What are some good books for catching up on basic physics and chemistry?

In summary, the person is planning on taking an entrance exam for medicine this summer and is having difficulty catching up to the required basic science knowledge. They recommend a book on high school physics and chemistry, as well as a book on basic classical physics.
  • #1

This summer, I plan on participating in an entry exam for medicine. It requires a basic knowledge on biology, mathematics, chemistry and physics. I had a classical high school education, so very light on sciences. Biology and maths should be no problem; chemistry and physics are giving me a hard time though...

I have a lot of catching up to do, and I will need a good book on basic classical physics. Considering the stuff I have to know, I assume it has to be a very big one.

Subjects on the curriculum: mechanics, fluids, electrodynamics, electricity, waves, ... in other words: high school physics.

Anyone have any good (big) book recommendations? Decent mathematics, though not too complicated. Preferably a visual book, modern, so I don't get bored. Lots of exercises, of course...

For chemistry, I'm looking for a similar book (same style, ...), also high school subjects: stoichiometric, atom structure, binding, kinetics, balance, ... (I'm translating this, so I don't know if these are the exact terms.)

So: a big, modern book on high school physics and a big, modern book on high school chemistry.

Thanks for the help!
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I have not applied to med-school myself, but I did participate (and succeeded pretty well!) in a technical university's entrance exams. I studied based on some very compact material, which for me was a very good approach. Now I have the elementary university books and they contain MUCH more than I needed to know in the entrance exams. My point is, that if you have not studied very much chemistry and physics, learning from a university book may be so much work (since you'll have a hard time telling what you can skip) that it takes unnecessary focus away from the other subjects you need to know.

But then again, I'm from Finland so it is quite possible that my experience is not comparable to what you are facing.

PS. Oh, and I have Young & Freeman for physics and Housecraft & Constable for chemistry.
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  • #3
You can find them on the net.

I forgot the name of it, but there is a good basic physics textbook free online somewhere.
  • #4

any more? I want to compare.
  • #5
Besides a physics textbook, Feynman's six easy pieces which are exerpts from his lectures is a good one to bring to the bus or toilet...

FAQ: What are some good books for catching up on basic physics and chemistry?

1. What are the key topics covered in a good book on basic physics?

A good book on basic physics will cover topics such as motion, forces, energy, matter, waves, electricity, and magnetism. It will also include basic mathematical concepts and formulas used in physics.

2. How can a good book on basic physics help me understand complex concepts?

A good book on basic physics will provide clear explanations and illustrations to help you understand complex concepts. It will also include examples and practice problems to reinforce your understanding.

3. Is there a specific level of math proficiency required to understand a good book on basic physics?

While a basic understanding of algebra is helpful, a good book on basic physics will provide an introduction to the necessary mathematical concepts and equations used in physics. It will also include step-by-step explanations and examples to help you understand and apply them.

4. Can a good book on basic physics be used as a reference guide?

Yes, a good book on basic physics can serve as a reference guide for future studies in physics. It will provide a solid foundation of fundamental concepts and equations that can be applied to more advanced topics.

5. Are there any recommended resources or practice materials to accompany a good book on basic physics?

Many good books on basic physics include online resources, such as interactive simulations and practice problems, to enhance your learning experience. Some books may also include accompanying workbooks or study guides for additional practice and review.

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