Jobs available by majoring in physics?

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  • Thread starter terminator88
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    Jobs Physics
In summary, there are various job opportunities available for individuals majoring in physics, contrary to the belief that the only option is teaching. These include research positions, as well as jobs in industries such as engineering. However, a degree in engineering may make it easier to enter certain fields related to physics. It is important to remember that a degree in physics is an education, not job training, and that engineering is a professional degree. It is also worth considering whether a career in physics is the right fit, as it may involve challenging concepts and may not have the same relevance as demonstrated in video games. In some countries, it may be difficult for physics graduates to pursue postgraduate qualifications in engineering, but in the US, it is relatively easy to
  • #1
Everyone tells me its useless to major in physics and that if I like science I should just study engineering.I also hear that the only jobs availabe with Physics is with teaching.So I was wondering what jobs are available by majoring in physics?I know that one can be a researcher but isn't a researcher someone who is also a professor?I do not want to be a professor.
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  • #2
This is pretty much my feeling, that I don't want to teach, but I really want to major in Physics. People who tell you there aren't any jobs other than teaching are wrong. It's just that it's easy to do research AND teach. You can definitely find jobs with independent companies doing research or even helping in engineering.
  • #3
You don't specify whether you want your job to be related to physics or not. Yes, if you want to work in Physics, then you are somewhat restricted, but a degree in Physics will open up the door to a myriad of other career paths.
  • #4
Not all researchers are professors.
Most "pure" research is done in an academic setting or national lab because it is unlikely to have a payoff in the near future. Much applied research is done in industrial settings.

If you want to do research in an engineering field, it is much easier to major in that field. It is not impossible or even prohibitively difficult to enter engineering fields related to physics after an undergrad degree in physics. Note that for some fields, e.g. chemical or biomedical engineering will require a lot of unrelated background knowledge, it will take much more effort than others! This may also affect your career paths by limiting access to a PE license, et cetera.

It depends on what you want, but it's definitely not useless.
  • #5
I've never had trouble finding work with my BS in physics, but I also took a whole lot of chemistry classes. I did have to start at a pretty low-level, but I worked myself up pretty fast. There are many labs that employ physics majors. But it's also true that there are more opportunities with an engineering degree.

A bonus that you get with a physics degree: in the interview process, you will stand out. It's nice to come back for the second interview in the hiring process and hear the interviewer say, "Oh, I remember you! You're the one with the physics degree!"
  • #6
One thing to remember is that an undergradute degree in any science, including physics, is not job training, it's an education. Engineering is a little different because it's a professional degree that can be more directly translated into the workforce.

That being said here's a list of various positions assumed by people I have known who started out in physics (in no particular order):
- medical physicist (some completely clinical, others with academic and research appointments)
- financial analyst
- dentist
- radiation therapist
- scientific journalist
- department of national defence scientist
- meteorologist
- geophysicist (working in oil exploration)
- radiation protection officer
- teacher: high school, private school, tutorial service manager
- astronomer
- various sales associates for medical technology companies
- entrepreneur
- medical doctor
- actuary
- science centre demonstrator
- police officer
- computer programmer
- nuclear medicine technologist
- ultrasound technologist

I'm sure I'll think of about 10 more to add to the list as soon as I post this. The vast majority of people I have known have gone on to follow the academic stream (working towards a tenured professor position).
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  • #7
Choppy said:
One thing to remember is that an undergradute degree in any science, including physics, is not job training, it's an education. Engineering is a little different because it's a professional degree that can be more directly translated into the workforce.

Excellent point, Choppy!
  • #8
The point of a college degree is education, not to get you a job. We have places that are designed to get you a job - they are called trade schools. (Engineering is a bit different, as it's a professional degree.)

Looking at your thread on "How shud [sic] physics be taught", though, I'd have to wonder why you want to major in physics. Many of the complaints you have won't go away - they'll get worse. You'll have professors that aren't entertaining. There will be things you have to memorize. And you certainly won't have the subject matter's relevance demonstrated through video games.
  • #9
This here is an interesting question and I'd like some of you in the know to further comment if you don't mind. Where I'm from, universities don't allow physics graduates to pursue post-grad qualifications in engineering fields (you need to have studied BEng), but it seems that this might just be an issue over on this side of the water. Is it relatively easy to get into engineering fields over in the States with a physics background? I understand that some fields will be tough going, but say, for example, robotics/mechatronics/electric?
  • #10
As someone in their last year of high school (Australia) that has to consider Uni choices in a couple of months, this thread is of increadible interest.

While I have a broad facination in all the science subjects I do (chemistry, maths and physics) I would have to say that I enjoy Physics the most. I love the concepts and the thinking required.

Now, I've heard that it is very hard to get a decent job in the physics industry (for lack of a better word) without going all the way to PhD level, and even then it's still quite hard. I've also heard that a straight BSc is one of the most useless degrees you can get on it's own!

So anyway, while I would love to do major in physics, I'm beginning to think that it would be better to go in the way of an engineering course as so many people that are interested in science seem to go. However, I really do enjoy physics and even though, as I understand it, there are physics subjects intertwined within engineering courses I don't know if it'd be the same.

Ideally, I'd love to be be doing research in a physics role, but I'm unsure how practical this would really be and I'd hate to waste time doing a degree and then have to go back and do another one to get work. I have also heard that many employers like employees with physics degrees. It'd be nice to know what sort of non physics fields it would be possible to get into with a physics degree, without any extra training I guess. (Or training that the employer would pay for).

Any advice would be superb. Thanks again.
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  • #11
What has the physicist learned in his undergrad and grad-years?

- Mathematics

this can translate into analytical thinking, highly sought after in finance, R&D, and even other lines of work.

- Physics

This translates into knowledge about how the world works, and the ability to learn and understand very difficult things in a limited amount of time.

- Working in teams

The physicist almost always have some kind of labwork or project and even a longer essay of some sort in the end of his/her educational experience. Here the physicist learns (hopefully) how to interact and hone interpersonal skills, something that is very important, even for the physicist in the ivory tower of academia.

- Being creative

Science and engineering isn't about firing a lazer, boiling stuff, make things explode and stuff like that. It's about finding a solution on a problem that needs to be solved yesterday. Solving problems in a limited amount of time. Being creative and look at problems in many different ways. Being a multi-dimensional resolute creative entity.

- What jobs can you get in the field of science and engineering?

Being the creative problemsolver I hope you are, you can get almost any job. It would have been cold to just stop there, but I will give some additional guidance.

In sweden (you must always look at what your country and your region has for opportunities);

As a pure physicist, you can work with medical imaging, medical diagnostic equipment, materialdesign, enviromental tech and probably electronics. I think that a more mathminded physicist could get a job as a numerical analysis scientist. Another filed of work that will be pretty large in europe is reactor-physicists or nuclearpower-physicists.
  • #12
Vanadium 50 said:
The point of a college degree is education, not to get you a job. We have places that are designed to get you a job - they are called trade schools. (Engineering is a bit different, as it's a professional degree.)

Looking at your thread on "How shud [sic] physics be taught", though, I'd have to wonder why you want to major in physics. Many of the complaints you have won't go away - they'll get worse. You'll have professors that aren't entertaining. There will be things you have to memorize. And you certainly won't have the subject matter's relevance demonstrated through video games.

Yes I agree with you.But we live in a very competitive world where education is expensive and a big risk.So after investing all my parents money and all my time I think studying for a job is more important than just learning for fun.

Yes I have complaints with physics but I love the idea of trying to solve different problems by looking at it in different angles and using logic.I also like searching the net and finding stuff for myself so its okay.
I am willing to major in physics if money was not a problem.I am scared of involves too much math and I am a bit weak and a slow thinker with numbers.However,I guess I have to take engineering to ensure my future...
  • #13
Beasticly said:
Ideally, I'd love to be be doing research in a physics role, but I'm unsure how practical this would really be and I'd hate to waste time doing a degree and then have to go back and do another one to get work. I have also heard that many employers like employees with physics degrees. It'd be nice to know what sort of non physics fields it would be possible to get into with a physics degree, without any extra training I guess. (Or training that the employer would pay for).
Any advice would be superb. Thanks again.

Yeah I feel the same way and have the same question.
  • #14
Fearless said:
What has the physicist learned in his undergrad and grad-years?

- Mathematics

this can translate into analytical thinking, highly sought after in finance, R&D, and even other lines of work.

- Physics

This translates into knowledge about how the world works, and the ability to learn and understand very difficult things in a limited amount of time.

- Working in teams

The physicist almost always have some kind of labwork or project and even a longer essay of some sort in the end of his/her educational experience. Here the physicist learns (hopefully) how to interact and hone interpersonal skills, something that is very important, even for the physicist in the ivory tower of academia.

- Being creative

Science and engineering isn't about firing a lazer, boiling stuff, make things explode and stuff like that. It's about finding a solution on a problem that needs to be solved yesterday. Solving problems in a limited amount of time. Being creative and look at problems in many different ways. Being a multi-dimensional resolute creative entity.

- What jobs can you get in the field of science and engineering?

Being the creative problemsolver I hope you are, you can get almost any job. It would have been cold to just stop there, but I will give some additional guidance.

In sweden (you must always look at what your country and your region has for opportunities);

As a pure physicist, you can work with medical imaging, medical diagnostic equipment, materialdesign, enviromental tech and probably electronics. I think that a more mathminded physicist could get a job as a numerical analysis scientist. Another filed of work that will be pretty large in europe is reactor-physicists or nuclearpower-physicists.

Thank you for your comments.Environmental tech seems interestinng.
  • #15
terminator88 said:
I am willing to major in physics if money was not a problem.I am scared of involves too much math and I am a bit weak and a slow thinker with numbers.However,I guess I have to take engineering to ensure my future...

Both physicists and engineers have to know a lot of math. The material in both disciplines can only be understood once the math is understood. You're fooling yourself if you think you can major in physics and not have to use math.
  • #16
terminator88 said:
I am scared of involves too much math and I am a bit weak and a slow thinker with numbers.

If you don't like this aspect about engineering, why do you think you will like physics? There is at least as much math. When I graduated with an SB in physics, I was one class short of a math major (and if that were my goal, I could easily have substituted one math class for another to do it).

I think you also don't appreciate the value of education for education's sake. Businesses don't, as a rule, hire college graduates because of what they studied in college. They hire them because they have become educated and have demonstrated that they are able to quickly learn and assimilate new information. In the business world, that is much more important than a bunch of facts. Carly Fiorina majored in medieval history. Michael Eisner majored in history - didn't take a single business course. In a very real sense, an attitude of "I only want to learn what helps me get a job" makes one less likely to get this job.
  • #17
Why not double major and hedge your bets?
Or major in engineering and minor in physics?

There are lots of options, and if you're worried about employment opportunities, take steps to make sure you'll get a job.
  • #18
phyzmatix said:
This here is an interesting question and I'd like some of you in the know to further comment if you don't mind. Where I'm from, universities don't allow physics graduates to pursue post-grad qualifications in engineering fields (you need to have studied BEng), but it seems that this might just be an issue over on this side of the water. Is it relatively easy to get into engineering fields over in the States with a physics background? I understand that some fields will be tough going, but say, for example, robotics/mechatronics/electric?

For grad school you mean? I think it's a bit easier to chance form physics to engineering, but not so much the other way around.
  • #19
If the Mathematics is troublesome for you, could you spend extra time developing your Math skills and knowledge OUTSIDE of the semesters? Could you spend two or three additional semesters for re-enrolls or for an extra Math course? Anyone who want work with physical sciences must be skilled with Math. When you leave school, or graduate, the very bare minimum that you must retain is two semesters of Algebra (Intro & Intermediate), and maybe some practical Geometry, depending on the work you expect to find --- but that is the BARE MINIMUM. Some jobs may require more, some maybe require less. Even by a year's time after you graduate, if you do not at least still know some intermediate algebra, then you should restudy it, and maybe more. ALWAYS MAINTAIN some Algebra skills! You would still need it in the most dead-end scientific jobs.
  • #20
You're most likely not goign to get a job w/ just a physics degree. employers need you to know some engineering too, and even getting those engineering jobs are highly competitive and few opennings are avail. Getting emmployment in the high tech industry nowadays is very hard and frustrating. Ask your school's career counselor more about it.

Finding a job might be so hard that you'll regret ur initial career and educational experiences. Keep physics as a hobby...dont rely on it for a job.
  • #21
For grad school you mean? I think it's a bit easier to chance form physics to engineering, but not so much the other way around.
I'm afraid I don't know how the education system works in the US, but over here we finish school and if you do well enough to get university exemption, you can go straight to university to do a basic bachelor's in whatever field you get accepted into. Once you've completed the bachelor's successfully (3-4 years depending on what you're studying), you can apply for honours, masters and PhD (in that order). The problem here is, if you completed your bachelors in one field, to switch to another isn't allowed...(personally I think our system is just a bit "backwards" to put it mildly, which is why I'd like to know how it works in developed countries).
  • #22
RasslinGod said:
You're most likely not goign to get a job w/ just a physics degree. employers need you to know some engineering too, and even getting those engineering jobs are highly competitive and few opennings are avail. Getting emmployment in the high tech industry nowadays is very hard and frustrating. Ask your school's career counselor more about it.

Finding a job might be so hard that you'll regret ur initial career and educational experiences. Keep physics as a hobby...dont rely on it for a job.

I don't know that much of your countries jobmarket, but in europe industry is booming and the cost of not finding enough engineers in germany alone is a whopping 6.5 Billion € every year. The salaries for a engineer with 5 years experience in berlin is somewhat of 5000 € every month.

So of course there are competition about the engineering jobs. But hey, near oilrich countries in the north of europe and industrial superpowers like france and germany, there are a legion of jobs waiting to be filled.

Of course you need to meet some basic requirements, like speaking english at a nearfluent level, being willing to learn at least one more european language (preferably spanish, french or german). You should also have not more than one gap year, two is stretching it. Being somewhat normal in your social behavior (engineering is a social job after all) and being rational in your behavior as a leader and in your financial obligations. (Engineers are very often used as administrators, because of their skills at working very hard, meeting deadlines and collecting and quickly deciding on information. This is what we get to learn in european univeristies, when we study towards our Msc in engineering. Of course there are schools in europe that are crap, but most of them is tier-2 and tier-3).

And if you are an engineer with a minor in physics, or even engineering physics as a major, then you will have a job.
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  • #23
Vanadium 50 said:
If you don't like this aspect about engineering, why do you think you will like physics? There is at least as much math. When I graduated with an SB in physics, I was one class short of a math major (and if that were my goal, I could easily have substituted one math class for another to do it).

I think you also don't appreciate the value of education for education's sake. Businesses don't, as a rule, hire college graduates because of what they studied in college. They hire them because they have become educated and have demonstrated that they are able to quickly learn and assimilate new information. In the business world, that is much more important than a bunch of facts. Carly Fiorina majored in medieval history. Michael Eisner majored in history - didn't take a single business course. In a very real sense, an attitude of "I only want to learn what helps me get a job" makes one less likely to get this job.

Ohk thanks for the advice...I will keep that in mind.You are probably right.
  • #24
Something else to add:

Engineering is more about the application of existing principles. If you enjoy projects where you design and build stuff or the kind of problem solving where you try to reconstruct what happened when something doesn't work then it's likely a field you would enjoy.

Physics is more about the exploration of new principles. If you enjoy exploring ideas and working with problems that no one has solved yet, then you would enjoy it as a field.

There's lots of overlap between the two disciplines. You may want to consider the field engineering physics.

FAQ: Jobs available by majoring in physics?

1. What types of jobs are available for someone who majors in physics?

Some common job titles for physics majors include research scientist, data analyst, engineer, teacher, and consultant. However, there are many other career paths available, as physics majors develop a variety of analytical and problem-solving skills that are highly valued in many industries.

2. How much can I expect to earn with a degree in physics?

The average starting salary for a physics major is around $60,000 per year, but this can vary depending on the specific job and location. With experience and advanced degrees, physics majors can earn significantly higher salaries, with some roles in research and development earning six-figure salaries.

3. Do I need a graduate degree to find a job in physics?

While some entry-level positions may be available for those with a bachelor's degree in physics, many jobs in this field require at least a master's degree. A graduate degree also opens up opportunities for more specialized and higher-paying roles in research and development.

4. What skills do I need to succeed in a career in physics?

In addition to a strong understanding of mathematical and scientific principles, physics majors also develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. They often have experience with computer programming and data analysis, as well as excellent communication and teamwork abilities.

5. Are there any specific industries that hire physics majors?

Physics majors are in demand in a variety of industries, including technology, aerospace, energy, healthcare, and finance. Some may also work in government agencies or research institutions. With their strong mathematical and analytical skills, physics majors have the flexibility to work in various fields and industries.

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