Stern–Gerlach experiment with photons?

In summary: If we did this experiment with neutrinos what would we excpect to see , Neutrino's are neutral in charge but have a spin of 1/2
  • #1
If we did this experiment with photons , the photon can have a spin of 1, 0 , -1 ,
right , so then we would expect to see 3 paths correct .
Physics news on
  • #2
cragar said:
If we did this experiment with photons , the photon can have a spin of 1, 0 , -1 ,
right , so then we would expect to see 3 paths correct .

No, because photons are unaffected by gradient of magnetic field. I believe we discussed this three weeks ago. See:

There is a difference between spin and magnetic dipole moment.
  • #3
ok i see , thanks for the answer. Then why are neutrons affected by the magnetic field
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  • #4
cragar said:
ok i see , thanks for the answer. Then why are neutrons affected by the magnetic field

They have magnetic dipole moment. Reason this is so is neutron is composite particle made of three charged quarks.
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  • #5
cragar said:
... the photon can have a spin of 1, 0 , -1 , right , so then we would expect to see 3 paths correct .

And, just to be clear - photons always have spin 1. They can have different projections of spin 1 and -1. If it was ordinary particle, it would also have 0 projection, but it doesn't. Long story short: lack of rest mass removes that state. If photons had 0 projection state, that would be seen as longitudinal polarized light.
  • #6
cragar said:
If we did this experiment with photons , the photon can have a spin of 1, 0 , -1 ,
right , so then we would expect to see 3 paths correct .

If you replace the Stern-Gerlach apparatus with a calcite crystal then you can do the analogous experiment with photons.
  • #7
eaglelake said:
If you replace the Stern-Gerlach apparatus with a calcite crystal then you can do the analogous experiment with photons.

Fair enough, but what would be the point? With AgBr (or some other silver) -> Silver Halide you're exploring the photographic process. With photons you'd be doing some kind of bastardized version of better experimental apparatus'.
  • #8
Frame Dragger said:
Fair enough, but what would be the point? With AgBr (or some other silver) -> Silver Halide you're exploring the photographic process. With photons you'd be doing some kind of bastardized version of better experimental apparatus'.

I thought that the original post had to do with doing the
Stern-Gerlach experiment with photons. As pointed out, we cannot do the Stern-Gerlach experiment with photons. I am only pointing out that, just as Stern-Gerlach magnets are used to measure spin, Calcite crystals can be used to measure polarization. As you know, spin 1/2 particles have two eigenvalues, as does polarization. The Stern-Gerlach (Calcite crystal) experiment has two output channels, one for each possible value the spin (polarization). The physics of the two experiments is almost identical. If you understand one, then you understand the other. That's all I was trying to say!
Best wishes
  • #9
eaglelake said:
I thought that the original post had to do with doing the
Stern-Gerlach experiment with photons. As pointed out, we cannot do the Stern-Gerlach experiment with photons. I am only pointing out that, just as Stern-Gerlach magnets are used to measure spin, Calcite crystals can be used to measure polarization. As you know, spin 1/2 particles have two eigenvalues, as does polarization. The Stern-Gerlach (Calcite crystal) experiment has two output channels, one for each possible value the spin (polarization). The physics of the two experiments is almost identical. If you understand one, then you understand the other. That's all I was trying to say!
Best wishes

Hence the "fair enough" that preceeded everything I said. I take your point.
  • #10
xlines said:
They have magnetic dipole moment. Reason this is so is neutron is composite particle made of three charged quarks.

ok so if we did this experiment with neutrons , then would we see two different paths for the neutrons , and would the neutrons deflect because of their spin or because of their magnetic moment .
And if we did this experiment with neutrinos what would we excpect to see , Neutrino's are neutral in charge but have a spin of 1/2
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  • #11
cragar said:
ok so if we did this experiment with neutrons , then would we see two different paths for the neutrons , and would the neutrons deflect because of their spin or because of their magnetic moment .
And if we did this experiment with neutrinos what would we excpect to see , Neutrino's are neutral in charge but have a spin of 1/2

WRONG>They would behave as a silver atom would, determined by their dipole moment, not their spin.<WRONG

EDIT: Ok... that's true for neutrons, which is what I read in the first sentence, then apparently ran with it an ignored that you were talking about neutrinos. The spin really should have given it away... sorry!
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  • #12
so a neutrino with no charge has a dipole moment , what gives it a dipole moment
  • #13
cragar said:
so a neutrino with no charge has a dipole moment , what gives it a dipole moment

EDIT: Sorry, tired... I forget we're talking about a neutrino, not a neutron; In my post #11 I was thinking "neutron".

Here is the answer to your question about neutrinos:

So, yes, their spin can be determined, but they have no magnetic dipole moment, but maybe a gravitoelectric one. and would fly past the apparatus as they would pass through the Earth.

Truly sorry, I shouldn't comment when tired... I tend to miss things like "-ino" at the end of "neutron" and I probably could have spared you confusion.
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  • #14
Frame Dragger said:
See post #4. If you want to do a bit of research you could take a crack at QCD, a fasciniting subject, but maybe basic E&M first.

But the neutrino has no subparticles
  • #15
cragar said:
But the neutrino has no subparticles

Yeah, I'm in EST (Eastern Standard time aka GMT -5:00) so... yeah, I was just being stupid and sleepy. Sorry crager.
  • #16
i see , thanks for your answers .
  • #17
cragar said:
i see , thanks for your answers .

Yeah, pity I couldn't have just made it an "answer" (singular) and not contradictory ones relating to completely different particles!

Thanks for letting me off easy. :wink:

FAQ: Stern–Gerlach experiment with photons?

1. What is the Stern-Gerlach experiment with photons?

The Stern-Gerlach experiment with photons is a thought experiment that demonstrates the quantum mechanical principle of spin angular momentum. It involves passing a beam of photons through a magnetic field and observing the deflection of the photons, which indicates their spin orientation.

2. Why is the Stern-Gerlach experiment important?

The Stern-Gerlach experiment is important because it provides evidence for the quantization of spin angular momentum in quantum mechanics. This experiment was one of the first to show that particles have discrete energy states, rather than being continuous.

3. How does the Stern-Gerlach experiment work?

In the experiment, a beam of photons is passed through a magnetic field that is oriented in a specific direction. The photons have a spin angular momentum, which can either be aligned with or against the direction of the magnetic field. As the photons pass through the field, they are deflected either up or down, depending on their spin orientation. This deflection can be observed and measured.

4. What was the significance of the Stern-Gerlach experiment with photons?

The Stern-Gerlach experiment with photons was significant because it provided evidence for the quantization of spin angular momentum in quantum mechanics. This concept is now a fundamental principle in our understanding of the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic level.

5. Has the Stern-Gerlach experiment with photons been replicated?

Yes, the Stern-Gerlach experiment with photons has been replicated numerous times, both in its original form and with variations. It has also been performed with other particles, such as electrons and atoms, and has consistently shown the quantization of spin angular momentum in these particles as well.
