Understanding Turbulence Modeling Methods: LES, RANS, and DNS Explained

  • Thread starter _shankybro_
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In summary, the LES, RANS, and DNS are different methods used in computational fluid dynamics to model turbulence. DNS captures the most physics but takes a long time to compute, RANS averages out smaller scales for faster computation but loses some finer physics, and LES falls between the two in terms of physical accuracy and computational time. PANS is a newer technique that allows for adjustment of fidelity. These methods are not application specific and can be used in various areas of fluid mechanics.
  • #1
Can anybody please provide me any information on the LES, RANS and DNS? What is the basic vice of each and what are the differences? Why use one over the other? And additionally, are there any online lectures/videos that would help me understand the turbulence modelling methods better? Please try to use as simple language as possible. I am a Mechanical Engineer, not a physicist.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
_shankybro_ said:
Please try to use as simple language as possible. I am a Mechanical Engineer, not a physicist.

What is your background in fluids, i.e. how in-depth can the answer be?
  • #3
I am a Mechanical engineering grad student..I just do not want you to be using terms a fluid dynamicist would be using teaching a physics grad student :) Your answer can be as in-depth as it could get without confusing me ..
  • #4
Funnily enough, I learned this stuff from a physicist during my Masters thesis. I would go and read the articles about them on the CFD wiki, they give you a pretty good overview. In my experience, there's no real rules on when to use each method. It's easy if you have experiemental data to compare to though...
  • #5
I can't really tell you a whole heck of a lot about turbulence models because, quite honestly, I hate the core idea behind turbulence modeling so I don't even bother.

As far as the difference between RANS, LES and DNS, it really comes down to trade offs between how much physics is captures and how long the computations take.

A DNS solves the Navier-Stokes equations directly (or any other set of equations for that matter). Because of that, they are capable of capturing pretty much 100% of the physics in the flow and are limited only be computational power and the assumptions you make in setting up the simulations. That is why they are sometimes called numerical experiments. Turbulent flows, as you know, have a variety of scales ranging from the inertial scales down to Kolmogorov scales. Unfortunately, that means that the mesh for a DNS must be incredibly dense to capture all that physical content, so the time to converge on a solution is extraordinarily large. It scales approximately with Re3.

RANS averages the Navier-Stokes equations in order to simplify the equations and make them less computationally intensive to solve. It averages out a lot of the smaller scales, which are the ones that drive up the computational time for the most part. This means you don't need nearly as fine a mesh. That is nice when you don't need the fine detail and a turbulence model like k-ε will do for you just fine. It does mean that you lose a lot of the finer physics of the flow, though. Generally, even complex problems at high Reynolds numbers can be solved in fairly short amounts of time though.

LES falls between the two and is closer in physical accuracy to a DNS than to RANS. It is slightly faster than a DNS and captures slightly less physics. It captures much smaller scales than RANS does, but not nearly those of a DNS. The equations themselves differ from those of RANS but are still not the full Navier-Stokes equations.

There is also a new technique called the partially-averaged Navier-Stokes equations, or PANS. That uses a constant whose value can be used to set the fidelity of the simulation anywhere between that of RANS and LES.

Unfortunately though, I am not a turbulence guy. I work in the area of boundary-layer stability and transition, not turbulence modeling, so I don't know a whole lot about RANS, PANS or LES beyond what I have said here. Certainly not enough that I could take the place of a few journal papers.
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  • #6
Thanx bro! That does help a lot... I also asked some of my professors, and they did help me as well...Now except for the mathematics of these techniques, I think I have a fair enough idea of what they are. Thanks again!
  • #7
This is fluid mechanics. It is application specific.
  • #8
Chronos, your point being . . .
  • #9
Chronos said:
This is fluid mechanics. It is application specific.

Nothing I said in my reply is application specific. On top of that, I fundamentally disagree with the concept that everything in fluid mechanics is application specific. Lots of stuff is, and lots of stuff isn't.

FAQ: Understanding Turbulence Modeling Methods: LES, RANS, and DNS Explained

1. What is Large Eddy Simulation (LES)?

Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) technique used to simulate turbulent flows. It is based on the concept that large scale turbulent structures can be explicitly resolved, while smaller scale structures are modeled using subgrid-scale models.

2. How is LES different from other CFD techniques?

LES differs from other CFD techniques, such as Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations, in that it resolves a larger range of turbulent scales and does not require the use of a turbulence model to close the equations. This makes LES more accurate for simulating complex turbulent flows, but also more computationally expensive.

3. What are the advantages of using LES?

The main advantage of LES is its ability to accurately simulate turbulent flows, particularly in cases where RANS simulations may struggle. LES is also able to provide detailed information about the flow field, such as the time evolution of turbulent structures, which can be useful in understanding and analyzing complex flow phenomena.

4. What are the limitations of LES?

The primary limitation of LES is its high computational cost, as it requires a fine grid resolution to accurately resolve the large turbulent structures. This can be a limiting factor for simulating large-scale flows or using LES in industrial applications. Additionally, LES may not be suitable for all types of turbulent flows, and the accuracy of the simulation can be affected by the choice of subgrid-scale model.

5. What are some common applications of LES?

LES has a wide range of applications, including aerodynamics, combustion, acoustics, and environmental flows. It is commonly used in the design and optimization of aircraft and automotive components, as well as in the analysis of atmospheric flows and wind energy systems. LES is also used in research and development for understanding and improving turbulent flow phenomena in various engineering systems.
