How can I measure pressure inside an internal combustion engine?

In summary, Piezoelectric transducers can be used to measure the pressure inside a combustion chamber. However, you will need a special piezoelectric transducer, high speed data acquisition, and a rotary encoder to link the data to crankshaft angle.
  • #1
Could some one tell me if there is any method to find out the instant pressure inside the combustion chamber of the internal combustion engine. I plan to change the way engines work if the pressure can be monitored.
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  • #2
Other than by calculation, I guess that the only way would be to mount transducers inside the cylinders or measure the force exerted on the connecting rod bearings.
Brewnog does this sort of stuff for a living, so he might be the best person to answer this.
  • #3
i was thinking of using piezo electric crystals as the transducer in this case. Would they melt or be active at the temp and pressure acting inside the combustion chamber.
  • #4
Yes you can use a piezo transducer, but you need one specially designed for combustion use, and you need a device capable of capturing the data at high speed and matching it to crankshaft angle from a rotary encoder.

Try AVL or Kistler.
  • #5
could you suggest how this could be done
i'm not trying to do it practically
but only doing theoretical paper.
so i need to explain the usage and not actually make it.
  • #6
i mean where can we get a piezoelectric transducer designed for such high temperature use. also let me know how to go about capturing the high speed data.
  • #7
What do you want to know? Put a pressure sensor in the cylinder, capture the signal using some kind of data acquisition kit, and link this to crankshaft angle from a rotary encoder.

What's your question?
  • #8
I want to know what pressure sensor to use.
  • #9
A piezoelectric dynamic pressure transducer?
  • #10
Look at Endevco's web site.
  • #11
can you give me the link please to this site.
  • #12"

Remember, Google is our friend. It took about 1 1/2 seconds to find that.
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  • #13
sorry to have bothered you
i'll rely on google more from now on
  • #14
No bother. I was just pointing out that you need not rely upon others quite as much. You can learn much more by doing your own searches, since they can lead to multiple other related sites that might be beneficial.
  • #15
Nice link Fred. AVL and Kistler are the market leaders for reciprocating engine pressure measurement, I'll be sure to check out Endevco.
  • #16
actually even if i search, my ability to check out the correct links is less compared to an experts eyes. see all the links that you all post from nasa.
i'm a regular visitor of but have never come across those links.
just inexperienced i guess
  • #17
I've never posted a Nasa link, just two which were pertinent to what I thought your question was.
  • #18
Try PCB Transducers, Also ussually internal combustion engines we do not speak of a combustion chamber since it is also a compression chamber etc.
Most of the time only a couple cycles are tested this way one does not let the engine run for a long time. You will need high speed data capturing probably 1 Mhz temporal resolution (see Gagescope). That will give you about one datapoint per degree turning angle

FAQ: How can I measure pressure inside an internal combustion engine?

1. What is the purpose of pressure inside an internal combustion engine?

The pressure inside an internal combustion engine is essential for the engine's operation. It helps to create the necessary force to move the piston and drive the crankshaft, which ultimately powers the vehicle.

2. How is pressure created inside an internal combustion engine?

Pressure is created inside an internal combustion engine through the combustion of fuel and air mixture. When the spark plug ignites the mixture, it causes a controlled explosion, which creates a rapid increase in pressure inside the engine.

3. What is the ideal pressure range for an internal combustion engine?

The ideal pressure range for an internal combustion engine depends on the type of engine and its design. However, most modern engines operate within a range of 600 to 900 pounds per square inch (psi) of pressure.

4. How does pressure affect an engine's performance?

The pressure inside an internal combustion engine directly affects its performance. If the pressure is too low, the engine will not produce enough power, and if it's too high, it can cause engine knocking and damage. Maintaining the right pressure is crucial for optimal engine performance.

5. Can pressure inside an internal combustion engine be measured?

Yes, pressure inside an internal combustion engine can be measured using specialized tools such as a pressure gauge or a dynamometer. These instruments can provide accurate readings of the pressure within the engine, allowing mechanics to diagnose any potential issues and make necessary adjustments.

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