Infinitie Series: Converge/Diverge question

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In summary, the question asks whether the product of two convergent series with positive terms is also convergent. The answer is yes, as shown by applying the comparison test and using the fact that the tails of both series tend to zero. To make the proof more interesting, the Cauchy schwartz inequality can be used to show that the square of the terms in the series also exists. However, if the positivity condition is dropped, the result is false, as shown by the alternating series test.
  • #1
this question doesn't look hard when i read it, but then when i tried doing it, i can't :frown:

Suppose [tex]\sum[/tex]Ak and [tex]\sum[/tex]Bk are both convergent series with positive terms. Does it follow that [tex]\sum[/tex]AkBk converges? Show your answer is correct with an appropriate proof/ counter example.

Thanks for help.
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  • #2
Yes, it converges. Here's the hint:

since sum A_n converges, A_n tends to zero, hence for all k greater than some N, 0<=A_n< 1

now apply some comparison test to reach the conlcusion.

to make it more interesting how about:

Secondly, use the Cauchy schwartz inequality to prove the result (hint, you'll need to show sum (A_n)^2 exists.

Thirdly, show that if we drop the positivity conditions on the A_n and B_m then the result is false (hint alternating series test - if C_m is a sequence of positive terms tending to zero then sum (-1)^mC_m converges)
  • #3
Since the tails of both the A series and the B series must ->0, the tail of the product series goes to 0 faster. To put it rigorously, there exists a K such that for all k>K, AkBk<Ak, therefore the series of products must converge.
  • #4
You're not using the positivity condition, which is required. Though that is a small point.
  • #5
(matt grime) I presume you remark was addressed to me. I didn't use the words. However, I know the positive condition was necessary, and I didn't bother using | | for the terms involved.

FAQ: Infinitie Series: Converge/Diverge question

1. What is an infinite series?

An infinite series is a sum of an infinite number of terms. It can be written in the form of a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + an + ..., where an represents each term in the series.

2. How do you determine if an infinite series converges or diverges?

To determine if an infinite series converges or diverges, we use convergence tests such as the ratio test, the comparison test, and the integral test. These tests help us determine if the terms in the series approach a finite limit or if they continue to increase without bound.

3. What is the difference between a convergent and divergent infinite series?

A convergent infinite series has a finite sum, meaning that the terms in the series approach a finite limit. On the other hand, a divergent infinite series has an infinite sum, meaning that the terms in the series continue to increase without bound.

4. Can an infinite series with positive terms diverge?

Yes, an infinite series with positive terms can still diverge. This is because the terms in the series can increase at a fast enough rate to make the sum infinite, even though each individual term is positive.

5. What is the importance of understanding convergence and divergence in infinite series?

Understanding convergence and divergence in infinite series is important in many areas of mathematics and science. It helps us determine the behavior of functions, make predictions, and solve real-world problems. Additionally, it is a fundamental concept in calculus and is used in many advanced mathematical concepts and applications.

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