Electromagnetic field vs. photon(s)

In summary, an EM field may by thought of as the exchange of an infinite number of virtual photons. With light (i.e. an EM wave) it's not as difficult to think about photons since you already have something moving from one place to another with a well defined velocity. With a static EM field it's harder to picture, but this is where the exchange of "virtual" photons comes in. If you want to know more about that exchange of infinite numbers of photons, do a web search for Quantum Electrodynamics or Quantum Field Theory.
  • #1
Inspired by another https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=176823", where the discussion drifts toward the (Schroedinger) wave function of photons, I rather like to focus on the electromagnetic (EM) field and its relation to photon(s):

What actually is the relation between an EM field and one or more photons. Which, if any, of the following statements comes anywhere near a true statement?
  • A photon is best described by an EM field.
  • Entangled photons share the same EM field.
  • An EM field gives rise to a photon when it interacts with, say, an electron.
  • In the latter case the EM field ceases to exist.
  • No, it depends: if all its energy is used up, it disappears, but if there is energy left, it continues to exist, and this is where the rest of it represents a photon that what previously entangled with the photon swallowed by the electron.
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  • #2
hm ... I'm not sure I'd agree with any of those statements!

I usually think of the EM field as the classical field satisfying the Maxwell equations, and the photon as the carrier of the field in Quantum Electrodynamics. Of course, in the "first quantized" picture of the Schroedinger Eq., the EM field is still kind of classical.

In any case, rather than your statements, I would say, "an EM field may by thought of as the exchange of an infinite number of virtual photons." In other words, if two charge particles interact, then their interaction consists of the exchange of photons. That's what it means to say that one of them "feels" the field of the other; they're throwing photons back and forth.

If you have an EM field, you must have photons, and vice versa; and if you don't, you don't.

In QED, by the way and in case you didn't know this, the full effect of the interaction between these two particles is described as the sum of the effects of individual interactions involving at least two photons, but also many more, up to infinity. The contributions from the interactions involving more photons become increasingly smaller, however, so they can generally be neglected.

Does that help at all?

- Bruce
  • #3
belliott4488 said:
In any case, rather than your statements, I would say, "an EM field may by thought of as the exchange of an infinite number of virtual photons." In other words, if two charge particles interact, then their interaction consists of the exchange of photons. That's what it means to say that one of them "feels" the field of the other; they're throwing photons back and forth.

Ok, so

two charge[d?] particles interact => photons are exchanged​

Can we turn this around and say
photon from computer screen hits my retina => charged particles in retina and computer screen interact?​

This bit about exchange of an infinite number virtual photons sound, eeeehm, ...:confused:

  • #4
Absolutely you can say that - the photons from computer screen interact with the electrons on atoms on your retina, no question about it.

With light (i.e. an EM wave) it's not as difficult to think about photons since you already have something moving from one place to another with a well defined velocity. With a static EM field it's harder to picture, but this is where the exchange of "virtual" photons comes in.

If you want to know more about that exchange of infinite numbers of photons, do a web search for Quantum Electrodynamics or Quantum Field Theory. There are a lot of intro. level explanations out there.

- Bruce
  • #6
birulami said:
  • A photon is best described by an EM field.
  • Entangled photons share the same EM field.
  • An EM field gives rise to a photon when it interacts with, say, an electron.
  • In the latter case the EM field ceases to exist.
  • No, it depends: if all its energy is used up, it disappears, but if there is energy left, it continues to exist, and this is where the rest of it represents a photon that what previously entangled with the photon swallowed by the electron.


We discussed this topic many times before :



FAQ: Electromagnetic field vs. photon(s)

1. What is the difference between an electromagnetic field and a photon?

An electromagnetic field is a physical field produced by electrically charged particles, while a photon is the smallest unit of electromagnetic radiation, carrying energy and momentum. In other words, an electromagnetic field is a continuous field that can exist in space, while a photon is a discrete particle that carries the energy of the field.

2. How does an electromagnetic field interact with photons?

An electromagnetic field can interact with photons through the process of emission and absorption. This means that charged particles can emit photons, transferring energy to them, or absorb photons, gaining energy from them. Photons can also be affected by the presence of an electromagnetic field, causing them to change direction or speed.

3. Can an electromagnetic field exist without photons?

Yes, an electromagnetic field can exist without photons. In the absence of any charged particles, there will be no photons present, but the field will still exist. This is because the field is a fundamental property of space and can exist even in a vacuum. However, photons are necessary for the field to interact with matter.

4. How are electromagnetic fields and photons related to each other?

Electromagnetic fields and photons are closely related as they are both part of the electromagnetic spectrum. An electromagnetic field is a continuous field that can be described by its frequency and amplitude, while a photon is a discrete particle that carries energy at a specific frequency. The energy of a photon is directly proportional to the frequency of the electromagnetic field it represents.

5. What is the role of photons in the electromagnetic field theory?

Photons play a crucial role in the electromagnetic field theory, also known as quantum electrodynamics. This theory explains how charged particles interact with each other through the exchange of photons. It also describes how electromagnetic fields are created and how they interact with matter. Without the concept of photons, it would be impossible to fully understand and explain the behavior of electromagnetic fields.

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