Symbols, such as alpha etc. into your posts

  • Thread starter Hootenanny
  • Start date
In summary, there are various websites and tools available for inserting symbols, such as Greek letters, into posts without using LaTeX. Some options include using lookup tables or character maps to copy and paste the desired symbols, or using Microsoft Alt-key codes. There are also alternative websites with a comprehensive list of symbols for easy access.
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Does anyone know how to get symbols, such as alpha etc. into your posts without using latex?

Physics news on
  • #2

Look for the Greek letters in the second table. I've also seen people use other symbols not in that page, partial d, for example.
  • #3


The symbols don't match the numbers... :frown:
Last edited:
  • #4
Here's part of a table from

One could copy from the tables above [or this post] and paste into a message being composed.

Mathematical Operators
8704 	2200 	∀ 	forall 	∀ 	for all 	ISOtech
8706 	2202 	∂ 	part 	∂ 	partial differential 	ISOtech
8707 	2203 	∃ 	exist 	∃ 	there exists 	ISOtech
8709 	2205 	∅ 	empty 	∅ 	empty set=null set, =diameter, 	ISOamso
8711 	2207 	∇ 	nabla 	∇ 	nabla=backward difference, 	ISOtech
8712 	2208 	∈ 	isin 	∈ 	element of 	ISOtech
8713 	2209 	∉ 	notin 	∉ 	not an element of 	ISOtech
8715 	220B 	∋ 	ni 	∋ 	contains as member 	ISOtech
8719 	220F 	∏ 	prod 	∏ 	n-ary product=product sign, 	ISOamsb
8721 	2211 	∑ 	sum 	∑ 	n-ary sumation 	ISOamsb
8722 	2212 	− 	minus 	− 	minus sign 	ISOtech
8727 	2217 	∗ 	lowast 	∗ 	asterisk operator 	ISOtech
8730 	221A 	√ 	radic 	√ 	square root=radical sign, 	ISOtech
8733 	221D 	∝ 	prop 	∝ 	proportional to 	ISOtech
8734 	221E 	∞ 	infin 	∞ 	infinity 	ISOtech
8736 	2220 	∠ 	ang 	∠ 	angle 	ISOamso
8869 	2227 	⊥ 	and 	∧ 	logical and=wedge, 	ISOtech
8870 	2228 	⊦ 	or 	∨ 	logical or=vee, 	ISOtech
8745 	2229 	∩ 	cap 	∩ 	intersection=cap, 	ISOtech
8746 	222A 	∪ 	cup 	∪ 	union=cup, 	ISOtech
8747 	222B 	∫ 	int 	∫ 	integral 	ISOtech
8756 	2234 	∴ 	there4 	∴ 	therefore 	ISOtech
8764 	223C 	∼ 	sim 	∼ 	tilde operator=varies with, =similar to, 	ISOtech
8773 	2245 	≅ 	cong 	≅ 	approximately equal to 	ISOtech
8776 	2248 	≈ 	asymp 	≈ 	almost equal to=asymptotic to, 	ISOamsr
8800 	2260 	≠ 	ne 	≠ 	not equal to 	ISOtech
8801 	2261 	≡ 	equiv 	≡ 	identical to 	ISOtech
8804 	2264 	≤ 	le 	≤ 	less-than or equal to 	ISOtech
8805 	2265 	≥ 	ge 	≥ 	greater-than or equal to 	ISOtech
8834 	2282 	⊂ 	sub 	⊂ 	subset of 	ISOtech
8835 	2283 	⊃ 	sup 	⊃ 	superset of 	ISOtech
8836 	2284 	⊄ 	nsub 	⊄ 	not a subset of 	ISOamsn
8838 	2286 	⊆ 	sube 	⊆ 	subset of or equal to 	ISOtech
8839 	2287 	⊇ 	supe 	⊇ 	superset of or equal to 	ISOtech
8853 	2295 	⊕ 	oplus 	⊕ 	circled plus=direct sum, 	ISOamsb
8855 	2297 	⊗ 	otimes 	⊗ 	circled times=vector product, 	ISOamsb
8869 	22A5 	⊥ 	perp 	⊥ 	up tack=orthogonal to, =perpendicular, 	ISOtech
8901 	22C5 	⋅ 	sdot 	⋅ 	dot operator 	ISOamsb
  • #5
Thanks rob

  • #6
Firstly, apologies for reviving a dead thread. Secondly, how difficult would it be to add a menu for inserting HTML entities into posts, similar to the LaTeX menu recently added? When typing a response, it isn't always necessary to use the presentation power of LaTeX for the odd Greek symbol or equation, however it's a bit of a pain to look up the decimal codes for various HTML entities. A quick drop down menu (maybe of just the Greek symbols) would make life much easier for writing short equations or for those no familiar with LaTeX, perhaps it would also reduce the unnecessary load on the server.

Just a thought.
  • #7

Kurdt said:
You can use Microsoft Alt-key codes if you use IE. ö is Alt+0246. You can find lists of alt-key codes all over the web. Here is one:


I'm not so fond of memorizing complex hotkeys, so I like this advice from the bottom of the page of Kurdt's link:

In addition The Character Map utility is free on all Windows machines and can be used to copy and paste accented letters and other foreign language characters characters into any Windows application. The Character Map is similar to the Insert Symbol tool found in some Windows applications such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft FrontPage.

To open the Character Map utility Click on the Windows Start menu, on the lower left of your screen. Select Programs » Accessories » System Tools » Character Map. (OR click Start, Run, and type Charmap).

After choosing a font, double click the desired character(s), click on Copy, return to your document and paste.

NOTE: On some PCs, the Character Map may be in another location under Accessories or the Start menu.
  • #8
Thank's mbrmbrg, very useful! :smile:
  • #9

FAQ: Symbols, such as alpha etc. into your posts

1. What is the purpose of using symbols in posts?

Symbols serve as a shorthand way to represent complex ideas or concepts in a concise manner. They can also add visual interest and enhance the overall message of a post.

2. How do I insert symbols into my posts?

Depending on the platform you are using, there are different ways to insert symbols into posts. Some common methods include using the character map on your computer, copying and pasting from a symbol library, or using keyboard shortcuts.

3. Are there specific symbols that are commonly used in posts?

Yes, there are certain symbols that are commonly used in posts, such as the alpha symbol (α), the beta symbol (β), and the omega symbol (Ω). These symbols are often used in scientific or mathematical contexts.

4. Can I create my own symbols to use in posts?

Yes, you can create your own symbols as long as they are supported by the platform you are using. This can be done by using special characters in a font editor or by using coding languages like HTML or LaTeX.

5. Do symbols have different meanings in different contexts?

Yes, symbols can have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. For example, the alpha symbol (α) can represent the first letter of the Greek alphabet or the level of significance in statistics. It is important to use symbols correctly and clarify their meaning in your posts.

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