Is There a Proven Method for Finding Prime Numbers?

  • Thread starter Sariaht
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In summary, the conversation discussed a theory that the n'th partition number into non-empty sets could be greater than or equal to the n-1st prime. However, it was pointed out that this is not true and that p_n is actually the coefficient of x^n in the equation \prod_{k \geq 1} \frac{1}{1-x^k}. The conversation also mentioned a simpler equation for finding the number of ways to write n, which involves the number of different prime factors and adding 1. It was noted that this equation could be simplified further. The discussion also touched on a different way to find the number of ways to write n, but it was not fully explained. Finally, there was confusion
  • #1
It was really close, perhaps the ways you can wright n on is >= the n-1:th prime. But how could i ever prove it?
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Physics news on
  • #2
7=3+2+2 It's rather a shame really
  • #3
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  • #4
You're claiming the n'th partition number into non-empty sets is the n-1st prime? That'd be nice, but it isn't true. p_n is, however, the coefficient of x^n in

[tex] \prod_{k \geq 1} \frac{1}{1-x^k}[/tex]
  • #5
No need to get embarassed, Sariaht!
I thought it was a really cool idea which just happened to be wrong.
  • #6
Perhaps if you...

Lets say the n'th partition number into non-empty sets is >= the n-1st prime!

That the ways you can wright n on is >= the n-1:th prime.
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  • #7
There are many bounds for primes you could look up.
  • #8
I made a simple equation for the ways you can wright n on:

nodpf(1 to a)*a - nodpf(1 to a)((1 to a) - 1) and add to this a

Primes and 1 excluded in (1 to a), if the current term is a prime or 1 then skip

nodpf = number of different prime factors, for instance 12 has the factors 2,3 and 3. The different prime factors i define as 2 and 3.

There is another way also, I will post it as soon as i figure it out. The one above is simpler to express.

For six the equation becomes:

(1)*6 - (1)(4 - 1)
(2)*6 - (2)(6 - 1)

For seven the equation becomes:

(1)*7 - (1)(4 - 1)
(2)*7 - (2)(6 - 1)
= 15

For eight the equation becomes:

(1)*8 - (1)(4 - 1)
(2)*8 - (2)(6 - 1)
(1)*8 - (1)(8 - 1)

And that is correct. the equation can be simplified into:
nodpf(1 to a)(a - ((1 to a) - 1)) and add to this a

For nine it looks like this:

nodpf(4)(9 - ((4) - 1))
nodpf(6)(9 - ((6) - 1))
nodpf(8)(9 - ((8) - 1))
nodpf(9)(9 - ((9) - 1))
1(9 - ((4) - 1))
2(9 - ((6) - 1))
1(9 - ((8) - 1))
1(9 - ((9) - 1))
9 - 3
18 - 10
9 - 7
9 - 8
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  • #9
Bits of that don't make sense: what does primes excluded in (1 to a) mean?
  • #10
I hope I answered the question in the last post after you asked.
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  • #11
No, it still makes no sense in many places as a piece of English.

FAQ: Is There a Proven Method for Finding Prime Numbers?

1. What is the significance of finding prime numbers?

Finding prime numbers is important in many areas of mathematics, computer science, and cryptography. Prime numbers are the building blocks of all other numbers, and they have unique properties that make them useful in a variety of applications. For example, they are used in encryption algorithms to ensure secure communication.

2. How do you determine if a number is prime?

One way to determine if a number is prime is to use a process called trial division, where you divide the number by every integer from 2 to its square root. If there is no remainder for any of these divisions, the number is prime. Another method is the Sieve of Eratosthenes, which involves creating a list of all numbers up to a certain limit and crossing out multiples of known primes until only the primes remain.

3. Are there any patterns or rules for finding prime numbers?

While there are some patterns and rules that can help identify potential prime numbers, there is no definitive formula for finding primes. Prime numbers tend to become more sparse as they get larger, making them more difficult to find. However, there are many ongoing research efforts to find new ways to efficiently find large prime numbers.

4. Can prime numbers be used in everyday life?

While prime numbers may not seem directly relevant to everyday life, they play a critical role in many modern technologies. For example, they are used in computer algorithms for data encryption, which is used in online banking and other secure communications. Prime numbers are also used in computer graphics and data compression.

5. Why is finding large prime numbers important?

One reason for finding large prime numbers is to ensure the security of encryption algorithms. As computers become more powerful, larger prime numbers are needed to create stronger encryption. Additionally, finding large prime numbers can also lead to new discoveries in mathematics and help us better understand the properties of these important numbers.

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