts. I was just wondering if there was any particular reason why it changed from the address to the full name.

Oh, I think I know. The last one looks like it wasn't sent from a phone. The others were.
  • #4
Another possibility is that yahoo email client automatically adds them as a contact after sending/receiving so many emails from one address?
  • #5

I can offer a possible explanation for why the email reply is showing a full name instead of an email address. It is likely due to the email settings and preferences of the sender. Many email providers allow users to customize their display name, which is the name that appears in the "From" field of an email. This display name can be set to either the sender's full name or their email address.

In this case, it is possible that the sender has recently changed their display name to their full name, resulting in it showing up in the "From" field of their reply. This change may have been made intentionally or unintentionally, as some email providers automatically set the display name to the name associated with the account.

Furthermore, it is also possible that the sender's email account is connected to their social media accounts, where their full name is displayed. In such cases, the email provider may automatically update the display name to match the name on their social media accounts.

It is also worth noting that some email providers have algorithms that analyze email communication patterns and may automatically update the display name to show the full name of a frequent contact. This could explain why the sender's full name is now showing up in the reply, even though they were not added as a contact.

In conclusion, the reason for the email reply showing a full name instead of an email address is likely due to the sender's email settings and preferences, as well as any automatic updates made by the email provider. It is a common feature of email services and is not something to be concerned about.

FAQ: Why Does Email Reply Show Full Name Instead of Address?”

1. Why does my email reply show the full name instead of the address?

This is because your email client is set to display the sender's name instead of their email address. This is a common default setting in many email clients, as it helps users easily identify who the email is from.

2. Can I change my email client's settings to show the address instead of the name?

Yes, you can change this setting in most email clients. The process may vary depending on the email client you are using, but generally you can go to your account or settings options and look for a display name or sender name option. From there, you can choose to display the sender's email address instead of their name.

3. Is there a reason why some emails show the address and others only show the name?

Yes, this is because some senders have enabled a feature called "Display Name Override" or "Display Name Protection" in their email settings. This allows them to choose how their name is displayed in the recipient's inbox, even if their email address is different. This is often used by companies or organizations to display a consistent sender name to their recipients.

4. Can I determine the sender's email address if it only shows their name?

Yes, you can usually view the sender's email address by looking at the email header. This can typically be found by clicking on the sender's name in the email or by viewing the email's properties. From there, you should be able to see the sender's full email address.

5. How can I prevent my email from showing my full name instead of my address?

You can prevent this by changing your email settings to display your email address instead of your name. This can usually be done in the settings or account options of your email client. Additionally, you can also check if your email provider offers a "display name protection" feature to control how your name is displayed to recipients.

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